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Do no Harm-Pulaski anyone have her yet?

arjunaarjuna ✭✭✭
Has anyone pulled a Pulaski yet? Based on past experience I'm assuming she isn't in the pack as that seems to be DB's MO.


  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Did one pull and got her. Quitting while I'm ahead.
  • arjunaarjuna ✭✭✭
    Yeah! They actually put the characters in the pack this time. Thanks for the fast feedback.
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd actually forgotten about DB's track record when I did the pull. Glad they got it right this time!
  • I did 2 pulls, puffer fish phlox and toby russel.
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