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Seems unfair, Gauntlet



  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Star Trek Enterprise, DR. PHLOX:
    There was a time when Denobulans believed they were the only intelligent species in the galaxy. Needless to say, it was quite a surprise when the B'Saari made First Contact. Many refused to accept the truth even with the evidence standing right in front of them.

    It’s funny...I read the content of this post without really looking at who posted it, and thought “what a good refutation to Quantum Blizzard’s claims of perfidy by DB in the Gauntlet.” Oops.

    The evidence standing in front of us is that there is an apparent normal distribution of gauntlet rewards, particularly for the special prize crew. Some of us, including myself, got The Caretaker on a 3-win streak after only a handful of rounds played. Even among the smaller set of people who play and also visit the forums, it’s a small number of people. Likewise, there is a small number of people who will never get The Caretaker despite playing many thousands of rounds. Just because this minority is loud (which is understandable) does not make them any larger. In the middle is a set of people who get The Caretaker from a 3-, 6-, 9-, or longer win streak after hundreds or a few thousand rounds played.

    People who feel cheated because they spend significant amounts of merits and dilithium to extend streaks into the triple digits and still don’t get The Caretaker should maybe consider not pouring resources into a futile pursuit. Unless you’re going for the top rank achievement, it really isn’t necessary. I never revive and very rarely re-roll matchups and I place anywhere from 10th to 50th, depending on how well my crew fits the traits and featured skill. I’ve got one each of the special gauntlet prize crew and get a steady supply of merits to spend on faction stores or the rare merit portal pack. I also don’t have a deep-seated bitterness towards DB, which makes life more fulfilling in general. You should try it sometime.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    Can we please move this discussion to ENGINEERING ROOM ... as the OP apparently feels that there are "Turbulences, bugs or issues" present in the Gauntlet

    ... I have to wade through a mire of Gauntlet posts in The Bridge just to find things about past/upcoming events etc.

    Again ... if posting about issues then please use the Engineering Room (where threads go to die a miserable death). :)
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    Can we please move this discussion to ENGINEERING ROOM ... as the OP apparently feels that there are "Turbulences, bugs or issues" present in the Gauntlet

    I think this belongs in the complaints section. Oh, wait ...
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