Time for a Real Dominion Event

in Make It So!
So we are coming up on the two year anniversary of events, and have had only three where Dominion was an event-featured factions. Of those events, no Dominion crew were featured, the best we got was an Odo variant and Laas.
I was really excited that the last part of the mega-event is called "Founders at War." Quite the letdown to see it is not the actual Founders.
Now that we are entering a 10+ month Discovery hiatus, maybe we can see some love for the neglected factions (i.e., Dominion and Hirogen). I would love to see a real Dominion themed, or at least partially Dominion themed (e.g., do something with the Iconian gates and feature Dominion, Romulan, and Section 31... Dominion and Romulans want to use the gates to gain footholds but Sec 31 is trying to stop them) about now.
Some crew could be recycled for 3* (Remata'klan or Keevan) and 4* (Kilana, Weyoun, Goran'agar, and Changeling Bashir). For new crew, some suggestions could include...
First Ometeklan
Yelgrun (if you can get the rights to Iggy Pop's face)
Weyoun Clone 5, 6, 7
Tempted Odo
Changling saboteur (from "The Adversary")
Colonel Lovok
And all the changeling variants we've seen through DS9 (Changeling O'Brien, Changeling Martok, Changeling Leyton, Changeling Kira, Changeling Krajensky).
I was really excited that the last part of the mega-event is called "Founders at War." Quite the letdown to see it is not the actual Founders.
Now that we are entering a 10+ month Discovery hiatus, maybe we can see some love for the neglected factions (i.e., Dominion and Hirogen). I would love to see a real Dominion themed, or at least partially Dominion themed (e.g., do something with the Iconian gates and feature Dominion, Romulan, and Section 31... Dominion and Romulans want to use the gates to gain footholds but Sec 31 is trying to stop them) about now.
Some crew could be recycled for 3* (Remata'klan or Keevan) and 4* (Kilana, Weyoun, Goran'agar, and Changeling Bashir). For new crew, some suggestions could include...
First Ometeklan
Yelgrun (if you can get the rights to Iggy Pop's face)
Weyoun Clone 5, 6, 7
Tempted Odo
Changling saboteur (from "The Adversary")
Colonel Lovok
And all the changeling variants we've seen through DS9 (Changeling O'Brien, Changeling Martok, Changeling Leyton, Changeling Kira, Changeling Krajensky).
My 8-Point STT Strategy:
1. Voyage.
2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
3. Only pursue characters I care about.
4. Contribute to the fleet.
5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
6. Have fun.
7. Voyage.
8. Have fun!
1. Voyage.
2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
3. Only pursue characters I care about.
4. Contribute to the fleet.
5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
6. Have fun.
7. Voyage.
8. Have fun!
My bad... thought they only went up to 7.
Clones, keeping track of them is a full time job.
1. Voyage.
2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
3. Only pursue characters I care about.
4. Contribute to the fleet.
5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
6. Have fun.
7. Voyage.
8. Have fun!
4* Internment Camp Bashir
5* Senator Vreenak
Romulan,Cultural Figure,Diplomat,Dominion
With the sound byte: "It's a Fake!"
At least three Weyouns including Dabo Wheel Weyoun and Defective Weyoun
Kanar Damar (Sound bit: "Maybe you should talk to Worf again ...")
Cousin Gayla
Ensign Nog (or War-Nog from AR-558, but don't make him need to much Klingon War-Nog please!)
Internment Camp Martok & Worf
Admiral William Ross
Legate Brocal (or whatever his name is)
Dr. Elias Gyger (ENG-SCI-MED)
"Anjohl" Dukat
Captain Solok
Admiral Sitak
Join the eXo|plosion today!
His artwork is great but power creep makes him useless. I mean he should be like on of the greatest 4 * characters by stats
So new Sloan - either Deputy Director or Undercover Sloan 4 * with base stats command 650 diplomacies 950 security 450 or * star with 1100 1200 600
I think at least one of the names suggested above is in consideration for upcoming crew. I'll pass on the others to the designers.
Civilian, Brand and Marketing
Ex-Disruptor Beam
My man! (he said in his best Jason Momoa/Aquaman voice)
Just what I wanted to hear after taking a sick day to drive 4 hours both ways for a family plumbing emergency! Hopefully this will extend beyond just new crew as well (i.e., event time).
1. Voyage.
2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
3. Only pursue characters I care about.
4. Contribute to the fleet.
5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
6. Have fun.
7. Voyage.
8. Have fun!