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New Packs Suggestion

Ok so you got the Big tier
The 6500 where you get a legendary guaranteed. Cool
Never gonna buy.
To Rich for my blood.

Then you have the 650s
Where it's featured 5 or featured 4s , one or the other guaranteed..

I'm a low/mid spender..
I'd likely be a full out mid spender if I wasn't going to waste my money.

A new tier. 800/900 Dilithium
Featured 5*'s no featured super rare
Pack guarantees either a featured Legendary or a super rare Citation.

We'd get a bit more certainty
You'd get more income comparitivly.

Comparitivly on multiple fronts,
One 850 is more then 650,

Two. whatever you lose by people getting a citation you gain higher player morale and that leads to more spending

Three. People like myself, I want to pull the command pack featured now.. I want the Kirk, Id like angry admiral who's name I can never spell & I want to add to the Cartwright that I have but I've Immortalized all the super rares. I can't & won't waste 650dil

Nearly exact same for the medical pack..
The super rares are done or I have 0 interest in but, I'd like a stab at the legendarys.

A super rare Citation as the "downside guarantee" wouldnt feel like the major victory a featured legendary would but would make me feel like I still made a smart choice to try.

Clearly, you cant do this on event packs..
But some of the Tuesday deals.. why not ?

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