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Behold (Klingon Janeway/Garak, Elim Garak/Kang)

Should be a fairly easy one, I'm leaning towards Garak since I expect an "Our Man Bashir" collection at some point but there is a Janeway there and we all know DB likes their Janeways for events. Theres always that extra star on Kang but I'm already pretty set for diplomacy characters.

Kang 2/5
Garak 0/5
Janeway 0/5


  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You've probably already chosen by this point, but if it were me I'd take the 3rd star on Kang. Going from 2 to 3 stars is a decent jump in skill stats, and gets you that much closer to FF. Whereas neither of the others are particularly good at 1/5.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
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