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Dilithium for Extra Scan

Anyone else think this feature needs to be removed from the game? I accidentally pressed "Extra Scan" today, and I spent 397 dilithium! What a horrible waste!


  • edited March 2018
    Send a ticket. DB are usually quite good at giving refunds for things like that - I've been caught out when collecting shuttle boosts and the server update lags showing I have still have free pulls but then get charged.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    397 Dilithium for a scan to get what ?
    4346 credits or 1 faction mission token..
    An interlink or a 0 star casing ?

    Lol sure, can I also get some ****** fries with my $600 Big Mac please ?

    Mmmm.. big Mac..
    So hungry.. gaawwwwkkk

  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    File ticket get refund.

    This should be eliminated.
    I do not think anyone will actually do it intentionally.
  • DpmtDpmt ✭✭
    I've done it intentionally. 200 honor for the price of a scan can be pretty cheap if it's the last scan I need in a day.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    Dpmt wrote: »
    I've done it intentionally. 200 honor for the price of a scan can be pretty cheap if it's the last scan I need in a day.

    I do not understand. You spend dilithium to get an extra scan.
    You get for achievement 25 merits.
    Where does 200 honor come in.
    Oh you complete your daily and get 200 honor.
    Obviously it depends on how much dil. it costs.
    You should not spend more than 70 dil. to get extra scan in.

    Frankly I never would spend the dil. just to get the 200 honor.
  • DpmtDpmt ✭✭
    It's happened about twice and I always feel like a fool. Recently I've come to view it as the price of not letting a mobile game completely dictate my schedule. Honestly there are other pretty dumb things you can do with Dilithium. I have done them all.

    Some would accuse me of being a large sea mammal for such blunders.
  • I have done this unintentionally in the past, and have received a refund from CS.
  • One of the most requested features is a confirmation dialog box for any dilithium purchase.

    Hopefully this can be added in the next release, @Shan @Black Pebble
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd be more likely to let a Voyage go an extra refill to mitigate the lost honor, then put Dilithium into a scan
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    Dpmt wrote: »
    It's happened about twice and I always feel like a fool. Recently I've come to view it as the price of not letting a mobile game completely dictate my schedule. Honestly there are other pretty dumb things you can do with Dilithium. I have done them all.

    Some would accuse me of being a large sea mammal for such blunders.

    You are right about other stupid spending of dil. we can do. it really just comes down to if your ok using the dil.

    But you did come up with a reason for it to still be there.

    I guess the argument should be first scan should cost no more than 50 dil. >Disrupter Beam<

    Actually cost should be the same as for getting credits with dil.

  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    I missed that post (or I forgot it)
    But that brings up good point too.
    We really should not be actually buying a speed up but a extra scan.
    Cost of extra scan is either wait the time limit for free scan or purchase with dil, each purchase charging more dil. I would say each scanner use should increase a chance of better items.

    Kind of makes me think somewhat like Dabo. But only in that, the more uses of scanner, increases chance of better items.
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