Prime Directive 2 Community Pulls
in The Bridge
I got Dr. Chapel. No beholds. She's now 4/4. Somehow it seems appropriate that my 300th Immortal is the worst 4* in the game.
VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
My 2nd Dr Crusher from a behold. Nothing wrong with that.
Went with Dr La Forge because with 6 replicator uses a day, even the hardest characters to equip can be made tolerable.
Edit: Pulls like that is why I've stopped buying the 10 for 10, 30 pulls etc. any premium pulls really, they are mostly useless anymore.
Separate crew and schematics Pulls, DB!
Actually I'd think a rephrase would be better than a comma,
Community 10x pull from Prime Directive 2.
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
- 4x ship schematics
- 5x 3*s for Honor.
Good pull. Both Redblock and Borgie are new, and Borgie is a VERY welcome addition to my crew.
Protecting the galaxy's future from itself since 22XX
All honor :P never thought I’d be hoping for schematics!