Address concerns by adjusting thresholds
in The Bridge
The frustration that I and many people have from reducing the starting number of shuttles is that it has a significant impact on the final score a person can achieve. In principle reducing the number of shuttles affects everyone equally and does not significantly impact the competitiveness of a faction event. However it does significantly impact the ability and speed of achieving threshold rewards. If you need to reduce the number of shuttles For either cost for performance reasons you should correspondingly adjust the threshold totals downward to account for the lower scoring in the event. This would allow you to achieve your goals without impacting the rewards of the players.
The frustration that I and many people have from reducing the starting number of shuttles is that it has a significant impact on the final score a person can achieve. In principle reducing the number of shuttles affects everyone equally and does not significantly impact the competitiveness of a faction event. However it does significantly impact the ability and speed of achieving threshold rewards. If you need to reduce the number of shuttles For either cost for performance reasons you should correspondingly adjust the threshold totals downward to account for the lower scoring in the event. This would allow you to achieve your goals without impacting the rewards of the players.
DB has effectively eroded the value of the of the faction portion of this event while magnifying the galaxy portion.
Since it's become obvious that many people are more willing to buy chrons than shuttle instant completions, this does not surprise me at all.
What I find most aggravating is the way DB et al insists on continuously insulting the intelligence of the player community.
Why won't DB just say, "We believe increasing the reliance on the Galaxy portion of Hybrid events is better for the company's bottom line, and that in turn helps us ensure the continued viability of the game."
I think you would find a great deal of support from your player base instead of the anger and frustration you're experiencing.
It seems you've tried everything else, how about giving honesty a chance?
The consequence I am not happy about is how much these changes de-value the faction half of a faction/galaxy hybrid. Before the reduction, I could earn 150-175K in the faction half, and 300-500K in the galaxy half, depending on how high I was trying to rank - about a 2.5:1 ratio in favor of galaxy. Now I'm expecting maybe 100-125K in faction (depending on RNG), so the ratio will be closer to 3.5:1. Makes me wonder why I should even worry about kickstarting and time boosts and alarms going off in work meetings if I can just make up any point loses by building a handful of extra recipes.
The sad truth of the matter is that galaxy events harm new players more than anyone.
Established players go further in voyages and already have an established crew, so they can afford to throw a few thousand chrons down the toilet now and then. New players will only ever be successful if they focus on leveling their existing crew and start unlocking new missions, going further in voyages, doing better in gauntlet, etc. I know because I've gone through it. I'm a free player that has nearly 300 immortals, only 3 of them being golds.
Very true. I've said elsewhere that being a new player and trying to manage galaxy after galaxy feels like drowning. I make such little headway leveling crew if I want my "free" 4/4. The time that it will take to catch my crew up to a point where I can be competitive in events is elongated every time I have to trade in thousands of chrons for a level 1 crew that I don't have the chrons to level.
If they were timely and consistent about updating the portal, I'd have the option to sit out events and get the crew later, but they've made it so that if you don't mortgage a week's (for a newer player) worth of progress, you can kiss those crew goodbye.
Faction events were the best time to catch up my crew, but now they're nerfing it over and over and raising the chrons needed for hybrid event rewards. Super frustrating.
However, nerfing the kickstart of faction missions seems like it theoretically helps me. That is, since I have neither the crew nor the shuttles to do an effective kickstart myself, removing that ability from other players technically make me more competitive.
That "help" has not impacted my play nor my spending, and I do not think it was wisely done even if it may have been a laudable goal.
When there are certain items that require shuttle missions or replication faction events hurt pretty hard IMO
I take @Black Pebble s apology, sometimes these things happen.
Sometimes things happen... often.
I disagree:
- European and eastern players immediately disadvantaged as we can’t get to higher VP scores before it’s time to send out 9hr shuttles.
- Some players lost time waiting a while to see if DB pushed out a quick fix, inserting the missing missions. Conversely, players that carried on regardless would be disadvantaged if DB had put a fix in.
- IF in-game compensation is offered and IF before the end of the event, it may benefit some more than others. Eg: 2000 chron would disadvantage me because I’d suddenly have a lot more viable competition in the finishing ranks. I’d rather people didn’t start getting huge amounts of chron when I’ve been carefully saving in preparation for this.
Top half I agree with, but those 2000 chrons would be yours too, so it wouldn't be that much different.
I don't think they will re-evaluate the thresholds because they want you to spend more and reducing mission numbers forces you to do just that, reducing or readjusting the threshold would negate the reasons for reducing the missions in the first place
Yeah, well, +1000 more.
DB, you have an intelligent player base. Deal with it. Honestly.
I'd like to see the extra items higher up like we did during the holidays.
Nothing game breaking, but some exclusive schems or such I think would be a nice thing to do again.
However, factions have always been a bit of a bug for me, as I still have crew (not in the portal) with only 3 or even 2 stars from early faction events.
A hybrid is brilliant for newer players as they get the benefits of the community awards to fully fuse their crew. While galaxies are expensive chrono wise, we have far more now than when I started and most of my fully fused crew came from them in the early days.
Honestly, I'm not sure why people are spitting bricks about this. Adjust your strategy, and move on. In RL we have to do it all the time!
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Amen. The extra thresholds were a nice bonus, even though it was a pain to get in the Faction/Expedition hybrid event.