The Great Event Shuttle Nerf
OK, it's had time to shake out, what's the conclusion on our nerfed shuttles? Are we stuck with 6 per faction, and the loss of even 3 man shuttles now? Are we forced to suffer even more RNG frustration and ranking should we stick around for shuttle events? Was it worth shortening the event opening lag from 40 minutes to 30 minutes?
I can speak for no one else, but this month event and shuttle change have done a good job of killing my enthusiasm for the game.
Think DB can give us some comment on their plans for the future of this event?
I can speak for no one else, but this month event and shuttle change have done a good job of killing my enthusiasm for the game.
Think DB can give us some comment on their plans for the future of this event?
PM for details.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Do you get great enjoyment out of opening thirty missions at once that eighteen is just not cutting it?
As for slots, they've always changed greatly from event to event. I, for one, enjoy the diversity of having to figure out the optimal path each time for my crew. Whether it's 3 slots or 5, I don't really care, it's just a min/maxing problem.
30 missions was way to many.
Timelines Crew Cost Viewer
Agreed. I also found it easier to cherry pick missions and saved merits in the process.
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.. But having every shuttle filled with Nearly all bonus crew the last two go's I think may give a false impression on how this will shake out.
Let's see what happens next week when we undoubtedly have a pure faction event with most likely far less bonus crew.
That will be the true shake out.
Then I will know and then.. things will either continue as they have been Or participating in events will no longer be a forgone conclusion and instead go to a "if really interested" state.
(This, from a day one player who has never missed any shuttle events ever)
Bring back Expeditions
Bring in New event types.
Meanwhile, it takes 12-24 hours longer to get to 4k shuttles, and the more punishing failure rates pre-4k just introduce more frustration that's not necessary. When you fail 2/4 95% shuttles at 4k, it's not as big of a deal or as enfuriating when you stay at 4k. When you fail 2/4 and 3/4 95% shuttles at 2250 and 2750 and 3500 and get bumped back down, it just leads to cursing the DBNG and their love of RNGEVERYTHING.
When I have the crew, carefully and intentionally cultivated, to always hit sub1k in faction events, then DB says Ruk you, RNG is now the sole decider of rank, I really don't feel the motivation to keep at it.
More choices give me more to think about and more permutations to try. Now I'm not a masochist enough to try doing a bunch of 5 seaters without significant bonus crew backing up, but I found this past even more boring as there were less missions to try and with the fewer lower seated ones, really it was a no brainer which ones to pick, no real reason to try others.
To me that takes some of the enjoyment or 'fun' if you will out of the game.
agreed, noticed that with the Nerf my ranking has taken a Big Hit with the 12-24hr increase to get to 4k even using boosts, plus the with the RNG issues, i am noticing that its taking twice as much in boosts and dil to get back to my normally ranking spot, if i even can
which is a bit annoying after what i allready spent on event deals to do good, RNG was so bad on last faction that i didnt threshold till 8 hrs before event close
First it was applied equally to all players so it should unfairly impact rank rewards.
Second the people who can get to 4k shuttles are likely already clearing all thresholds with or without this change so there would be no impact to ability to get threshold rewards.
Finally, hybrid events were already usually at one faction and no one complained about only having 20 missions. If 20 for hybrids was okay, why is 18 for a full faction that much of a difference?
As an example, consider how an increase in gas prices effects us. You can do the math and figure out the hit that 10c/Liter (I'm from Canada) effects your bottom line and declare the price increase uncalled for, or, equally as relevant is the person who looks at the 10c/Liter increase and simply reacts with, "Gasp," as an expression of how they feel about the change. The person who reacts with "gasp" may have done nothing to consider the empirical evidence of how this change in gas price is going to effect them, but regardless of the facts, something inside them makes them feel like it will negatively effect them.
I would argue that as a company, both of these reactions are important to consider when making a change. There will be those who math it out and those who rely entirely on their gut reaction. I can say that my fleet is having an overall negative gut reaction to the shuttle changes. No amount of math can change this feeling because it is not based on the numbers but on our guts.
Perception of an effect is often more powerful than the effect itself.
My gut reaction was literally that’s 5-10 minutes less of my lunch hour I have to waste on the shuttle quick start.
With the lag claiming shuttles it took me over half an hour the last time we had 30 missions. Last week I got it done in 15 minutes since not only was it less shuttles but the lag was a lot better.
I have a problem with the reason. It was an attempt to plaster over the cracks instead of actually sorting the issue causing the problem.
Yeah, right?! I'm going to have to come in on the side of "Like it".
I *do* regret the loss of the kickstart.
And this: YES, THAT. Bring back Expeditions
Note i said add, not replace.
But it probably is only at the margins.
try being in Australia and having events start between midnight and 4am
SSR Noob
Spoiler of spoils
When running the 4000 difficulty:
I have done far better using stat booster instead. I am more likely to succeed with all. And, I can send out as soon as I wakeup in the morning.
But open all 18, run 11, open 11, run the newly opened 11 with 90 minute boosts, run the remaining original 7.
After playing the first few events I really like it. Less merits, much less time to find suitable missions and I felt no effect on my performance. I especially prefer the smaller kickstart now, as it takes a lot of the time consuming and laggy start away.
I've seen a slightly more complicated version of this going around that gets you two wins farther. Open 18, Run 11 + Collect, Open 11, Run those 11 with 3* boost but collect only 2, Open 2, Run those 2 with 4* boost, Collect/Run everything you still have left.