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Special Offers 3/01/18

Did everybody get the 10x10 for $10 offer today?

I took a pull on this, and I had some good luck.





  • Neos472Neos472 ✭✭✭
    nice pulls i got some new stars as well for Vic, Kurak, and Rakal Troi (yay since she is an active event character)
  • My 20 packs were monsters! 7 Legendary Beholds resulting in: Falcon O'Brien, RAF O'Brien, Aviator Yar, 2x Captain La Forge, Detective Data, and Emotion Chip Data.
  • Pretty sucky for me. I had a total of 6/20 useful pulls, so 4 super rares and 2 legendaries. It did help me immortalize One and get another star on Enterprise-E Picard, who... quite honestly, really needs a long overdue buff. His stats at max a pretty poor for a legendary.
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice pulls!! The offer wording is a bit of false advertising though. It appears to be guaranteeing me my favorite crew. If I don't get them, I'm going to rabble rouse!
  • NS111111NS111111 ✭✭✭
    Glad to have the offer back - but majority of what I got was honor.

    That said I got 2 killer legendary beholds (in a good way) one of them had Frank Hollander (who I've always wanted) vs 1701 Sisko (my number 1 must have card in the game), the other had Falcon (beast), vs a 3rd star on Garak, which gives me the incentive to push for top 1000 to fuse him with my 50k honor. Also finished off Nexus Kirk and David Marcus, other than that not great for 20x10 but it'll do!
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    20 pulls, 1 legendary behold. I'm a bit salty about that but at least the 4* crew I got were good. I only had to airlock two 4* dupes.
  • 10 pulls, 9 purple and 3 gold crew. Only one purple already FF, which was refreshing. So 11 usable stars from 10 packs. I’m pretty happy!
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’ve been on a hunt for Festive Jadzia Dax (still haven’t gotten her, by the way), so in the meantime, I keep getting other Jadzia Daxes.

    Not that I’m complaining. At all. But I’ve only done one pull from my 10 so far, and this was the result:

    Both were from beholds. (:
  • I got... enough honor to add a third star to Obsidian Order Garak :)
  • I had 2 gold beholds in mine. Put another star on Mirror Kirk and got my first copy of Mirror Worf along with a third star for Sherriff Worf, the final star for Klingon Torres, and 2 copies of Florist Q so I was able to fuse and freeze him to make room for Worf.
  • manged to get 5 legendary beholds and i ended up with
    4/5 admiral riker
    4/5 degra
    1/5 bashir, julian bashir
    3/5 will scarlet
    4/5 obsidian order garrak

    i also manged to get another star for my niners rom, sheriff worf and captain q to make them 4/4.

    One of the best pulls from offers ive gotten in a long time.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    1 Ledgendary Behold (Gowron (n), Capt. Nog (n), Obsidian Order Garek (1/5)). Went Garek in order to roll with the event.

    8 Useful Super-Rare beholds (including 1 immortal to hit a collection achievement)

    5 All Three Fully-Fused Beholds

    4 Usefull Super-Rare straight pulls

    6 Already FF Super-Rare straight pulls

    15500 Honor
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I took the deal both times and it worked out pretty well. I airlocked a couple duplicate crew but mostly ended up with more stars on crew that have been languishing forever (including a 4th for APU 3947, David Marcus, and the Gorn Captain) as well as legendary beholds that yielded Bashir, Julian Bashir and Chancellor Gowron. 15000ish honor is also quite welcome.
  • Got me a 3rd star for my 5 star emh, new Garak, Elim Garak, and first officer Chekov. Plus the last 4 stars i needed to ff Mirror K'heylar (ive been putting off keeping her for a while) plus some other good fusions for current 4 star crew i have. All in all good deal!
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    These offers are very much in the financial Goldilocks zone for me so I will pretty much always pick them up. I am glad I did as I managed to get a double legendary behold on a single one and three in total out of the 10 pack (the second ten pack is waiting till I have pushed a few crew into the freezer!)

    I also managed to complete two four stars and I only had two super rare dupes out of the 10 pack)

    All in all I'm very happy with that!
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I only bought the one 10$ deal, I would have done another but the 12 hr ticker ran out in the middle of the night for me.

    Mostly honor fodder, I had a 3rd star for JudgeQ and a new 1st Officer Riker so cant complain.

    DB: Do Better
  • I think they need to look again at the whole offers model.

    Why not charge 4.99 for a star?

    That would allow users to buy them and allocate to which ever character you want, which i think is a far more fair system.

    Sell 5 for 19.99

    Honestly...i would be more likely to buy them
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think they need to look again at the whole offers model.

    Why not charge 4.99 for a star?

    That would allow users to buy them and allocate to which ever character you want, which i think is a far more fair system.

    Sell 5 for 19.99

    Honestly...i would be more likely to buy them

    You mean like the citation offer 5 for 25 we had earlier?
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    Two legendary beholds, which netted me my 2nd star for Suliban Reed and the 3rd star for Benny Russell. I'm a wee bit upset I didn't get more 5*s, especially when one of my fleetmates got five legendary beholds from just their first 10x pack (I'm always jealous of other people's superior luck).

    Almost all of the 4*s I pulled were useful, I think I only airlocked two who were duplicates. I think four or five of them were the last stars I needed to immortalize someone, so my total immortalized got a nice jump, and I got the last Duras sister I needed to immortalize the Duras Sisters.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bought but holding on to the packs hoping for a Portal update....
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I bought the offer twice to demonstrate to DB that if they offer it, I'll always buy it.

    Sadly, only one Legendary behold in the entire 20. I picked Dancing Uhura over Mirror Spock. Got a few extra stars on some super-rares, and a few new ones.

    I think 6 or 7 packs out of the 20 ended up being total trash. In the long run, that's acceptable I guess.

    SOOO MANY Schematics though.
  • Got Mirror Kirk and 2X ONE. Not so good neither so bad.
  • Castell-NeathCastell-Neath ✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    No i mean an offer where you get a citation that can be allocated wherever.....not limited to a 5 star 4 star etc but an apply where you want star
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    No i mean an offer where you get a citation that can be allocated wherever.....not limited to a 5 star 4 star etc but an apply where you want star

    Due to how DB deals with 'rarity' I don't see that as happening.... but I see a 5* deal at some point, to go along with the 4.
  • DraftedMcCoyDraftedMcCoy ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    I got 10 packs. 4 Legendary beholds which netted me;

    Benny Russell, Disguised Kira, Gangster Kirk and Admiral Cartwright

    All of which I didnt have already. Benny and Kirk were the big pulls

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Benny will come in handy next week
  • Secret JourneySecret Journey ✭✭✭✭
    Crazy good this time. 20 pulls = 7 legendary behold and 4 super rare beholds. I didn’t need them all but it was nice to choose...
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    In 20 packs I received:
    - 4 x 5* beholds (3 additional stars & 1 new character)
    - 14 x 4* beholds + 9 x 4* (14 additional stars, 3 new characters, and 6 duplicates)
    - 13,700 honor
    - completed one of my last remaining 4* ships

    Considering I used a gift card to pay for them, I am very excited about getting 21 useful characters from these 20 packs!
  • 14 Purple. 4 were 4th stars, 6 for honor, and 4 new.
    0 Gold (usually get 1 or 2 )
  • IkritIkrit ✭✭✭
    In 20 packs, I got a couple of 4*s I needed extra stars for and 3 5* beholds. Picked Capt Sisko (new), Phoenix Cochrane (5th star, now immortalized), and OO Garak (new, and was immediately FE'd for the event). And I only got 1 Racquetball Bashir, who I had picked up from a voyage and leveled to burn extra chrons, since he is good for collections. I got 10 of every other 3*, but 1 of him...
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