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Fleet Dacia recruiting

Join a level 70 starbase fleet, min level 30 required and active at daily missions. You will benefit from free honored, skill bonus and some fun in fleet chat.
Live long and prosper!


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    NitroSTARNitroSTAR ✭✭
    edited July 2022
    We have 25 vacancies in one of the oldest fleets in STT:

    *********** DACIA FLEET ***********

    We are a European fleet (a very important aspect for many of us due to time zones), with members living all over Europe!


    Join us now and benefit from everything else some other fleets are offering: casual, relaxed, laid back blah blah fleet, plenty of support if needed, maxed starbase - lvl 134 etc. plus fun and teamwork.

    We don't have a Discord channel or other chat rooms, but if it's requested and people are interested then it could be an option. We are open to evolving and developing the fleet and ideas are welcomed.

    There are no minimum level requirements, event targets or spending requirements. It would be nice if we can all do the individual daily missions, starbase donations and so on but that also is not mandatory, as we know everybody has a life outside of the game.
    The more active people in a fleet/tribe the better the tribe will do which would translate into more fun for each active member. So let's have some fun together!

    Join Dacia fleet! Send me a message if interested, here or in the game (search for NitroStar).

    Merging with other small fleets would be an option that we can discuss.
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    We are still looking for a few fellow captains to join the fleet.
    Laid back and supportive.
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    Despre noi
    ROMANIA - DACIA FLEET este cea mai veche flota romaneasca cu membri activi. Pe chatul flotei se poate discuta aproape orice preponderent in limba romana, dar majoritatea membrilor vorbeste si limba engleza, unii poate chiar si klingoniana ;).

    Cea mai importanta cerinta este ca fiecare membru sa-i respecte pe ceilalti si pe cat posibil sa-si aduca contributia la dezvoltarea flotei.

    Cum sa devii membru
    Suntem mereu deschisi catre primirea in flota de noi membrii de orice nivel care doresc sa faca parte dintr-o activa comunitate romaneasca si care doresc sa se distreze alaturi de noi dar si sa-si aduca contributia la dezvoltarea acestei flote.

    Pentru a intra in flota noastra trebuie sa apesi pe butonul "Fleet" din partea de jos a ferestrei jocului, a 3-a iconita, cea din dreapta "Crew".
    Apoi apasa "Join fleet" si introdu la cautarea flotei numele "ROMANIA - DACIA FLEET" si aplica pentru a deveni membru.

    Pagina flotei noastre pe situl sttwiki.org/wiki/Fleet_ROMANIA_-_DACIA_FLEET
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