Daylight Savings Time
I know this gets mentioned every year, but can we not adjust the times to compensate for the clock changes? Yes, I realize a lot of people probably like it better with things starting or ending an hour later, but its very INCONSISTENT when it comes to events.
During normal hours, noon eastern is when the events start/end AND the items/Dabo/etc refresh. It's consistent. During DST, the events are one hour ahead of that.
For the record, I want the refresh/chroniton surge/gauntlet times moved backwards one hour to match pre-DST times.
During normal hours, noon eastern is when the events start/end AND the items/Dabo/etc refresh. It's consistent. During DST, the events are one hour ahead of that.
For the record, I want the refresh/chroniton surge/gauntlet times moved backwards one hour to match pre-DST times.
This game already struggles with accommodating different time zones, and while the one hour of DST is annoying, it doesn't make that much of an impact compared to all the other time-based issues, and moving things an hour will just make anyone who isn't on DST feel the issue. I'd rather DB spent some time thinking about ways to help Euro folks and others on non-North American time zones rather than moving things at DST which honestly doesn't do that much.
And this is from a person on Eastern time, who gets DST with the rest of North America.
Cardassian wishlist:
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Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
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Also some countries that do DST do them on different days.....
I think it's best to just not muck with it.
As someone who doesn't save daylight, I'd say it should be abolished world wide. I think we've progressed to where it's not needed anymore.
It's GLORIOUS when I gain an hour of sleep because I just waste it video gaming... but man the most recent one where it screws me an hour.... it's more torturous than anything
I agree. It makes very little sense and the spring time one is always the worst. I've been losing sleep, coming in late to work, it's terrible.
It was supposedly implemented to "help farmers" or some such, but the one place in Canada that doesn't observe it is like, 80% farmers and they seem to be doing just fine.
Sadly, there are no signs of it disappearing.
Cardassian wishlist:
Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
I can tell you I do not want sunrise at 4:07am on the longest day here in Chicago. Also would have quite a few days with sunrise earlier than 4:30 am. Of course, the argument might be to keep DST all year long. But that brings up the problem of children going to school in the dark and drivers not being quite alert.
That is the excuse given now by politicians but not correct:
"The New Zealand entomologist George Hudson first proposed modern DST. Hudson's shift-work job gave him leisure time to collect insects and led him to value after-hours daylight.[4] In 1895 he presented a paper to the Wellington Philosophical Society proposing a two-hour daylight-saving shift,[11] and after considerable interest was expressed in Christchurch, he followed up with an 1898 paper.[29] Many publications credit DST proposal to the prominent English builder and outdoorsman William Willett,[30] who independently conceived DST in 1905 during a pre-breakfast ride, when he observed with dismay how many Londoners slept through a large part of a summer day"
In the 1970s during the energy crisis it got some more attention and was adopted more broadly, but that is not where it originated.
There's enough to go around already. Daylight is so bright it makes my eyes water. I like a nice dim environment, bathed in soft artificial light. Preferably with snacks.
Personally, on a more serious note, my skin actually can't take much sunlight, and I walk to work, so it's technically better for me when I can go to and from work when the sun's not up, or only recently up/setting. Walking around in full sunlight requires more work and effort on my part, although I still enjoy it.
Cardassian wishlist:
Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
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Privileged to be Admiral of the Great Fleet
Dilithium Causes Cancer, maxed Starbase level 134
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He actually originally proposed it as a joke in a satire piece. He thought it was a ridiculous idea :P
Cardassian wishlist:
Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
All of the non-event stuff is tied to their values in UTC, and last time I saw this kind of thing floating around on the forums, the official answer was that they either can't or don't want to change any of that. Events must actually be programmed to their values in EST (I'm assuming EST based on DB's location), so they stay Noon EST, regardless of the other resets.
Seems alright to me. I don't know that any of us would benefit much from them moving the event time to 13:00 EST.
It would create slightly fewer problems for me, scheduling wise, but that doesn’t mean that I think they should change it. If this way causes fewer problems on their end, I can deal with it.
It was never for farmers. Farmers hate daylight savings. In fact, lobbying by farmers groups kept daylight savings from going into effect for years.
While the issue raised by the OP doesn't really affect me, I agree both that everything should move or nothing should move and that it is annoying that various things in the game that refresh every day don't refresh at the same time.
That was just what I heard given as an excuse most frequently.
Despite my farmer grandfather complaining about it, and as I said, the one province with probably the most farmers doesn't have it. That's why I said "supposedly".
Cardassian wishlist:
Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
Interesting...I like having update at 11 pm CST instead of midnight CDT because it allowed me to get a jump on scans, dilemmas, and shuttle missions before heading to bed. I’m normally a night person but work in the morning keeps me from going to bed at the ideal time of 1 or 2 in the morning.