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Collection Difficulty Comparison

Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 2018 28 in The Bridge
I wanted to do a bit of comparisons on how difficult each collection was to complete. For my initial post, I'm just going to look at star level, though I acknowledge other factors also impact it as well. (if something has been an event character, if it's in the portal, how hard a character is to level, etc).

There will, likely, be issues with counting as I'm manually looking through my own vault. Please let me know of any corrections needed.

Common Crew
Crew Requirement: 1* Crew
# Available: 27
# Required: 25
Rarity Breakdown:
1* : 25
Not much to say here. These are all 1*. It's a matter of waiting for voyages and sniping them from credit packs.

Uncommon Crew
Crew Requirement: 2* Crew
# Available: 41
# Required: 40
Rarity Breakdown:
2* : 41
This requires nearly all of the 2*s available. Currently, I believe Gaia Odo is not dropping from Voyages or credit packs, so you would need to have either immortalized him at original release or get all of the other 2*s.

Rare Crew
Crew Requirement: 3* Crew
# Available: 72
# Required: 60
Rarity Breakdown:
3* : 72
Again, not much to say here as they all have the same rarity. Jazz Riker isn't available from packs, yet, but there's a lot more wiggle room with 72 available vs. 60 required.

The Wild West
Crew Requirement: Dressed for Earth's Ancient West era
# Available: 6
# Required: 6
Rarity Breakdown:
4* : 3
5* : 3
This looks to be, intentionally, the hardest collection. Of the three 4*s, only one was an event character (Claiborne Chekov) with the others appearing in packs only. Fortunately, none of the persistent buffs are tied to this collection.

Resistance Is Futile
Crew Requirement: Borg trait
# Available: 17
# Required: 10
Rarity Breakdown:
2* : 1
3* : 1
4* : 6
5* : 9
This will be much easier if you participated in the Borg Mega Event. A minimum of two of the 5*s are needed to complete it. Locutus was the first Gauntlet card and is available from completing 20k gauntlet rounds, but would still need to be starred-up.

The Eugenics Wars
Crew Requirement: Augment trait
# Available: 12
# Required: 10
Rarity Breakdown:
1* : 1
2* : 1
3* : 1
4* : 3
5* : 6
There's no way around it, this is, likely, one of the harder ones. It requires 4 5*s to complete, and many of those have never been through an event. Pure speculation, but I wouldn't be surprised to see an Augment-themed mega event in the near future to make this one a bit more achievable.

The Neutral Zone
Crew Requirement: Romulan trait
# Available: 12
# Required: 10
Rarity Breakdown:
1* : 1
2* : 1
3* : 2
4* : 7
5* : 1
Similar to the Augment collection, this trait is bound for some expansion. There are more 4*s available, making it a bit easier to assemble, but only 12 crew leaves minimal wiggle room.

Rules of Acquisition
Crew Requirement: Ferengi trait
# Available: 15
# Required: 10
Rarity Breakdown:
1* : 2
2* : 2
3* : 2
4* : 5
5* : 4
This one is reachable without fully fusing a 5*. Niners Rom hasn't seen an event, but drops from Voyages.

Chain of Command
Crew Requirement: Cardassian trait
# Available: 21
# Required: 10
Rarity Breakdown:
1* : 1
2* : 2
3* : 4
4* : 5
5* : 10
This has even more low-rarity support than the Ferengi collection as well as more high-rarity. However, many of those 5*s have been pack-only.

Live Long and Prosper
Crew Requirement: Vulcan trait
# Available: 31
# Required: 10
Rarity Breakdown:
1* : 2
2* : 1
3* : 6
4* : 13
5* : 9
This was the only collection I had completed "out of the box". With 22 characters available below the 5* rarity, this should be one of the easiest ones to assemble.

Do No Harm
Crew Requirement: Doctor trait
# Available: 39
# Required: 25
Rarity Breakdown:
1* : 2
2* : 2
3* : 7
4* : 17
5* : 11
There is a good base of low level characters to get you going. While 5*s aren't, technically, required, many of these 4*s haven't seen an event, so fusing them up all the way will take time.

Valor in Combat
Crew Requirement: Veteran trait
# Available: 36
# Required: 25
Rarity Breakdown:
2* : 1
3* : 3
4* : 19
5* : 13
This will require 2 5*s minimum with current crew. Fortunately, Mirror Picard and Kortar are two of them, so it may be a bit more achievable than at first blush. It is missing a bit of the low-end rarity support, though.

The Daystrom Award
Crew Requirement: Innovator trait
# Available: 32
# Required: 25
Rarity Breakdown:
1* : 1
3* : 8
4* : 12
5* : 11
Getting to 15 threshold shouldn't be too difficult for this one. But getting all the way to 25 will take some work (and at least 4 5*s).

Spit and Bailing Wire
Crew Requirement: Jury Rigger trait
# Available: 29
# Required: 25
Rarity Breakdown:
1* : 1
2* : 3
3* : 3
4* : 12
5* : 10
This calls for a minimum of 5 5*s (and all but 4 of the existing ones). It's likely we will need to see more Jury Riggers before many people are able to complete this.

New Life and New Civilizations
Crew Requirement: Diplomat trait
# Available: 35
# Required: 25
Rarity Breakdown:
2* : 2
3* : 5
4* : 14
5* : 14
4 5*s required here with some good support from the 3* ranks. With a lot more available, this should be one of the easier trait collections.

To Boldly Go
Crew Requirement: Inspiring trait
# Available: 44
# Required: 25
Rarity Breakdown:
2* : 3
3* : 1
4* : 15
5* : 25
There are a lot of options for Inspiring. Unfortunately, very few of them are at the lower rarity tiers, requiring 6 5*s with current crew to achieve the top end.


  • Great commentary. My first thought was... "One of these things is not like another..."
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 28
    Thanks for the good overview Peachtree Rex. I agree with all your commentaries.

    I've completed 4 ... with the Vulcan one being strangely easy to complete. I'm glad there are some really difficult ones (for me the Augment and Wild West ones) in the set, gives nice long-term goals.

    They've left quite some space for future development (e.g. Klingon trait, specific series etc. etc.).
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    Thanks for the good overview Peachtree Rex. I agree with all your commentaries.

    I've completed 4 ... with the Vulcan one being strangely easy to complete. I'm glad there are some really difficult ones (for me the Augment and Wild West ones) in the set, gives nice long-term goals.

    They've left quite some space for future development (e.g. Klingon trait, specific series etc. etc.).
    Series specific or even EPISODE specific (DSNiners, It Came from the Holodeck, Our Man Bashir, and the Sherwood Forest episodes come to mind).

    I said elsewhere that I am amazed that it took two years for something of this sort to be released.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the summary. Pretty much agrees with my feelings. Those couple are easy, but all of those with multiple 5*s and non-event 4*s required will be difficult for a lot of people to complete.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Thanks for the summary. Pretty much agrees with my feelings. Those couple are easy, but all of those with multiple 5*s and non-event 4*s required will be difficult for a lot of people to complete.

    ...and I think that's a GOOD thing. If this was something most players turned on and had everything completed, then I would say something was wrong (or that it was tuned way-way too easy).

    As it stands, this is something for people to work towards. In most cases, you'll have to wait for more characters to be released. As the game grows, it would be very easy for collections to grow as well, but for additional rewards in existing ones as well as new collections.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have completed 2 collections (the common and vulcan ones).

    I have about 5 left for the uncommon crew

    Certainly those requiring multiple 5*s are out for me, until they add more characters.

    DB: Do Better
  • eXo | Cadet MatteXo | Cadet Matt ✭✭✭✭
    Rex, always doing the most.
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  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    You might want to include a reward summary as well. The Augment list is bananas but its rewards aren't any better than the other race collections. The Wild West rewards are fairly hefty even without any permanent bonuses.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • The Great GornholioThe Great Gornholio ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm still hoping that not only will they add more collections over time, they also create portal packs for each collection.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    You might want to include a reward summary as well. The Augment list is bananas but its rewards aren't any better than the other race collections. The Wild West rewards are fairly hefty even without any permanent bonuses.

    Others have put those together, I didn't want to clutter this with that sort of information. I think it's pretty clear that the ones that cap out at 10 are all similar to each other. The ones that cap out at 25 are all similar to each other. And the remaining ones (1*/2*/3*/Cowboys) are all a little unique.

  • Uncommon Crew
    Crew Requirement: 2* Crew
    # Available: 41
    # Required: 40
    Rarity Breakdown:
    2* : 41
    This requires nearly all of the 2*s available. Currently, I believe Gaia Odo is not dropping from Voyages or credit packs, so you would need to have either immortalized him at original release or get all of the other 2*s.

    Thanks for putting this together Rex. I've just got him and Festive Dax remaining...might be a long wait.
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  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    As a help to the above, here's a list of characters that fill multiple collections (not including 1-3* chars as they obviously do). All of them except Desert Phillipa Georgiou cover 2 collections, she covers 3

    Alidar Jarok (The Neutral Zone & Valor In Combat)
    Ambassador Sarek (New Life New Civilizations & Live Long and Prosper)
    Ambassador Spock (New Life New Civilizations & Live Long and Prosper)
    Armed Phillipa Georgiou (To Boldly Go & New Life New Civilizations)
    Assimilated Tuvok (Resistance Is Futile & Live Long and Prosper)
    Augment Riker (Eugenics War & Spit and Bailing Wire)
    Author Doctor (Do No Harm & New Life New Civilizations)
    Chief O'Brien (Spit and Bailing Wire & Valor In Combat)
    Commander Chapel (Do No Harm & Valor In Combat)
    Commander Tomalak (The Neutral Zone & Valor In Combat)
    Dominion Dukat (Chain of Command & Valor In Combat)
    Dr. David Marcus (Daystrom Award & Spit and Bailing Wire)
    General Martok (New Life New Civilizations & Valor In Combat)
    Icheb (Resistance Is Futile & Daystrom Award)
    Katra McCoy (Do No Harm & Live Long and Prosper)
    Klingon O'Brien (Spit and Bailing Wire & Valor In Combat)
    Niners Rom (Rules of Acquisition & Spit and Bailing Wire)
    RAF Julian Bashir (Do No Harm & Eugenics War)
    Sarek (New Life New Civilizations & Live Long and Prosper)
    Subcommander T'Rul (The Neutral Zone & Valor In Combat)
    Sybok (To Boldly Go & Live Long and Prosper)
    The President of Earth (To Boldly Go & New Life New Civilizations)
    Undercover O'Brien (Spit and Bailing Wire & Valor In Combat)

    Abraham Lincoln (To Boldly Go & New Life New Civilizations)
    Admiral Nechayev (New Life New Civilizations & Valor In Combat)
    Alternate Future Bashir (Do No Harm & Eugenics War)
    Ambassador Soval (New Life New Civilizations & Live Long and Prosper)
    Assimilated La Forge (Resistance Is Futile & Daystrom Award)
    Assimilated Torres (Resistance Is Futile & Spit and Bailing Wire)
    Bashir, Julian Bashir (Do No Harm & Eugenics)
    Captain Lorian (Spit and Bailing Wire & Live Long and Prosper)
    Captain Nog (Rules of Acquisition & To Boldly Go)
    Captain Sisko (To Boldly Go & New Life New Civilizations)
    Crell Moset (Do No Harm & Chain of Command)
    Dahar Master Kang (New Life New Civilizations & Valor In Combat)
    Desert Phillipa Georgiou (To Boldly Go & New Life New Civilizations & Valor In Combat)
    Dr. Richard Daystrom (To Boldly Go & Daystrom Award)
    Duelist Torres (Daystrom Award & Spit and Bailing Wire)
    Gangster Spock (Spit and Bailing Wire & Live Long and Prosper)
    Grand Nagus Rom (Rules of Acquisition & New Life New Civilizations)
    Gul Madred (Chain of Command & Valor In Combat)
    Laborer Spock (Spit and Bailing Wire & Live Long and Prosper)
    Leonardo Da Vinci (To Boldly Go & Daystrom Award)
    Locutus of Borg (Resistance Is Futile & New Life New Civilizations)
    Musketeer La Forge (To Boldly Go & Valor In Combat)
    Pah-wraith Cult Dukat (Chain of Command & To Boldly Go)
    Phoenix Cochrane (To Boldly Go & Daystrom Award)
    Revolutionary Damar (Chain of Command & To Boldly Go)
    Scientist Degra (To Boldly Go & Daystrom Award)
    Suus Mahna Sarek (New Life New Civilizations & Live Long and Prosper)

    You're doing god's work, my son ;)
  • You're doing god's work, my son ;)

    Nah, more the Flying Spaghetti Monster's :D

    SSR Noob
    Spoiler of spoils
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the summary Peachtree, that's very helpful. The only thing I disagree with is that the New Life and New Civilizations pack should be easy. Four immortal legendaries is unattainable for all but the extreme spenders. I do have hopes, however, that they will continue to add new 4* diplomats to the pool.

    I completed 6 collections on the first day, including the cadet ones, medical, and Ferengi/Cardassian. I'm on Romulan away, but my 1/4 T'Rul and Nevesa probably won't be immortal be anytime soon.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm still hoping that not only will they add more collections over time, they also create portal packs for each collection.

    Klingon, Bajoran, and Mirror Universe collections seem like obvious next steps.
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    The new Dukat will cover three -- he's a Veteran, Cardassian, and Inspiring.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Currently, I believe Gaia Odo is not dropping from Voyages or credit packs, so you would need to have either immortalized him at original release or get all of the other 2*s.

    He's a threshold reward this week, so that should help...
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    UnkieB wrote: »
    Currently, I believe Gaia Odo is not dropping from Voyages or credit packs, so you would need to have either immortalized him at original release or get all of the other 2*s.

    He's a threshold reward this week, so that should help...

    Yes, yes it will.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 28
    With Gaia Odo out of the way (for now), given that he is threshold in the upcoming event...

    Jadzia Dax is another elusive 2* crew. I, and several others, have been searching the basic portal and voyages for her.

    One of my fleetmates used 98 10x pulls he had saved up, and did not get a single Festive Jadzia Dax (or Gaia Odo, for that matter).

    I’ve personally used more than 10 million credits on 10x basic pulls, on top of the free 10xs I’ve gotten from daily rewards and event thresholds. Still no Festive Jadzia Dax. (: So, she’s another elusive one to add to your list.

    Edit: Forgot to say thank you for the work you’ve put into this! (:
  • MaelwysMaelwys ✭✭

    Uncommon Crew
    Crew Requirement: 2* Crew
    # Available: 41
    # Required: 40
    Rarity Breakdown:
    2* : 41
    This requires nearly all of the 2*s available. Currently, I believe Gaia Odo is not dropping from Voyages or credit packs, so you would need to have either immortalized him at original release or get all of the other 2*s.

    Thanks for putting this together Rex. I've just got him and Festive Dax remaining...might be a long wait.

    Or maybe not too long, since Gaia Odo is going to be an event personnel this weekend! So everybody should be able to quickly and easily FF him. ;-)
  • [KM]Videm[KM]Videm ✭✭✭
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Thanks for the summary Peachtree, that's very helpful. The only thing I disagree with is that the New Life and New Civilizations pack should be easy. Four immortal legendaries is unattainable for all but the extreme spenders. I do have hopes, however, that they will continue to add new 4* diplomats to the pool.

    I completed 6 collections on the first day, including the cadet ones, medical, and Ferengi/Cardassian. I'm on Romulan away, but my 1/4 T'Rul and Nevesa probably won't be immortal be anytime soon.

    I've been holding on to T'Rul for ages and finally just FF her recently. The Romulan pack was the final incentive I needed to FE her. I also have Alidar 3/4 from the event months ago so I'm going to FE him and citation him to finish the pack off. I would love to get Nevesa but she has never dropped when in a pack for me.
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  • I integrated your rarity breakdown into https://stt.wiki/wiki/Collections , thanks for collecting it!
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yep some are quite difficult but thats ok it gives me something to work towards. Not just rare ones but legendaries. Would be good if some of these difficult people would be in events. I dont mind if whales get an advantage here or there for all the money they spent as long as it isnt too much.
    Let’s fly!
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yep some are quite difficult but thats ok it gives me something to work towards. Not just rare ones but legendaries. Would be good if some of these difficult people would be in events. I dont mind if whales get an advantage here or there for all the money they spent as long as it isnt too much.

    Since it's by trait, I think in some instances we'll see new characters released that will fill in more spots.
  • Adding to your list Boxy. North Star Tucker is a MUST for Wild Wild West and is one of the possible ones for Spit and Bailing Wire.
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
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  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Bajoran Dukat fills out 3 separate collections, well worth a 4* citation if anyone has some extra honour.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    There's no way around it, this is, likely, one of the harder ones. It requires 4 5*s to complete, and many of those have never been through an event. Pure speculation, but I wouldn't be surprised to see an Augment-themed mega event in the near future to make this one a bit more achievable.

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