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Two birds with one stone in this idea.

So I have come up with an idea to alleviate both the event rewards system as well as the honor exchange rates. I call them field commendations. The concept is as follows:

Field commendations are basically partial citations. They would simply be added as a reward in the ranked rewards. There would be 2 types, one for purple and one for yellow crew. The purple ones would require 2 commendations to create one citation. Ranks 15000-7500 would get one commendation for purple, 7499-5000 would get 2 commendations. Yellow commendations would require 3 to create a complete citation. One yellow commendation to everyone from 4999 to 750, 2 commendations from 749 to 100 and 99-1 get 3 commendations.

I think this is a decent solution to the honor issue, since you can basically gain a citation every 2-3 weeks of regular event play, and it also provides better incentives with the ranked rewards. This also doesn't completely skew the rewards so that everyone stops spending money, and I would argue would only increase spending on the events. At most someone could rank in the top 100 every event and gain 52 citations in a year, which with the way new yellows are introduced is not even enough to keep up with the new event crew released in that time. What are everyone's thoughts?


  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    From circa 2-3 months to gain enough honor to cite a legendary to 1-3 weeks by commendations? I'm not sure DB would do this, I like the idea but I think it should be something like 3 for a purple and 6 for a legendary. By participating and ranking in an event sub 10k I think you should get 1 of each per event. This way you have the possibility of citing 1 star on a legendary in just over a month which is a much better improvement.

    But this would mean the honor hall would need a overhaul as it would only be useful for legendary purchase or other limited card purchases. But if they improved the honor earning s to a similar rate they wouldn't have to change anything.

    This also doesn't solve the futility of purchasing packs and getting little return when you have progressed far enough in the game and have a large proportion of the cards.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    I think something needs to be done and this sounds like a good start.

    I have calculated that assuming 1000 honour a day it would take me over 11 years to complete my existing legends.

    That is never going to happen unless the drop rate of honour increases dramatically.

    It is getting to the stage that driving for legends in events seems silly as I know I will never complete those I already have. I stopped the last galaxy event before the legend even though I had the crons to get it and I expect the same will happen this time as well

    Making it easier to increase legends would make them worth going for again.
  • DittoDitto ✭✭✭
    I just think offering more citations as prizes in some events instead of fixed crew . would help a lot ... *shrug*
    There needs to be certain events where people drive for new crew ... and other events where (different ?) people drive for the citations to FF their existing crew ...

  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    Ditto wrote: »
    I just think offering more citations as prizes in some events instead of fixed crew . would help a lot ... *shrug*
    There needs to be certain events where people drive for new crew ... and other events where (different ?) people drive for the citations to FF their existing crew ...

    I appreciate the sentiment of where you are going with this suggestion, but to answer your question, I highly doubt it would be "different" players going for the 2 different types of rewards - instead I think each would be enticing enough to the strongest players to go for them every week.
  • From circa 2-3 months to gain enough honor to cite a legendary to 1-3 weeks by commendations? I'm not sure DB would do this, I like the idea but I think it should be something like 3 for a purple and 6 for a legendary. By participating and ranking in an event sub 10k I think you should get 1 of each per event. This way you have the possibility of citing 1 star on a legendary in just over a month which is a much better improvement.

    But this would mean the honor hall would need a overhaul as it would only be useful for legendary purchase or other limited card purchases. But if they improved the honor earning s to a similar rate they wouldn't have to change anything.

    This also doesn't solve the futility of purchasing packs and getting little return when you have progressed far enough in the game and have a large proportion of the cards.

    Yes the pack issue doesn't get solved, but that isn't what this was intended to do. The reason I chose 2 and 3 to complete a citation is it is reasonable enough of an amount to try to collect and get a payoff. Like hunter247 said, I have almost reached the point where I don't even want to get in the top 1000 in an event because I will have a 1 star legendary that won't even be added to packs for at least 6 months the way they update the pack drops. That means if I manage to get 1 citation per month I am looking at 4 months to immortalize one person. There are what, 130 legendaries in the game? As much as DB may want me to use my mortgage money to play the game it isn't happening. I also am not spending money, not because I don't want to, but because I am pretty much guaranteed to not be able to move more than a yellow or 2 and I will most likely get another yellow in the process that adds to the problem.

    Also don't touch the honor hall. The honor hall can stay as it is. It is still useful to add citations and use beholds for people. Plus I assume that is still a way whales can churn out stars on their yellows, so it is a money maker for DB.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    From circa 2-3 months to gain enough honor to cite a legendary to 1-3 weeks by commendations? I'm not sure DB would do this, I like the idea but I think it should be something like 3 for a purple and 6 for a legendary. By participating and ranking in an event sub 10k I think you should get 1 of each per event. This way you have the possibility of citing 1 star on a legendary in just over a month which is a much better improvement.

    But this would mean the honor hall would need a overhaul as it would only be useful for legendary purchase or other limited card purchases. But if they improved the honor earning s to a similar rate they wouldn't have to change anything.

    This also doesn't solve the futility of purchasing packs and getting little return when you have progressed far enough in the game and have a large proportion of the cards.

    Yes the pack issue doesn't get solved, but that isn't what this was intended to do. The reason I chose 2 and 3 to complete a citation is it is reasonable enough of an amount to try to collect and get a payoff. Like hunter247 said, I have almost reached the point where I don't even want to get in the top 1000 in an event because I will have a 1 star legendary that won't even be added to packs for at least 6 months the way they update the pack drops. That means if I manage to get 1 citation per month I am looking at 4 months to immortalize one person. There are what, 130 legendaries in the game? As much as DB may want me to use my mortgage money to play the game it isn't happening. I also am not spending money, not because I don't want to, but because I am pretty much guaranteed to not be able to move more than a yellow or 2 and I will most likely get another yellow in the process that adds to the problem.

    Also don't touch the honor hall. The honor hall can stay as it is. It is still useful to add citations and use beholds for people. Plus I assume that is still a way whales can churn out stars on their yellows, so it is a money maker for DB.

    No one in their right mind would go for citations they will all opt for these commendations, if you break a progressional symbiosis like this you will create many more more problems.

    Top of the agenda more people will want to rank higher to get these commendations because citations in honor hall would be totally broken by this new way of citing a card.

    It would also add to competition of more people wanting to rank higher, thus toughening your objective and people will most likely actually end up spending more (perhaps even more than they intend to) sure great for DB, but not so for you. 1 month from 2 or 3 months is a vast improvement from the current state of affairs and it wouldn't harm DB much at all. Like I said it's a good idea but to fully fuse a legendary in a month is way too big a cut down and I think it would do more harm to the outlook and longevity of the game.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Why would you not do both citations and commendations? Like I said, the max someone could get is 52 citations worth of commendations over an entire year. Thats 13 legendaries immortalized assuming someone can manage to get top 100 in every single event. It would still take 10 years to use commendations just to immortalize all the yellows currently in the game. The entire reason I proposed the 3 to make one citation is to allow more people to actually immortalize their legendaries. If you want to make it 4 I can see that argument, but 6 falls on the other side of the equation of taking too long for the majority of players to max their legendaries. The system basically replaces the idea of increasing honor to get citations faster as well as making ranked rewards much more satisfying in events.

    We are averaging like 6 or 7 new legendaries per month, so being able to fully fuse one every few weeks to a month and a half for players will not hurt the longevity of the game and would instead help it. Even the whales could be happy getting a citation per event to level up their legendaries they got from portal pulls and would spend cash to get them in events, which helps the longevity of the game because they fund keeping the game profitable and running.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's an interesting suggestion, but more complex than it needs to be, I think. Just make it simple Honor rewards instead of commendations, then there's no need to do any combining or anything.

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    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • XoiikuXoiiku ✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    It's an interesting suggestion, but more complex than it needs to be, I think. Just make it simple Honor rewards instead of commendations, then there's no need to do any combining or anything.

    Agreed, this was the feedback I was just going to offer.
    So I have come up with an idea to alleviate both the event rewards system as well as the honor exchange rates. I call them field commendations.

    I was working on similar solution, seeing the opportunity with a change in the event reward structure, though I went straight to honor because that would eliminate the need for an extra currency. In several of the honor rate threads, particularly on the old forums people have posted ideas for various partial citation concepts, myself included, and upon further thought it seemed to always just make things more complicated than necessary or push around the fundamental issue of a very poor exchange rate for honor directly. Honor gives the most flexibility, in that people can choose to use it for the citations they need.

    The idea I've outlined in, Event Rewards, Threshold:Crew and Ranked:Honor suggests that all ranked rewards be converted to honor (at equivalent value to the corresponding rarity of citation, or significant portion thereof) and that all crew be moved to threshold rewards.

    In this way, people can access the all the event crew by clearing the thresholds, and then choose which to invest the honor they earned from rank. There should be enough honor rewarded, such that players who do well enough, end up having the same number of fully fused crew they would under the current system. So if under the current system a player would earn a 3/4, 4/4, and 1/5 event crew, by placing top 1000, then under the new system they would earn 1/4, 1/4 and 1/5 crew with enough honor to buy 4, 4* citations.

    The advantage here, is that it reduces the number of potential duplicates, and gives flexibility. Whereas in the current system, people have to just hope that the crew they want is in thresholds and that they don't get bumped out of the bracket they need to be in to get access to the crew at all. By ranks rewarding honor, no matter which event crew you have beginning the event, the ranks rewards will be useful.

    Anyway, I ended up typing more than I planned. Point is that I think there is some solution here with a restructuring of the event rewards which could alleviate one part of the duplicates problem and address the ongoing honor rate issue.
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  • There are a few reasons I didn't just want honor rewards added to ranked rewards. One is the honor hall people would be greatly diminished. Saving up that 100k honor is a badge of honor in the game and I wouldn't really want to see that go.

    The more important reason to me is that the lower ranks get something with this system too which is useful, but still not something that can be used on legendary crew that carry a great value in the game. People complain that there is no difference between 1000 and 25, but the same can be said of 15000 to 3000. I think by giving people who are ranked 5000 and below a way to level up super rare crew is helpful, as most of those people are more casual and possibly f2p. The more serious players and paying players would be able to get their legendary crew fused, as it seems getting anything above 5000 rank takes a good resource investment.

    I would not complain about a straight honor reward though believe me. I would just like to see if that was put in place for the reward structure to somehow extend down to the 15000 rank in a sliding scale of sorts, because player base helps the game as a whole with ad revenue.
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would like the plain honor actually, then I could choose what I wanna do with it. ^^
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