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How long do we have to claim event rewards ?

edited March 2018 in The Bridge
With the arrival of cryostasis collections, I have changed the way I play the game.
Having immortalised all of the 2* and 3* crew I need for all of the daily cadet missions I used to simply airlock all of the 1*, 2* and 3* crew I got from Voyages and portal pulls.
Now, however, I keep them and level them one by one each day (freeing a crew slot when I immortalised each one but accruing a waiting list as I go).


The problem I have now is making sure I clear the backlog before the 7 day timer ticks down and they are automatically airlocked.
This isn't too much of a problem with 1*, 2* or 3* crew but on Monday I will get 3/4* Mutated Paris in the event rewards.
My question therefore is how long can I go without claiming the event rewards ?
Will they sit there indefinitely until I collect them or will they simply disappear ?
If they do disappear, will that be when the next event begins, or when the new event countdown timer appears, or do they just vanish after 24 or 12 hours, like other offers do ?
I trust somebody on the forums knows and hope they can shed some light on the matter for me.
Apologies if this has been asked and answered before (I did a quick scan of the forums but couldn't find an answer).


  • edited March 2018
    Ive wondered this question for a while, will they disappear with the new event, or maybe before you can start the new event you are redirected to the claim page and are forced to claim them...either way im just suprised you actually...want...

    MUTATED PARIS?!?!?!?


  • NoneNone ✭✭✭
    I’ve seen fleet mates leave event rewards unclaimed for weeks, and heard of others with alt accounts come back after months to find rewards still sitting there. Of course, these were with older builds, so who knows if this is still the case. The only problem with leaving them unclaimed is you can’t start the next event without claiming the last events, at least, the Galaxy ones.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, I can see in your image your in over flow, but how many slots before the over flow are you back logged as well, with 1s 2s 3s ?

    One idea, is you could space the second star on some of your unfused 2*s as they are cheap to citation if they don't pop back up by the time your ready to freeze them. Keiko 1* you could just Chuck as she shows up 3 times a week lol.

    Anything to basically get Paris as 220/220
    Short of spacing another 4* or legendary is the best move, as (except for honor Hall characters) all the 1 2 3s can be gotten again generally painlessly.

    ... What would be nice is if we could resurrect in to the overflow. That would solve a lot of problems.
  • edited March 2018
    All of the 18 overflow crew are 1*, 2* or 3*.
    I have 1x 3/3*, 1x 2/2* and 3x 1* that I can level and cryo instantly - I just try to do one a day as part of my dailies (rather than burning through all of them at once - and possibly risking burning myself out in the process).
    In the meantime I have 1x 2/3* and 1x 1/3* crew taking up active places in my crew that I will give until 6pm UTC before sending to the airlock to free up space for more cryo collection candidates that I can level when I'm ready to.
    So long as I can hold off on collecting the event rewards until I want to, it should be fine for me to continue doing this.
    As to whether I want or need a 3/4* Mutated Paris is another question entirely (I have no plans on spending a citation on getting his 4th star).
    Can anybody give me a compelling reason not to just throw him out of the airlock ?
  • JassadaJassada ✭✭✭
    I would say: Throw him out!

    I could still claim my event rewards after 11 days of forced absence earlier this year. But I would agree with the assesment that you can't start the new event without claiming the old rewards.
  • Thanks for the info, guys.

    Good to know.

    Hopefully I'll be able to get around to deciding what to do with him soon but I can't see any real reason to hang onto him.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    I leave them unclaimed quite often, never had a problem with them. Only issue, as others have said, is that you can't get into the next Galaxy event. Used to be, when we had three or four straight faction events in a row, that I'd accumulate quite a few backlogged. But we rarely go that long without at least a hybrid these days, so that effectively is what will limit you.
  • edited March 2018
    New packs are live but I don't see the countdown so, in answer to my own original question (and as alluded to already in this thread), it seems I can wait as long as I like to collect old event rewards, but I can't enter the next event until I have done so.

    Thanks for the info guys.

    Time to airlock the overflow.
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Belated thanks for doing the actual research on this - I've always been afraid to let the Event Rewards claim Thursday "deadline" pass for fear of losing them.
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • you can play faction event without claiming previous event rewards. You can directly go to shuttle screen and send event shuttles and also when you click Complete a returned shuttle you can even click the event button to see faction event details (this is more hit and try, sometimes it works sometime it doesn't, making it difficult for me to share a crew for my squad).
    For Galaxy you simply can't because you can only access recipes after clicking the event button which in turn is defaulted to previous event.
    To add to this, I haven't claimed my rewards (including chrons) from last Galaxy event which was 2 weeks back. I played through last weeks Faction event, ended in top 600 and even claimed my rewards. I am waiting for this week's Galaxy event to kick off and wait for first 2 community threshold to be unlocked before I claim my previous event rewards and start playing this week's event.
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