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Ships antimatter

What's the point of lower rank ship's traits in voyages (i.e. maquis, dominion) when even if they are fully upgraded, their AM is still lower than any upper rank ship even if they're not upgraded? That doesn't make much sense.

So, my suggestion is to tie starting antimatter amount not with ship's rank as it is now, but with their upgrade level so every fully upgraded ship has starting 2500 AM regardless of its rank. I'd love to use my Val Jean or Klingon Bird-of-Prey in voyages sometimes and this would also help new players to reach longer voyages a bit easier.


  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    That is a good idea. I have lost count of the times I have had a ship with a trait that just sits in stardock while I send out HMS Bounty or the Borg Cube etc because they have more Anti matter without the trait
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wouldn’t consider a Bird-of-Prey on the same level as a Borg scout cube. The traits allow people who haven’t loaded up on 5* ships to get an extra boost...I don’t feel slighted when the bonus trait of the day doesn’t match one of my maxed out legendary ships.
  • I wouldn’t consider a Bird-of-Prey on the same level as a Borg scout cube. The traits allow people who haven’t loaded up on 5* ships to get an extra boost...I don’t feel slighted when the bonus trait of the day doesn’t match one of my maxed out legendary ships.

    Those ships will never be the same and they don't have to be. The difference between them have its purpose as arena stats or the number of battle station slots and that's fine. But their usability in voyages should be equally distributed.
    And this is not about being able to use bonus trait on every voyage either. There will still be plenty of traits which won't match any of my (or other low VIP or f2p players) maxed ships (pioneer, historic, spore drive, andorian..). It will just allow us to use more variety of ships regardless if bonus traits matches up and not stick with only maxed out legendary as that gets boring quite quickly.
  • If they adjust the bonus amount to be a % rather than fixed for each tier:

    2* = 62.5% bonus (2031 - 2519 AM)
    3* = 32.75% bonus (2058 - 2522 AM)
    4* = 12.25% bonus (2077 - 2526 AM)
    5* = 6% bonus (2173 - 2650 AM)

    That maintains the high cap, but allows other tier ships at max level be slightly better traited than the max level untraited 5* ships.

    It also means DB can add in antimatter tier boosts as bonii for collections (like pilot or warp theorist etc.)

    SSR Noob
    Spoiler of spoils
  • I agree, some of the ships and traits are unusable, and they are discriminatory to high lvl players.
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