No complaining....How can DB make sure issues do not happen and/or our experience is better?
in The Bridge
My first suggestion is to hire a Super Fan and have them read the stories. Also, Somehow, let us know we are actually being heard. In customer service, it is not the problem that causes companies to lose customers it is how they deal with problems. Most of the time. I know when I played clash, the developers had software they could run new updates. I would encourage this type of separate platform to run the program on. It could also be given to a handful of fans and dedicated players who would like to start and give feedback on Wednesday so as to write up actual feedback. Since it is on the platform, it is not separate so they do not get a head start in the actual game. Compensation would not have to be a lot. One Super-rare citation for a page of feedback.
Those are my suggestions.
Remeber..No complaining just real suggestions that could be implemented that could help the paying customer's experience.
Those are my suggestions.
Remeber..No complaining just real suggestions that could be implemented that could help the paying customer's experience.
All suggestions regarding improvements are ignored. Common industry quality practices are not employed. Such as check lists.
The player-testers would remotely attend the developer meetings (after signing an NDA), to alert them of potential problems.
They would advocate for the players to help sort through the vast numbers of complaints involved with marketing and trying to come up with a fairer way to deliver their products to customers at a reasonable price point.
They would help test events and new features before they are released to the public to try to catch problems before they enter a live environment.
I would do it, I am already pretty much a beta tester anyway on top of my regular tech job, managing to have this app and the forums open around 8-12 hours out of my day.
2. Be transparent.
3. If you make a commitment to your customers, keep it.
4. If you don't/can't keep to that commitment, make good on it to the extent that is possible, without making customers jump through hoops. That includes proactively making good on incidents like today's. "We told you X about Event Y, and since that did not happen we are doing Z to make good on it."
5. Measure twice, cut once. It is easier to do things right the first time than have to fix them.
6. Have a real test server, not whatever in-house emulator passes for testing.
7. Let players beta test on that test server, versus making your entire customer base your unwitting beta (or alpha) testers.
8. Have a rigorous QC process. It's clear this is not part of DB's culture right now.
9. Standardize procedures. I think most of us have guessed long before now that the game's original, base code is a hot mess, but it cannot be so terrible that standard procedures for common problems can't be established. This applies to Customer Support as well.
10. Respect your customers. We're where the money that pays for your jobs comes from.
Agreed waste of time they really do not care
Why waste my time
DB has effectively eroded the value of the of the faction portion of this event while magnifying the galaxy portion.
Since it's become obvious that many people are more willing to buy chrons than shuttle instant completions, this does not surprise me at all.
What I find most aggravating is the way DB et al insists on continuously insulting the intelligence of the player community (this is not a complaint, it is a statement of fact).
Why won't DB just say, "We believe increasing the reliance on the Galaxy portion of Hybrid events is better for the company's bottom line, and that in turn helps us ensure the continued viability of the game."
I think you would find a great deal of support from your player base instead of the anger and frustration you're experiencing.
Personally, it was the number of unique missions that threw me off. (:
They could institute full on ITIL change management that contains user communication as part of their change process. Usually ITIL processes involve looking at each change after the fact even if they go well to do lessons learned and process review.
The thing is supposedly lessons learned meetings have taken place after each of these blunders before. The real question and one that we really cannot answer from this side of the wall is what would make those meetings more effective. That would mean understanding some of the personalities involved, etc.
What we do know is that they do need to be more effective.
Less vp from the faction part of hybrid event means those who didn't hoard chrons as for a full galaxy would need to buy more.
When a company wants their goofs to be overlooked it is most helpful not to be the recipient of financial gain from the goof.
Goes a long way towards showing goodwill that these aren't convenient errors that make them more money.
We get the information that 1-faction-events remain at 20 missions. We get the info that there will be 3 factions in the event. Both has been *planned* otherwise, it did not just happen by mistake (I could far more easily understand that). Why is it so difficult to check what information is put on the forum and whether that is still correct.
All that results in additional workload for CS (who btw do their best to reduce the negative effects). It would be a lot more efficient, if developers read through those 10 weekly messages every now and then.
Namely the Kickstart.... more importantly it's a shift on how many you can run at any one time thus pushing you to the longer time completion missions quicker.... which in turn of course requires you to use more higher rarity time boosts to accomplish.... now how is one supposed to get such time boosts?
I leave the deductions/answers/reasoning to the floor.
This was not incompetence, but what it was, was very poor sportsmanship - they have had the chance to be transparent weeks ago about this, they chose not to. But one of the main reasons I left another game was for these very reasons, and I suspect I would not be the only one.
They need to be more open for one, they need to listen to people and perhaps give a little in return by implementing things the fan base have suggested, let us not detract from the fact that they have done some of this to some extent, which has been appreciated. Collections and Cryo sorting, but this kind of thing needs to happen more frequently. Not just new pack, after new pack this the one thing you cannot pick up from analytics and statistics.
I'd have my trumpet out in advance saying, hey, we care about our new users, lookie lookie what we did for them and all new folks coming in.