Voyage Mission Stuck

My voyage mission is stuck. It has a dilemma and when I click on it, it doesn't show the dilemma and just sits there doing nothing. I have put in a support ticket but nobody at DB has replied back yet. It's been almost 24 hours since I put in the ticket.
Has anyone else encountered this and if so what did DB do about it? THX in advance
Has anyone else encountered this and if so what did DB do about it? THX in advance
Support will get back to you as soon as they can.
Thanks. I tried it and it didn't work
If DB knows it can happen then why don't they fix it. Apparently this seems to be a major bug in the game so why not fix it so it doesn't happen? Why hasn't DB even acknowledged that there is a bug and informed us players about it? In the meantime I have a crew sitting doing nothing and can't even use them for anything and can't even do another voyage . I am in limbo here and have to wait god knows how long before DB responds.
i had not ran into this much in till last update, been getting it ever couple of days now since then
a lot depends on the P.S rep you get, if you can recall they will sometimes kick you back the dil for extended but its a roll of the dice, had a few that the recall button locked up on , that i had to get them to forced it home, again compensations for the lost hours not being able to run them has been a crap shoot
had some good ones and some bad ones
A fleetmate of mine solved the issue by logging onto Steam. Steam unstuck the voyage when his mobile device did not.
In case you aren’t sure which platforms it’s on, I’m pretty sure it’s something like Android (mobile and tablet), Apple (mobile and tablet), Steam (for PC), and Facebook Gameroom.
Still wondering if its the hazard and dilemma hitting at same time