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Shuttle Mission revamp

I think it's time for a shuttle Mission revamp. I think they're boring and provide little in strategy. I have a few ideas for how I'd go about this to help a captain develop their crew and achieve rewards that are more variable and productive perhaps than what we receive at the moment.

For example, the simplest might be to create a new set of missions weekly, based around the different skills. Resetting after an event, the missions could be set to primarily medical for the week, for example. The rewards could be tied in to starbase rooms, with items that are needed to upgrade that room. Possibly with items that are more likely to be equipped onto a medical crew member as well.

Does anyone have any ideas on what they'd do with shuttle missions were they given a chance to do a makeover?


  • Allow us to choose the difficulty level of the shuttle mission and adjust the rewards tables based on that difficulty. Getting sick of having to send out shuttles I know are going to fail

    SSR Noob
    Spoiler of spoils
  • I actually really like that suggestion. It would work well during events as well as during general play, allow more control and strategic play.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Difficulty slider.
    Been suggested for over a year various times.
    Needed then, needed now.
  • Fully agree with being able to pick the difficulty you wish to send out for normal shuttles. For event shuttles, I would modify that a little bit like this, as you progress through the difficulty levels, you can chose at any time to stop where you are and just send out at your current difficulty or at a lower one. Along with those, we NEED some kind of text/display telling us what difficulty we are actually on at the very least on the mission window when it opens. Yes during events you can sort of tell by clicking on the points icon, but, it should be displayed openly, not that we are forced to click on it. Yes I know some people will say, "but we have that on the faction window during events" well...we ALL know I hope how that do not function correctly, as DB has never cared to fix it.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Allow us to choose the difficulty level of the shuttle mission and adjust the rewards tables based on that difficulty. Getting sick of having to send out shuttles I know are going to fail

    Get better crew and level them. It's not that hard to have 70+% success rates even as F2P.
  • Grant77 wrote: »
    Allow us to choose the difficulty level of the shuttle mission and adjust the rewards tables based on that difficulty. Getting sick of having to send out shuttles I know are going to fail

    Get better crew and level them. It's not that hard to have 70+% success rates even as F2P.

    Disagree. A lot. I just sent a shuttle loaded with 3 immortalized legendaries with necessary skills. 60 something percent. Use a booster on that? Why? They're designed to fail anyway.

    And even if it doesn't fail, it will likely do me no good. I very rarely get the lower rewards - the ones I actually need - because the RNG seems to be geared to better rewards. On the off chance that it passes. So, outside of Augments, it's lopsided. I have 100 plus 2 star ancient films. No level 0 medical experiments.

    So all day long I can send shuttle after shuttle, maybe this will be the one that gets me that ancient film. Or the Cardassian badge. Or the other chotskieI needed to build a character. Fun I tell you, fun, fun, fun.

    There's a lot of merit to these suggestions. I'd buy these all day long with merits if I could, but, when it is in the store, there's a limit of 1. Why? Merits are a self-limiting resource. I can't buy them, I can't manufacture them, I can't trade for them.
  • Grant77 wrote: »
    Get better crew and level them. It's not that hard to have 70+% success rates even as F2P.

    *looks at the 3 immortalized 5* characters with relevant stats getting 62%*

    Yep... show me where to get better characters please Grant :p

    I could boost that to maybe 70-75% using a 5* boost, but why would I do that when most missions fail under 85%?

    SSR Noob
    Spoiler of spoils
  • Grant77 wrote: »
    Get better crew and level them. It's not that hard to have 70+% success rates even as F2P.

    *looks at the 3 immortalized 5* characters with relevant stats getting 62%*

    Yep... show me where to get better characters please Grant :p

    I could boost that to maybe 70-75% using a 5* boost, but why would I do that when most missions fail under 85%?

    I've been tracking my non-event shuttle missions for quite a long while. I can't remember when I started, but I started tracking after a statement from Nod about shuttles percentages almost a year ago. I'm up to 3,722 missions tracked. I don't track event shuttles, since I use skill boosts on those shuttles.

    IMO, the percentage gives you an idea of the success or failure. I can look back at my records and find countless times where the shuttle with the highest percentage failed and the others succeeded.

    This last event, I had a 90%+ shuttle fail and a < 60% succeed more than once during the event.

    I also send out 0% shuttles for a faction every once in a while to force failures and reset the percentages to be higher. One of those will succeed every 3 or 4 batches. There's a post on the old forum about it where 0% shuttles actually have a 15% chance of success.

    It's almost like DB has a success / fail check at the beginning of the logic that overrides the percentage. It would be nice to know how it works, but DB will never tell us. And it should remain a mystery.

    I like the idea about choosing the difficulty. A difficulty slider which results in a better quality components dropping would be nice to get easier access to 4* components. But IMO it will never happen because DB wants those components to be hard to get to slow down the rate at which crew can be equipped.
  • milamber42 wrote: »
    This last event, I had a 90%+ shuttle fail and a < 60% succeed more than once during the event.
    I've noticed this too, and it seems to only happen regularly in events. There seems to be sweet spots at around 92%+ and between 65-75% that almost always pass, everything between them is at best a 50/50 chance (at least from what I've seen)
    milamber42 wrote: »
    I like the idea about choosing the difficulty. A difficulty slider which results in a better quality components dropping would be nice to get easier access to 4* components. But IMO it will never happen because DB wants those components to be hard to get to slow down the rate at which crew can be equipped.
    I think you'll find most people actually want to get access to the 0 and 1* components rather than the high end ones - I know I'd rather scale my difficulty level down and reduce my chances of getting 2, 3, and 4* comps if the chances of actually passing a mission and getting the 0's and 1's was higher.

    I was actually thinking that now they actually have skill check thresholds in place (voyages) it should make it easier for them to implement a similar system into the shuttles

    i.e. x amount in y skill gets you z% chance of passing this mission which has a,b,c,d rewards

    This way those with lower or higher level characters can have a rough idea what they can realistically aim at, or specifically target a reward type (which would still be random much like finding items using chrons)

    SSR Noob
    Spoiler of spoils
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