New 6 Seat Shuttles?
Althea Biermont
With the new 4.0 update it looks like they are preparing for 6 seat shuttles. They’ve changed the shuttle screen a little bit so the seats appear in the same amount of space no matter how many seats there are. In this example you can see to see the shuttle and there is room for two seats to the left and two seats to the right
Civilian, Brand and Marketing
Ex-Disruptor Beam
Oh god, I hope so!!! Unless we're going to get 5 more crew slots, I don't think most people can efficiently stock even 5-crew shuttles these days!!!
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Hmmm I still keep clicking on contact support rather than settings, to switch account, and that was changed a while ago. I guess you cannot teach and old dog new tricks. But, until full upgrade I do not know if I will run into any similar problems with this upgrade.
Edit: check out your inventory. I use to get three rows of items on my iPhone . Now it is 2.5 rows.
Any word on the fix for inventory cap? CS mentioned the 1000 limit was planned to be lifted in future update, that was several updates ago. Or at least let us see the name of single items from within the replicator, if we still need to monitor this closely.