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DB Listened To Players Regarding Updates To The Honor Hall (here are some facts)

IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
edited March 2018 in The Bridge
With today’s announcement regarding who is going to be added to the Honor Hall, I think we have an example of DB in fact paying attention to what we are saying in these forums. Following is some history to support this claim.

This conversation first began with DB’s response to Question # 9 back in the October Timelines Q&A posting. This is the first time we were informed that someone else was going to be added to the game as an exclusive Honor Hall character, as had previously been done with Kahless the Unforgettable. In response to this, the community discussed in this thread who they would like to see added to the Honor Hall next. After many players weighed in with their thoughts in this initial thread, a second Poll thread was created for players to vote amongst 10 characters that had been mentioned. The top potential new characters at that time who received the most votes were:

Mariachi Q – 31 votes (later added to game, and given to all players)
Surak – 31 votes
Captain Beverly Picard – 26 votes
The Caretaker – 23 votes (recently added to game in The Gauntlet)

In my opinion if any of these 4 had been added to the Honor Hall next, it would have been a sign of DB taking our feedback into consideration, and the fact that Captain Beverly Picard is being added there versus Mariachi Q or Surak is not a substantial difference. As has already happened with Mariachi Q and The Caretaker, through some means we will very likely see Surak added to the game at some point in the future.

Regarding the additional information announced today that Kahless the Unforgettable is not going to be removed from the Honor Hall, this is a change from what was first announced in the December 2017 Production Update. Specifically, here @Admiral Prince said, “Kahless will be leaving the Honor Hall to make room for a new crew member that many of you have been asking for.” In this same thread:

@South of Sulu wrote You should be adding new crew not removing any.

@DScottHewitt wrote in response to what @South of Sulu wrote This. So much this. Just add the new Crew.

@Ace Boogie wrote No need really to remove Kahless. I have him already but i agree with previous comments. Stack up the honor hall.

@Althea Biermont wrote Why is Kahless the Unaffordable being removed from the Honor Hall? There is no reason, nor benefit, to doing so. By all means, add new exclusive Honor Hall crew but don’t remove the existing crew.

@NemoTheBlue wrote Add my voice to the chorus of "why not add crew to the Honor Hall instead of replacing the current ones?"

@DeesNutz wrote in response after quoting what @Admiral Prince said in this part of the posting, Also bad. why remove him?

The above are what I found in just the first 4 pages (where the comments were actually more focused on other parts of the announcement). I suspect if I were to scroll through more pages, as well as some other related threads, I could find many more examples of players asking for Kahless to be kept in the Honor Hall. Conversely, while I could have missed them, I do not recall prior to today seeing many/any people advocating for Kahless to be removed from the Honor Hall when the new character was added. Therefore, I think the news today that Kahless will be staying in the Honor Hall is a second good example of DB listening to player feedback.


  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    And DB likely will add Surak too if they can get the rights to do so.
    Let’s fly!
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes! DB isn't perfect, but everything about today's announcement shows that they do listen to what we have to say. Sure, sometimes they go off in a cockamamie direction that had nothing to do with our feedback, but they are trying to get it right.
  • Surak not being added isn't necessarily a sign he is coming, it could mean they were unable to get the rights. Wholehearted agreement with the rest of it though,
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    Agreed. I don't think DB was able to add Surak, which is the reason for the wait. I think he's already made up ready to rock n roll, just needing the go-ahead. Could be six months, and a new character for the Honor Hall.

    Having Mariachi Q was the first sign they were listening, changes to the cryo vault, a new character for the Gauntlet and Honor Hall, the increased speed if the app start-up and improvements to server performance the addition of several excellent Medical crew to the game, and probably more I can't think if right now, actually prove, in my mind, that they have been listening. And I'm impressed.

    Also, it can be noted that while some of the special crew are excellent they haven't necessarily been game breakers. It's great to hear how on one side people are asking for better engineers and medics, and we're getting them, balanced between them being good but not necessarily better than some of the older cards, is really good balance. I don't want to see a Caretaker who can destroy literally every other engineer in the game, but he'll be powerful and a very strong opponent, and he won't make walls very quickly.

    Honestly, I think DB are improving and doing much more in the last two months than say when I started the game six months ago. The Mirror mega was brilliant too. So left field and some excellent crew that didn't unbalance things too much.

    I'm looking forward to getting the Caretaker one day, and still have the option if getting Kahless (who I thought I'd lost the opportunity for) and so on.

    All they need to do is revamp the portal and the entire game will have been improved 100% imo
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  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    Excellent summary of the facts. Thanks!
  • PhotonKimPhotonKim ✭✭✭
    Thanks for this post.
  • edited March 2018
    Just thinking about the Caretaker.

    IMO Caretaker maybe a great card/toon/crew with powerful stats, but to me, he simply isn't that cool of character.

    Locutus just has that "gravatus" as a card and as a figure that crosses into pop culture.

    Guinan same thing, she is quite a bit more significant than the Banjo Man.

    You could show images of the Caretaker, Locutus and Guinan to a casual Trek fan and ask who they are. Guinan and Locutus, instant 100% recognition, the Caretaker, not so much.

    It is what it is, but Caretaker IMO is a major step down from both Guinan and Locutus.
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  • where as I agree with what you are saying for name recognition for the caretaker and casual fans that it is low for the most part trekkies are more then casual. most have watched all the series and apart from Q the caretaker is arguably the next most powerful being. so as a reward I find it most appropriate.
  • where as I agree with what you are saying for name recognition for the caretaker and casual fans that it is low for the most part trekkies are more then casual. most have watched all the series and apart from Q the caretaker is arguably the next most powerful being. so as a reward I find it most appropriate.

    Then we need to bring on Kevin Uxbridge (the Douwd), Q-2, and Amanda Rogers among other as the Caretakers replacement in the future ;)


    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    See, I'm not convinced he doesn't have the same gravitas. Sure, he isn't as cool as Locutus or Guinan, but he looms tall over all of Voyager as the reason the entire series exists. Obviously, they pretty quickly stopped referring to him in every episode (that would've gotten old FAST), but that more than earns him special status IMO.

    My choice for the next Gauntlet character? Would love to see The Sisko (post-finale Prophet Sisko). Some hella DIP and CMD on that guy.
  • Just thinking about the Caretaker.

    IMO Caretaker maybe a great card/toon/crew with powerful stats, but to me, he simply isn't that cool of character.

    Locutus just has that "gravatus" as a card and as a figure that crosses into pop culture.

    Guinan same thing, she is quite a bit more significant than the Banjo Man.

    You could show images of the Caretaker, Locutus and Guinan to a casual Trek fan and ask who they are. Guinan and Locutus, instant 100% recognition, the Caretaker, not so much.

    It is what it is, but Caretaker IMO is a major step down from both Guinan and Locutus.

    Excellent definition of Iconic.
    [DCC] bebe
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  • where as I agree with what you are saying for name recognition for the caretaker and casual fans that it is low for the most part trekkies are more then casual. most have watched all the series and apart from Q the caretaker is arguably the next most powerful being. so as a reward I find it most appropriate.

    I'd say that the Organians are right up there with the most powerful. They stopped a war instantly & prevented any hostility between the Federation & Klingons throughout the universe, not just those ships in orbit.
    [DCC] bebe
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  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would be tempted to think of it differently. If you are DB and aware the as a fandom we're somewhat fractious in that we all have our different favourite versions of Trek, and you're thinking we've mostly taken our iconic characters from TNG, lets do something Voyager this time (it's been aaaaages since Mirror Janeway), who do you pick then?

    If you *had* to choose from Voyager, who's more iconic than The Caretaker?
  • Maybe Species 8472?
    [DCC] bebe
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  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    That's the thing, Voyager and Enterprise suffered from the lowest viewership and thus really had the least impact culturally, regardless of quality.

    And frankly, the iconic non-main cast character we already have in game.. yes its the great BQ Broiler, the Borg Queen. She's got more screen time in Voyager than in First Contact. (Though with two different actresses) She's the one everyone would be able to pick out -- and you can argue whether the one we have is in the form of First Contact or Endgame (its definitely the Krige version)

    So I'd argue that we've already seen the iconic player from Voyager in the game, and that they could have gone somewhere else.

    And maybe we're running out of really big gun impact characters that everyone would recognize off the bat....

    I'm actually cool with Caretaker being the 'reward' in the Gauntlet. Mostly so the rage of not having him won't ignite the forums when he cycles out as intensely.

    In my opinion, the really iconic characters, regardless of stats, should be acquirable by all not just by those randomly assigned. (Locutus is only 12k more rounds away!)

  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    That's the thing, Voyager and Enterprise suffered from the lowest viewership and thus really had the least impact culturally, regardless of quality.

    And frankly, the iconic non-main cast character we already have in game.. yes its the great BQ Broiler, the Borg Queen. She's got more screen time in Voyager than in First Contact. (Though with two different actresses) She's the one everyone would be able to pick out -- and you can argue whether the one we have is in the form of First Contact or Endgame (its definitely the Krige version)

    So I'd argue that we've already seen the iconic player from Voyager in the game, and that they could have gone somewhere else.

    And maybe we're running out of really big gun impact characters that everyone would recognize off the bat....

    I'm actually cool with Caretaker being the 'reward' in the Gauntlet. Mostly so the rage of not having him won't ignite the forums when he cycles out as intensely.

    In my opinion, the really iconic characters, regardless of stats, should be acquirable by all not just by those randomly assigned. (Locutus is only 12k more rounds away!)

    I think Caretaker will generate some rage if we don’t have someone with better Eng proficiencies before he’s cycled out. He beats the next highest eng prof by something like 200 points.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    That's the thing, Voyager and Enterprise suffered from the lowest viewership and thus really had the least impact culturally, regardless of quality.

    And frankly, the iconic non-main cast character we already have in game.. yes its the great BQ Broiler, the Borg Queen. She's got more screen time in Voyager than in First Contact. (Though with two different actresses) She's the one everyone would be able to pick out -- and you can argue whether the one we have is in the form of First Contact or Endgame (its definitely the Krige version)

    So I'd argue that we've already seen the iconic player from Voyager in the game, and that they could have gone somewhere else.

    And maybe we're running out of really big gun impact characters that everyone would recognize off the bat....

    I'm actually cool with Caretaker being the 'reward' in the Gauntlet. Mostly so the rage of not having him won't ignite the forums when he cycles out as intensely.

    In my opinion, the really iconic characters, regardless of stats, should be acquirable by all not just by those randomly assigned. (Locutus is only 12k more rounds away!)

    I think Caretaker will generate some rage if we don’t have someone with better Eng proficiencies before he’s cycled out. He beats the next highest eng prof by something like 200 points.

    Some but not as much as Locutus or Guinan. I find that healthier for morale.
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