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Notes on DB's Business Plan and Outlook

A recent post from an employee of DB peaked my curiosity about a couple of things.

The employee was bemoaning the 'spaghetti code' base currently in use and implied that it was at least partially responsible for the myriad problems and mistakes plaguing the game.

My first thought was, "If I had just purchased a game company with antiquated code I would immediately begin a parallel development project to institute a completely modular code base while doing necessary maintenance on the existing code." Such a decision would pay for itself rather rapidly in reduced development costs once the new code went live.

This led me to question exactly what DB's long term plans were.

Looking at STT's page on the Google Play Store it became obvious that something's not right. DB used to at least make a token effort to respond to negative reviews, usually asking the reviewer to contact support to try to resolve their issue(s) if nothing else. That effort appears to have ended completely.

I didn't see a single such response from this year.

I also looked at the @STTimelines twitter feed and again found no recent meaningful activity attempting to solve users' issues.

When combined with the laissez-faire attitude to quality control we are all too familiar with, one conclusion becomes crystal clear.

DB has NO long-term plan for STT, or in fact any of their properties.

They've apparently been acquired by a 'Vulture Capitalist' intent on syphoning whatever profits they can from the company in the short-term while making no long-term investments in its viability.

I will not be giving another cent to DB, and I strongly encourage everyone else to think long and hard about any 'investment' you may consider making for your future enjoyment.

It's very unlikely DB or STT has much of a future.


  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    I doubt Black Pebble was bemoaning anything. Rather, I think he was trying to explain to the playerbase why making certain changes is not as simple as it seems.

    Most complex code, such as the kind seem in games, is a delicate nest of spaghetti, is it not?
  • StormagedonStormagedon ✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    1) Nearly all live games are built on arcane code that does things that digits were not to do. Companies far larger and smaller than Disruptor Beam do this. I’ve worked on MMO’s, FPS’s, single player and multiplayer games, and every single line of code in those games was brilliant and horrifying. THIS IS NORMAL. It also means change is always a strategic and delicate task...

    Which is why developing a modular code base, especially for a game with as many different features as STT, is usually considered a necessity. Is there such a development project going on?
    2) You’re welcome to your opinions and criticisms, but you are not welcome to spread speculation, rumors and misinformation...

    Let's be absolutely clear: By refusing to provide accurate, timely information DB has both invited and encouraged speculation.

    In the face of such insistent invitations it would be positively rude not to accept.

    It is very noteworthy that you haven't a actually contested ANY of my observations or statements, other than that DB was purchased. I have seen that conveyed numerous times in this forum and this is the first time I've ever seen it refuted.

    You haven't, however, contested my conclusions, you've merely deflected.

  • Black PebbleBlack Pebble ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    If I am in error I would welcome having those errors pointed out.

    Here's an error I am pointing out.

    "They've apparently been acquired by a 'Vulture Capitalist' intent on syphoning whatever profits they can from the company in the short-term while making no long-term investments in its viability"

    As for your other opinions, observations, accusations, you're welcome to them. But I will speak up on factual errors such as the above.
    Hosun Lee
    Civilian, Brand and Marketing
    Ex-Disruptor Beam
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    1) Nearly all live games are built on arcane code that does things that digits were not to do. Companies far larger and smaller than Disruptor Beam do this. I’ve worked on MMO’s, FPS’s, single player and multiplayer games, and every single line of code in those games was brilliant and horrifying. THIS IS NORMAL. It also means change is always a strategic and delicate task...

    Which is why developing a modular code base, especially for a game with as many different features as STT, is usually considered a necessity. Is there such a development project going on?
    2) You’re welcome to your opinions and criticisms, but you are not welcome to spread speculation, rumors and misinformation...

    Let's be absolutely clear: By refusing to provide accurate, timely information DB has both invited and encouraged speculation.

    In the face of such insistent invitations it would be positively rude not to accept.

    It is very noteworthy that you haven't a actually contested ANY of my observations or statements. You haven't even really contested my conclusions, you've merely deflected.

    If I am in error I would welcome having those errors pointed out.

    I’m really confused by this. @Black Pebble specifically stated that DB was not purchased by a VC with nefarious intent, and also denied the veracity of what you say is the basis for your claims.

    The only thing he neglected to comment on directly was the bit about DB having no long term plans for STT, which probably falls under the bit about speculation, rumors, and misinformation.

    Also, given that DB is still producing GOTA, a game that is arguably less popular, and thus probably brings less revenue, with no sign of stopping or slowing down... that would indicate, to me, at the very least, that there’s no reason for them to even think that STT has a limited shelf life...?

  • ...You want feedback, you get it. And then you complain because it didn't say what you wanted it to. You have literally no idea what DB is getting up to, it is pure speculation.

    I've no idea what your intent is, but it looks deliberately malicious and for what reason I cannot fathom. Do you want to ruin the game for people who enjoy it because you don't want to play yourself any more?

    Well gee, thanks.

    I'm not upset at the content of the feedback I've received. I am less than thrilled at the evasiveness and lack of meaningful response occurring.

    Whether my conclusions are accurate or not I haven't ruined anything, except perhaps the apparent naivete of a few people.

    If you were investing money in a game for your long-term enjoyment wouldn't you want to know if the signs pointed to no long-term future for said game?

    The harsh reality is that DB could render this whole conversation moot with a simple statement demonstrating their intent. They've had more then ample opportunities.

    They have refused to do so.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Let's be clear, no one has bought DB. That rumor was started by players who saw Erin identify herself as former Product Owner of STT and assumed that if she was a former owner, then the company must have been sold.

    Product Owner is a job in a Scrum Team which is a way to manage products in Agile(which DB practices).

    There is nothing to do with actual purchase/sale ownership implied by the title.

    Here is a description of the Product Owner job.

    DB has plenty of problems, but being sold to a corrupt VC is not one of them.
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