Isn't is time we actually had some Fleet centric events?
in The Bridge
In many other massively multiplayer games of a similar nature, at least some of the events actually involve Guilds/Factions/Orders/Fleets working together competitively. There are times I miss that aspect in this game, and I do have to wonder why we don't have something similar in STT.
I feel that most of the mechanics are already there, to be honest. We could have a simple Fleet vs Fleet events where we fight using either ship battles or maybe something using the Gauntlet battle mechanics.
In my experience of these games, the more incentive you provide to make the 'guilds' actually work together, and the more users get to know their teammates and look out for each other and discuss strategy, the longer people remain active playing the game.
What do you think?
I feel that most of the mechanics are already there, to be honest. We could have a simple Fleet vs Fleet events where we fight using either ship battles or maybe something using the Gauntlet battle mechanics.
In my experience of these games, the more incentive you provide to make the 'guilds' actually work together, and the more users get to know their teammates and look out for each other and discuss strategy, the longer people remain active playing the game.
What do you think?
SSR Noob
Spoiler of spoils
Maybe based on your fleet position you could win components to add to your starbase and extra honour
It would be nice to have a fleet/squadron bonus based on ranking even if its just a passive one like increased chrono recharge rate for 2 days after the event or something. Rep rations are so stingy and pointless since voyages the squad bonuses need tweaking.
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Thinking like an expedition, several ships sent out collectively. If once a day once player contributed a ship focused on one of the six skills, then it could return and the entire fleet gets rewards commensurate with different levels sent out. Each player could have a cooldown of a 5-6 days, so the same beast players don't dominate.
1. Voyage.
2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
3. Only pursue characters I care about.
4. Contribute to the fleet.
5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
6. Have fun.
7. Voyage.
8. Have fun!
If it is some competition that doesn t requires fights, like suggested by some in here, i am ok with it. As long as it isn t game breaking, meaning lower players or players in lower/smaller fleets have an huge disadvantage, as it already is with starbase and individual skill boosts, that now can make a up to 15% status difference.
Each player has 5 lives to beat the best 10 opposing players (progress is saved ie you don't go back to player 1 if you die), with each victory being worth more 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 IIRC.
Number of players whose scores count is capped at the size of the smallest Kingdom.
This would open up a whole other set of rooms for Starbases to boost ship scores, and even the idea of base schematics to build famous locations.
Crew and ships would need to be rebalanced a lot better though.
Yeah, I mean I like the camaraderie in this game with fleets, but I am so tired of multiplayer battle type games. This game balances it well enough (the top 1000 threshold in events is still an issue) but the arena nor the gauntlet feel like an onslaught that is a common feeling in MMO games.
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