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Participation in STT/DB player base version of "The Contest"

Happy Monday Everyone... I hope your event is going well enough, but not so well that you finish ahead of myself or the other 49 members of my fleet! ;) (I'm kidding... I'm kidding)

Anyone remember the Seinfeld episode called "The Contest"? The one where Jerry & Co. devised a contest to see who could hold out the longest... (Google it... I don't want to get booted!).

I propose a STT/DB player base version of "The Contest" in which the entire player base makes a concerted effort to "hold out" from pulling single or 10x premium portal pulls UNTIL SUCH TIME as the premium portal pool is updated with those crew who should be in the normal pool of crew. This could last for months and months, or maybe it winds up only being 2-3 weeks and the pool is updated... But regardless, just let those singles and 10x's continue to pile up until the player base is informed of said update.

Who's with me? C'mon!!!

[Note: No one should get mad at this thread... It's meant, partially, in jest... An attempt at highlighting something that needs to happen (update of portal crew pool) in a light-hearted way.]
[GoT] Drunk Shimoda
GoT Chief Communications Officer


  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I could, but I have no will power... Yep I opened my free pull this morning and a duplicate 4* behold. *sigh* I should have waited... :s
    DB: Do Better
  • Having FF all 3-star characters and ships in the portal, I thought about doing as such this weekend. So, yeah, I suppose. I'll hold out until it's updated. Now, waiting until on crew that "should be in" I don't know that many will ever make it in at this point.
    Proud member of eXodus
    Join the eXo|plosion today!
  • Would be nice if they would change things up. So many characters need to be added.
  • I am the master of my domain. King of the castle. No point in buying packs (or opening the ones I've accumulated, but that's irrelevant to DB) until the portal is updated with more recent crew.
  • I'm with you! No more buying packs until things get updated! Do Better DB! ;)
  • [GoT] Unsober Shimoda[GoT] Unsober Shimoda ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I'm with you! No more buying packs until things get updated! Do Better DB! ;)

    Just let 'em pile up until opening packs takes as long as hitting thresholds in a Galaxy!
    [GoT] Drunk Shimoda
    GoT Chief Communications Officer
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I'm in on the premium portal 1X/10X abstention. I still have plenty of 4*s left to FE, so it's more about freezing/airlocking at this point to keep up with the current deluge of new cards at this point.

    As for packs? Well, that depends. I bit hard on the La Forge pack (because LeVar Burton is ter-RIF-ic!) and am happy with my FF AoS & 3/4F Watson. So, I will deal with event/theme packs as usual.
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Didn't know we needed a contest for this. I've been sitting on free pulls for ages. No sense in using them if they're guaranteed to be dupes. Worst gambling simulator ever.
  • I will try...try being a key word here
  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    I'm actually already doing this. No more new packs or opening up present ones until the FF behold problem is fixed or at least my chances are better with the less older crew added
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm waaaaay to easily excited to sit on portal packs (except the common ones obviously, which just get stockpiled to make the daily task 'free'), but I just wanted to throw a virtual high-five for having Drunk Shimoda in your sig. Are you a friend of DeSoto?
  • Best boss I ever had!
  • Kaitee wrote: »
    but I just wanted to throw a virtual high-five for having Drunk Shimoda in your sig. Are you a friend of DeSoto?

    Best boss I ever had...

    Been listening to the guys/show ever since that article ran on Ars Technica (?) way back when... Caught the live Premature Assimilation show in Philly last August.
    [GoT] Drunk Shimoda
    GoT Chief Communications Officer
  • I'm in because I keep getting duplicates. Finally got a non-duplicate as my dil card finishes out (not renewing), so credit where it's due (and credit where it's due for the Andorian ambassdor!), but for someone who's mainly in this game to collect my Star Trek faves, this game is currently (not always, but currently) in a pretty big rut for me, what with the stale portal crew, impossible dabo, improbable gauntlet and voyage crew, and mega-events dominated by 1) comic book characters (just not my preference) and 2) Disco (which I like fine, but overkill). Nothing irredeemable, but a portal crew refresh would be a big stimulus.
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