Voyages loot table update question

Hey @Shan
Your update notes that 4* crew from the 3/20 update were added to the pool
Awesome !
Curious, what about 4* crew from the previous update ?
I could be mistaken but I'm nearly positive those didn't drop prior to yesterday either have they been added in as well or are they on hold ?
(Or please, someone correct me, I'm not betting the farm on this )
Thank you.
Oh, were there any other changes to the Voyages loot tables* as well it just this one addition ?
* Changes as far as percentage of x vs y dropping, odds, ect
Your update notes that 4* crew from the 3/20 update were added to the pool
Awesome !
Curious, what about 4* crew from the previous update ?
I could be mistaken but I'm nearly positive those didn't drop prior to yesterday either have they been added in as well or are they on hold ?
(Or please, someone correct me, I'm not betting the farm on this )
Thank you.
Oh, were there any other changes to the Voyages loot tables* as well it just this one addition ?
* Changes as far as percentage of x vs y dropping, odds, ect
Admiral Picard
Advocate Kolos
Alidar Jarok
Ambassador K'Ehleyr
Anastasia Komananov
Assimilated Tuvok
Augment Riker
Ba'ku Worf
Captain Klaa
Captain T'Pol
Combat Medic Paris
Cyrus Redblock
Dahar Master Kor
Doc Crusher
Dr. Hippocrates Noah
Klingon Neelix
Klingon Torres
Maquis Ro Laren
Marla McGivers
North Star Archer
Princess Jadzia
Riley Frazier
Robin Hood Picard
Sheriff Worf
Stranded Odo
Vedek Bareil Antos
Please know that tagging mods/admin does absolutely nothing
If you believe something is an issue, create the thread in Engineering Room for better visibility.
I am moving it there now.
The fix we did today will also take into account previous crew updates, like the one from 10/2017.
I will edit the notes for clarity.
As for your other question, that is the only change done to the loot tables.