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Every new Character need 0* Section 31 case files!

This is getting a little crazy. I don't mind farming for equipment and supplies, but when you get stuck on a character (especially key characters in an event - like Staments AND T'Kuvma!), it just seems ridiculous that DB would give us no other way but to *TRY* a Section 31 faction mission for the *chance* to hit one. (I have done over 30 Sec31 shuttle/faction missions this week, and only pulled ONE of the 0* case files.)

Also not showing in the faction center all week for purchase. I also have 4 other Super Rare crew that need it...

Replication is not really an option...

C'mon DB, please Help?
I want to become a Dilionaire...


  • Replication is not really an option...

    The only time replication isn't an option is when you're a masochist. If you need credits, just wait a minute until Sunday or just buy them now. Either use the 500 brazilion replicator rations from Voyages or burn through the 1,342 0* Alcohol or Incense you probably have to get it done.

    or just don't level DSC crew like i'm doing
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the galaxy's future from itself since 22XX
  • It seems that the crew designers get stuck on certain items, like Social Lessons for example...
  • Same went for the klingons needing 2* bloodwine during the Klingon mega event. They are only available from KCA missions and those were never used.
  • I have noticed that the drop rate for basic items from section 31 has been seriously lowered...I did about 20 section 31 missions straight and got 0 holoprograms and 0 case files :disappointed:
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    The holoprograms are what is getting me. I have to keep buying any in the section 31 faction store and replicate the others when they dont drop in shuttles or cadet missions.
    Let’s fly!
  • milamber42 wrote: »
    It seems that the crew designers get stuck on certain items, like Social Lessons for example...

    or 0* Science Experiments. Easier than the Case Files, but still bloody difficult!

    But yes, I require at least 3 x 3* or 4* Social lessons for several crew right now also. That mostly goes to the difficult to get 0* Holoprogram. (Also Sec 31. Do I sense a conspiracy afoot?)
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • 0* science experiments are available MWF on an Epic cadet mission. For the free 6 tickets, you can get anywhere between 4-8 of those. 10+ if you're lucky.
  • I will also point out something I just found interesting. I have a F2P account for experimentation on some of these issues, and just to compare difficulty.

    I have a surplus of Case files on that account (21), because I still have Section 31 faction in the "Friendly" stage so the rewards are low level. I presume that they came from the "Despised - Neutral" stages.

    How about being able to choose the level of play for Faction/Shuttle missions like away team missions?
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
    I was really hoping for a new Distress Call, like they did for Klingon.
  • Replication is not really an option...

    The only time replication isn't an option is when you're a masochist. If you need credits, just wait a minute until Sunday or just buy them now. Either use the 500 brazilion replicator rations from Voyages or burn through the 1,342 0* Alcohol or Incense you probably have to get it done.

    or just don't level DSC crew like i'm doing

    i think OP means replication is not an option b/c he needs so many, and doesn't have enough replication slots to keep going.
  • I replicated several yesterday. Wasn't enough. For a common item. It's not very common to have.
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • replicate the whole item.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lorca - 0
    Georgiou - 0
    Saru - 0
    Stamets - 1
    T'Kuvma - 4
    Burnham - 0

    I have 80 Basic Case Files on hand. Do you know why? Because they are not used very often and when they are you usually don't need tonnes of them.

    By way of comparison Georgiou needs 26 Basic Holoprograms. T'Kuvma needs 10 2* Security Codes. Those are the twin terrors from S31. This is why you should really considering running S31 shuttles a lot. You will get Basic Case files. You'll use a few of them here and there.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Ivanstone wrote: »
    Lorca - 0
    Georgiou - 0
    Saru - 0
    Stamets - 1
    T'Kuvma - 4
    Burnham - 0

    I have 80 Basic Case Files on hand. Do you know why? Because they are not used very often and when they are you usually don't need tonnes of them.

    T'Kuvma actually needed 6. And if you don't need many of them, then you have completely different crew than I do. Must be nice. How's the weather on your planet? ;)
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    What I can only advise: When there is a week where you don´t care about the event (characters) and you have quite a few characters who need a certain item take a break from levelling for some days and focus on building up that specific item by replication, faction or cadet challenge runs. And also stock up on other much needed resources. As side effect that will also build up the creds nicely etc. I do that regularly and now have a nice stockage of items which many of my characters seem to need like the air to breathe, lol.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    T'Kuvma actually needed 6. And if you don't need many of them, then you have completely different crew than I do. Must be nice. How's the weather on your planet? ;)

    He needs 4.

    I live on the planet of 270 L100 Fully Equipped characters. The weather is fine. The various versions of Odo aside most characters simply do not use or need many basic Case Files. Its simply not a widely used item. I can find an endless variety of characters that will gobble up tonnes of Basic Holoprograms and/or 2* Security Codes. Which is problematic by itself.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    I can find an endless variety of characters that will gobble up tonnes of Basic Holoprograms and/or 2* Security Codes. Which is problematic by itself.

    Yups. While I built up my basic Holoprograms to 108 and my 2* Security Codes to 50 the last weeks I will continue to make my stockage of them bigger. Unless a character who needs them really improves my crew or I need them for a event...

  • Every few days, there are different bottlenecks. Today, it was 2* science experiments, yet I mustered through thanks to judicious use of the replicator. It's part of the game, get used to it, and plan accordingly. When the current faction phase ends, I will be returning to running Ferengi Alliance missions...I need a few more of those stupid 2* slug-o-cola's, and about two dropped last week. Maybe I'll have better luck this week.
  • Replication is not really an option...

    The only time replication isn't an option is when you're a masochist. If you need credits, just wait a minute until Sunday or just buy them now. Either use the 500 brazilion replicator rations from Voyages or burn through the 1,342 0* Alcohol or Incense you probably have to get it done.

    or just don't level DSC crew like i'm doing

    i think OP means replication is not an option b/c he needs so many, and doesn't have enough replication slots to keep going.

    Replicating is fine, don't get me wrong, but when I have to replicate an item for a single crew every day and it takes over a week to level them, say from 30-70, and they are an event crew for THAT week only, it just doesn't seem justifiable!

    Also, I wasn't just talking about this week's event crew. I was referring in general to the past several months. The month long Klingon event was, I believe, heavily needed Sec 31 items as well as KCA shuttle mission only items. I still haven't leveled all of those bloody Klingons up yet, and it has been months!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
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