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Complaints and Spinning Your Wheels (long read)

MbannarMbannar ✭✭✭
So i have wrote posts, made threads, and sent in tickets

So let me explain better as these seem to get buried alot

Im a father of seven, i work 50-60hours a week, i dont drink,i dont go to bars, i dont go out, the only time i have to unwind and relax is a a few minutes thru out the day, a bit in the morning while im outside in the mornings having coffee and cig before kids wake up, a bit at night after i get the kids off to bed

I play this game durning those few free minutes as my fun, as its a better way to spend my cash and time then getting tied up on things that take away from work or kids

Im not collage educated so i dont use alot of big words that make me look smart, im very basic on my writing

When you have bugs, glitchs and miscommunication
It does not effect ever person the same way

For me as a example
When you put out the event info on fridays i look at what i will need to get a good rank (top 100) for the upcoming week

So i focus on building items i will need for event charchaters by

Doing extra cadets for items, and what ever the bonuses are to stock up, maybe the weekly offer to get chrons or dil for things i need for event, i buy the $99 dollar event pack, then race to get them done before the event the next day

So for me there is alot of effort and money into getting ready

Then the issues start weather its a server issue,bug or miscommunication on event or in a aspect of the game that i use for event

Which make me frustrated having spent the last week preparing

So i take my issue/frustrations to the fourm or tickets

Just to watch it ethier get buried or what i feel like is blown off

On the fourm the i watch it get buried under people that to them it is not a big issue, i watch as it gets buried under things like best pull ever!!,ugliest star trek char, hottest character and so forth which increase the frustrations

So i make a thread again it gets buried or closed
I make threads not stir **tsk tsk** up but because 400 post deep thread gets bogged down with thoughts the dont show the importance of the problem from my point if view

As for tickets, i get repeatly told its not a server wide issue, there for unimportant as it does not effect the community

But it does effect me, my time, my money and there for is very imporant to me

I could make,list or offer suggestion as i have done in the past but again it gets bogged down

When i try to talk to fourm staff or support staff i get man we are really sorry to hear you having issues then silence

When i try to talk about compensation i get laughed at or again man we are sorry to hear that and silence

Im not sure what can be done to fix this to keep frustrations down, but something needs to be done
There are alot of smart people on fourms that may know better then me but not sure it will effect the issues im having

As nicely as i can put this i do care what issues other people are having, but when my issues are not taken care of, or addressed i find it really hard to care

The fact that you as a company are having problems is not my problem, what is my problem is how yours affects my time and money

I get that your not perfect but again thats your problem not mine

If you want my money, then you need to fix my problems, if you dont want want my money then say so, so we can both stop wasting our time

Not trying to be a dick but at a point its hard to show you sympathy and understanding, when you dont do the same

Sadly from reading fourm there appears to be a portion of your player base that feel the same as i do
May not be a large portion, but does not appear to be that small of a minority ethier

So if you dont want us as players or on fourms please say so

If you do want us then please address,fix or compensate our issues


  • So what
  • MbannarMbannar ✭✭✭
    edited 2018 16
    So what

    You kinda proofing my point with your post
  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    It sounds like the way this game is set up and run is not compatible with you and your lifestyle.

    It doesn't seem like the former is going to change, and I'd be astonished if you reorganized your life and your family simply to get a bit more out of a mobile game. So it seems like the obvious answer is: find a game more suited for you.

    That's not supposed to come across as dismissive of your Timelines problems. I sympathize. But not every piece of entertainment can possibly be suitable for every person.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    PenguinJim wrote: »
    It sounds like the way this game is set up and run is not compatible with you and your lifestyle.

    It doesn't seem like the former is going to change, and I'd be astonished if you reorganized your life and your family simply to get a bit more out of a mobile game. So it seems like the obvious answer is: find a game more suited for you.

    That's not supposed to come across as dismissive of your Timelines problems. I sympathize. But not every piece of entertainment can possibly be suitable for every person.

    Continuing off of this, I'll tell a short story:

    I used to play Star Wars Combine (a fun browser-based MMORPG) a lot. Like, really a lot - wake up, spend 15-20 minutes doing in-game activities or working on our faction’s forum before going to work, spend an hour or so after work doing more of the same, and then usually another 20-30 minutes later in the evening. No family to worry about and late days at work were rare, so I could spare the time.

    Fast forward to two years ago. By this time, I’m one of the top people in our government and responsible for about two dozen people. With RL work taking more time I had a choice: schedule my life around SWC, complain about it to the admins, or take a step back. I stepped down from my lofty position, took a job that I could do once a day for five minutes, and haven’t done much else with it since then.

    Do I miss the days when I was neck-deep in managing people and projects while building a collection of neat ships, vehicles, droids, and weaponry? At times, yes. But I look back at all the time and effort that I've been able to devote elsewhere in my life and I really don’t regret putting SWC aside.

    From the tone of your many posts across the forums, it sounds like this game frustrates you quite a lot - it might be time to step back, even if it’s just to F2P, and see if letting go helps out.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Many frustrated players here have said that going F2P, or mostly F2P (typicaly, with the exception of the monthly card), made the game a lot more enjoyable.

    When you don’t spend as much money, it doesn’t feel as much like you’re being cheated when things go wrong, if you know what I mean?

    It’s like my gauntlet “strategy”. I know that if I do not invest dil or merits into a streak, I will not be as upset when the streak eventually ends.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    I personally find it baffling how other players feel like they can and should diminish the value or validation of another players opinion and/or even telling someone that they should not be playing for one reason or another.

    First, I don't think any post in this thread of 3 words or more was intended to diminish the OP's opinion.

    There's an age old joke:
    Patient: Doctor, my arm hurts when I move it like this.
    Doctor: Then don't move it like that.

    Now you wouldn't want a doctor like that, but DB isn't our doctor. They provide an optional product meant to be fun. If the product they've created isn't to someone's liking, they can suggest changes. If the product at its core is not what the player considers fun, they probably shouldn't play. In this case, telling someone "maybe you shouldn't play" is sincere advice.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I fully support @Mbannar in his frustration. I personally find it baffling how other players feel like they can and should diminish the value or validation of another players opinion and/or even telling someone that they should not be playing for one reason or another. DB has already so many bugs to address in the game as it is, that they should at least focus on having good office policies and communication lines as to not create problems where they do not need to have them.

    The more I think about this comment, the more I get really put off by it. I related a similar situation that happened to me with a heartfelt suggestion that could improve another person’s quality of life...who do you think you are to tell me I'm trying to diminish the validation of his problems?

    We are all in the same boat, though some of us don’t feel as affected by DB’s issues because of our play style, how much actual money we spend, or simple differences in personality. And, despite the apparent increase in toxicity of this community, I would like to believe that we generally want to help DB and each other more than we want to see each other fail. Don’t let your white-knighting get in the way of that.
  • Pepex82Pepex82 ✭✭
    Having your frustration taken away should really be handled by customer service (especially given the amount you spend) peer sympathy should help too.

    I imagine sending in a ticket is the most firm way to get a response from DB. Posting in general thread should get read by Shan (I hope) but they will not likely to reply here. As to peer sympathy, you might get it here but since it is general it can also get buried by random stuff (I come here to read and awe at people's creativity and ingenuity). When something goes wrong there are numerous new threads started right after event launch all of them complaining, people are not going to respond or comment on all of them. Perhaps general (bridge) is not the best place to post? maybe someone else knows better.

    I would hope your fleetmates should be helping you more so than general forum.

    DB seems to have good plans and layouts but cannot execute on them, perhaps they are stretched thin and it is causing the minor issues.

    Don't get me wrong, it is frustrating when communications goes wrong, we plan incorrectly and also because it seems like something so simple how can they no handle that.

    Try to avoid doing things which lead to frustration. Even if it means walking from the game.

    I used to get super pissed at gauntlet because I was trying to get high streaks and hoped to get locutus, I never did. A fleetmate suggested I go for ranking instead of streaks and it helped greatly as I actually enjoyed the rewards once the gauntlet ended instead of being super bitter when a streak was broken. I did get 2 Guinan dropped and I already have 1 caretaker. (I am back to chasing streaks now but I have top end crew for it (and merits) to do it in a safer way).

    I hope you find a way to keep enjoying the game and that DB performs "customer service" for you.

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