Christian Starfleet Looking for active members!!
39 members currently. Lvl 59 starbase, we need new members as we have hit a wall of required holoemmiters. Members have placed in the top 50 multiple times (usually Dinoss) and a few times in top 10 (Buju once and Dinoss three times). Our squads have also placed well in previous events, out best was rank 6. We are normally around rank 100-200 fleetwise depending on the event. Lvl 40 is a requirement (but can be waived in special circumstances). We usually hold a group gauntlet on the first Saturday of the month and see who is the best gauntletier in the fleet. We have a general rule: Be kind, be Christian, and HAVE fun!!! You dont have to go hardcore for events, but all we ask for (if you wish to join) is to log in at least once a day and make your starbase donations. We normally get all the honor from fleet acheivments, and we arent even at full capacity!! We also have an hangouts group and discord server for communicating off game. Im the leader of the fleet so drop me a pm here on the forums or on the game if you see me in gauntlet or the UC if you'd like to join us. We'd love to have you!