Theory on Purple Characters in voyages
I haven't gotten many purples lately. Suddenly today, I got 3 by 6h30m. I've seen this steak of luck before so I pressed on with a refill. Now I've got 2 more!
Could there be a "green bar" for character rewards in voyages, similar to the green bar seen during event for the Rare Item reward? I'm going to press on one more dilemma I think to see if I get any more purples.
Edit: just got Mirror Jonathan Archer. Considering extending one more time to hit 12+
Edit2: since coming to post the above edit, I went back and saw I'd got Civil War Worf!
Edit3: final count, 9 purples in about 13 hours, 2 being earned via dilemma
I would agree. Once I get one "seed", I will usually see one or two more (don't usually do extended voyages).
Yeah, I get the random new purple too, but I've managed to FF at least a half-dozen or more 3/4s, like Dr. Crusher, Civil War Worf and Detective Dixon Hill strictly from voyage drops. That's a pretty large pool of super rares to pull from to get the one I need with good consistency.
Anyone else notice this?
No. The amount of new 4*'s I receive is roughly proportional to the amount I need. Its probably about 20-25% chance of getting something I need.
I do expect a couple of troll drops though. I buy a pack to get David Marcus for the vault. Get Marcus. Voyages promptly give me a couple copies of him a week or two later. I fully expect Shakaar to drop for me sometime next week. This is not paranoia. Rilly.
Yes, I seem to get a higher percentage of useful purples than I should from voyages. Or it just seems that way.
You may just be lucky. I tend to get people I already have Immortalized.
Question is, is this because it takes into account what we have or simply that these characters were less frequent throughout the game and they put more in the voyages to compensate?
I'd say I get as many new characters as ones that need completion. Also a lot of doubles.
And even other colors tend to come in a streak, if any drops on activities, then there's 1-2 more after it.
What "Voyages" are you playing? Because after 8 hours I have only had 1 purple maximum since they nuked Voyages. This is the best RNG voyage I have ever seen since it's launch when this was normal for 8 hours.
I've seen this too.
I wonder if it's based on the Voyage skill Primary/ Secondary Combo and the power we put into then.
(Ex Command medical drops fewer crew but gives way more rations when 7000 crew strength is reached on both.. )
That is an interesting observation. My current voyage is Dip/Com. I currently have 3 super rares. However I didn't get them until after refilling at around 7:40 (I only refilled because I forgot to set an alarm and ran out of AM.) I'm also not running my best voyage crew ATM because I'm using my best crew for the current event. I went back and looked at the screenshot of my best haul on a voyage when I got 7 super rares without a refill (~7:30), but it was a Sec/Eng voyage. I'm pretty strong in both of those too, so it's POSSIBLE that the strength of your primary/secondary voyage skills could be a factor in super rare drops. However, correlation does not necessarily equal causation. It could be just a RNG fluke, but it may be something worth paying attention to going forward.
I don't know about coming in clumps but I can attest to if they don't come early they probably won't come at all. I went for the 20 hour achievement and didn't get any purples. In fact, since the nerf I rarely see purples.
When I went for the 20 hour achievement this week I got 9 purples. So no nerf, just the typical RNG used in this game. And a certain streakyness. Like you said with this if they don´t come early. Cause the same goes with replicator rations for me. Sometimes zero, sometimes they flow nicely...
That's total Bull Garnish.
Wow... I guess I should be happy with the 5 I got...
My own experience has been that I rarely get purples to finish characters. I nearly always get immortalised characters or new 1*s.
This last weeks i become a 4* every 6 or 7 voyages only, with primary and secondary stats between 7k and 10k so i never use dilithium to continue voyage, also when i miss the return.