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Voyage out of AM - Out of AM then a warning - Is this an error?

I have a ticket on this but they seem backlogged. I don't see anything in "engineering" and that area seems less monitored.

When the voyage runs out of AM, only after you've made a decision is the warning issued: "Warning: blah, blah, blah is still in deep blah, blah at risk of losing blah blah your crew advises you to to (that part I remember) consider returning blah blah by recalling now blah blah.

Obviously, this message is intended to appear prior to out of AM. But I've watched it twice. It does not until after. I suspect the original intent was to also pause. This is obviously preferred. I don't think anybody enjoys the manual task of stretching out those last few rewards.

Has anything been confirmed? Am I the only one experiencing this? Is this an error, was it designed to pause the voyage, any plans to fix it?


  • I only know the warning, that you described, after you refill your AM. Then you'd be told, that you are still in the deep space...

    But I've never seen a warning before you ran out of AM.
  • It FEELS like it's supposed to come before you run out of AM, but I think it's just wording. Basically it's in the right place as it's kinda like your crew are reminding you that you just ran out of AM, and refilling doesn't guarantee you'll get home, but more that you'll carry on again from this point and it'll run out.

    Yeah, their wording is as clumsy as mine. No, that's not possible. But this actually isn't a bug IMO, it just feels a little clumsy because it comes after you've refilled.
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

    Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals

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  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ideally we'd get the recall option before it"crashes" it runs out of fuel or what ever the terminology is.. I myself don't feel that was intended, because if it were there would be no need for the abandon button.

    I feel in that regard it's working perfectly, it's a means for DB to make some money off this very generous add on which I am happy to oblige.

    The abandon button is for those that don't want to put cannot afford to pay to continue / keep the prizes if they miss the free window of recall.
  • Refilling does guarantee you'll get home - it takes 0 AM to recall a voyage. I still think it's a bug, and a fairly large one in the number of effected players.
  • Refilling only guarantees you'll make it home if you press Recall before your AM runs out again. I think that's the point of the big red message.

    You've handily un-clumsified my wording for me!
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

    Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals

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  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    I find I usually get this warning when my ship is *returning home on recall*. And I panic and go in to see, yeah it's still just flying back. I also get dilemma notifications during recall. So yes, the Voyage notifications definitely need some fixing.
  • Magisse wrote: »
    I find I usually get this warning when my ship is *returning home on recall*. And I panic and go in to see, yeah it's still just flying back. I also get dilemma notifications during recall. So yes, the Voyage notifications definitely need some fixing.

    I think that's a different issue. The OP is talking about the message that comes up in red text after you refill AM.

    I too get really weird notifications on my iPhone & iPad - I have a dilemma to solve... when my voyage is an hour from returning home... or my voyage is about to crash 20 mins before it returns home.
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

    Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals

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  • Here's the message. This was clearly intended to appear before the absolute need to refill: "at risk", "by recalling now". It's a bug. The only question is was it intended to pause, and I think it should. I'd love for DB to weigh in on this (and so many, many other things).
  • [RotP] Scoustar[RotP] Scoustar ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    I agree that it looks like the message was originally intended to be a free pause-point before AM runs out, but it doesn't work that way so I take is as clumsy wording. Perhaps in the initial design phase this was intended as your safe-spot, but afterwards DB decided that you could lose your loot.

    I 100% understand that it looks like a bug, and was designed to warn you before AM runs out, but I think it's mean as a warning to captains that, having refilled AM, their goodies are still at risk.

    I too would love DB to clarify, but I very much doubt we'll hear from them.
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

    Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals

    All you need to know about Disruptor Beam
  • This happened to me as well. I have a ticket in on this issue right now. This happened to me more than 5 days ago. I ran out of AM and recharged. When I got down to about 100 the next time I recalled. I got the acknowledgement, and the green bar countdown to return started. About 30 minutes later I get an alert on my iPad that my voyage was out of AM. I went into the game, and sure enough my voyage was out of AM. I KNEW I had recalled, but I had a lot of loot on this mission, so I went ahead and recharged again. It charged me the dilithium, but nothing else happened. Now it has the same message you posted, shows that I have 2525 AM, and nothing happens when I push recall. The voyage is stuck and the counter just keeps going.

    I sent in a ticket. It's been 4 days since their last communication with me on this, and looking at the stickied post at the top it says they are running 2 weeks to resolve tickets. I guess I better not hold my breath on getting a response, huh?

    To add insult to injury I have my Marla McGivers (Level 100, FE/FF) on that mission and can't get her back. That would be the same Marla McGivers who is one of the featured crew for this next event. So if they don't resolve in the next 23 hours or so I won't have her for the event. SO far this has been a very, very expensive voyage.

    I will be very curious to see what recompense (if any) they offer me for this.

    Star Trek: Timelines - the gift that keeps on "giving."
  • Yes, this exact glitch happened to me some weeks ago, with that message and everything.


    The whole thing was a massive glitch. I had hit recall before I ran out of antimatter, but I guess there was a server miscommunication, and though I had the recall timer, the next time I looked, the voyage had run out of antimatter. I sent in a ticket when that happened, but while waiting for response, paid the dilithium for a recharge.

    Unfortunately, the recharge did not work. The voyage never proceeded, it just started running up time without any events or dilemmas. Finally I gave up and hit recall, which is that lovely 8 hr recall you see above.

    It ran out of antimatter again after the 8hr recall timer finished. I had to refill again, but I think that time the refill worked right and the voyage continued like it was supposed to.

    Basically, it was a huge hassle, my best crew were AWOL for like five days, but DB did get back to me and I was able to get back the dilithium spent on the recharges, which was all I was asking for, since I had hit the recall originally without spending any dilithium.

    In conclusion, it took a while, but they did get to my ticket eventually and all ended well, more or less. Patience, captains!
  • This is just theorycrafting, but maybe someone else can confirm. I have not always gotten this message after refilling AM. But when I do get this message, my crew are never able to handle the ensuing challenges that pop up. When I refill my AM and do not get this message, my crew are still able to clear the challenges.

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