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How to implement a Voyage Event

edited 2018 18 in The Bridge
Any new even type needs to be able to be monetized, have an amount of RNG, a way to utilize event crew, etc. So I have some ideas of how to change up a voyage to make it a voyage event. Note: I didn't put this in make is so, because this is a starting point for a brainstorm discussion, not a specific recommendation.

Key mechanic #1: VP are won by successfully avoiding hazards and passing dilemmas. VP can scale up as the hazard gets more difficult. This way the greatest impact to getting VP is the strength of the crew, not necessarily just the dil bought. You can extend voyages, but at some point, all you are getting is the dilemma VP. RNG is introduced by the variation of the hazards.

Key mechanic #2: 4 voyage boosts can be added to each voyage. Skill boosts act as expected, boosting all crew with corresponding skill. Time boosts reduce the recall time of the voyage. Reward boosts up the drop rate of vp from hazards, but add time to the recall of the voyage.

The combination of these start to provide tons of strategies and a way to monetize the event as well. Do I put reward boosts on and counter them with time boosts, or depending on when night is coming, i could put reward and skill boosts on and time the recall to the evening, or I could put skill and time boosts on to increase the number of voyages. If I am a whale, I put 5* reward and 5* skill boosts on and use DIL to recall the voyages.

Some other tweaks:
- Event crew get the typical 3X and 2X stat boosts
- Ship and crew traits are aligned with event crew
- You could even have event ships with increased AM
- The dilemmas themselves would event story specific (re-writing the log would be a bit much probably)

Other ideas:
- Have the dilemma drop tables include the event crew, or equipment at some %
- Perhaps even have a way to get a gold by having multi part dilemmas that could drop them

Thoughts to how this would work? Do you like this? Have suggestions?


  • Sounds good but under the current set up I'm not sure how there are enough dilemmas to differentiate ppl by rank as most players who don't spend dil will probably get to around 6hrs then recall meaning you'll have lots of ppl clustered around the same vp/rank.

    The boost idea would see some ppl sending more voyages which would go some way to alleviating the above but in the main I think you'd need a better method of obtaining vp.

    Also what happens if you fail your voyage do you lose all the vp you've built up? I fail voyages all the time and unless a decent character drops I abandon as sadly a whale I ain't ;)
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  • Actually just read over this again, mistook hazards for dilemmas. Given hazards pop up every 2mins or so thats probably not a bad idea for scoring vp!
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  • From my point of view this will not be fair to some people, newer ones specially, or the ones with smaller crew quarters. I can easily do 6:30+ voyages and depending the skill combination, I once got to the 8:54 mark, there are people on my fleet that will not get to the 4:00 hour mark, the sencond dilemma, they can get there with dilithium, but then again, lose every obstacle. If there is something like this, the mechanichs involving the event should be well though to be fair to everyone.

    One idea to make this a little fair: shorter voyages, minor percentage of time to return, so as the VP grow with more skilled obstacles, so the return time also grows.
    1h voyage: 10% of the time to return
    2h voyage: 20% of the time to return
    3h voyage: 30% of the time to return
    So, people getting longer voyages take much longer to return but much better event VP but can do fewer voyages per day, and people with less crew can play lots of voyages per day with smaller event VP and in a way things would balance.

    I agree with you and many others, there should be more kind of events types, not to play the same events once and again.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    (to answer what about when Voyage runs out of AM)
    Voyage tickets..? if Voyage dies, ticket ends and -recall- begins once player enters panel. player retains VP earned

    (Money making model aspects,
    voyage can be extended with Dilithium or
    extra Voyage tickets and voyage home fast Dilithium, may not want the full price used in standard Voyages speed ups to encourage lots of little purchases versus fewer large purchases)
  • I think whenever a hazard comes up and you pass you get 5vp for 0-2 hours, 10vp for 2-4 hours and 15 vp for 4+. Just like everything else on a voyage you have to recall to get those vp.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    I do like the idea of recall after failure without dil during a voyage to not hose f2p players.

    Also thinking that each day can have a set 2 skills that are the same for everyone. They would hopefully be thematic and tied to the event crew. In an ideal world this schedule would be published, so people could plan around it
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    All about this.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think whenever a hazard comes up and you pass you get 5vp for 0-2 hours, 10vp for 2-4 hours and 15 vp for 4+. Just like everything else on a voyage you have to recall to get those vp.

    VP for the second and third sections should not be a multiple of the first section, e.g. 6,11 and 17vp instead of 5,10,15.
    - Event crew get the typical 3X and 2X stat boosts

    Rather than a stat boost, Event crew could give a VP boost.
    If an event crew member is used to pass a hazard, more VP is awarded. e.g. for 0-2 hours, 5vp for non event crew, 7vp for small bonus and 12vp for big bonus.

    To make it more interesting, alternate the two crew for each skill type of hazard. e.g. for command hazards the First Officer is used for the first, the Helm Officer used for the second, then back to the First officer.
    - Ship and crew traits are aligned with event crew
    - You could even have event ships with increased AM
    - The dilemmas themselves would event story specific (re-writing the log would be a bit much probably)

    Not just the dilemmas. To make it fair, the featured skills would have to be the same for all players, and tie in with the event.

    e.g. Lwaxana Troi has decided to throw a party for Odo, but has forgotten the ale. Do her a favour and pop off to Romulus and pick some up.
    The featured skills could be diplomacy and security, and the featured ship trait a cloaking device for crossing the neutral zone.
    Event crew would include Trois who are strong on Diplomacy, Odos who are strong on security, and a Romulan.
    Other ideas:
    - Have the dilemma drop tables include the event crew, or equipment at some %

    To be fair, dilemmas would have to have a guaranteed drop for event crew. e.g. the 2* crew at the 2 hour dilemma, a 3* at the four hour dilemma, and a 4* at the six or eight hour dilemma. Four voyages of six or eight hours would net a FF event crew.

    It could be made so only one copy of each crew is awarded from voyages, and the other copies from standard VP rewards.
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