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Father of logic pack fails-CS "response" and impact

Like many of you I bought the big pack yesterday at 1PM right when it came out. I had my thousands of chrons, a hundred 2* IDICs and I was ready to make a push for first to fffe. Low and behold I only get 8 packs instead of 10. Seeing this bug, I have to halt my efforts for first. Ticket submitted to CS, per DB guidelines. This is 1:13PM EST. I take screenshots of what I see in the portal. 8 free packs. What other proof of getting hosed can I capture? I respond to the email ticket with said screenshot.

Then I wait..

But, I can't wait forever. I have a squad to support. They are counting on me to have a good share for them in the event, now 19 hours away and closing. I had spent this time leveling my 2/5 Spock to FE. I can't wait any longer, I need to get Amanda Grayson Fffe as well. I cash in my packs as well as the Grayson offer b/c I promised a push in this event and I'm fired up about it. Couple hours later, Grayson is 4/4 fffe. Spock is 4/5 fffe. I wait. 12:10 AM EST, I get a reply from CS asking for a screenshot. Is this sentence going to get my post deleted by Shan? I hope not, I'm not naming the rep, and I'm not quoting him, but who knows...Rules are open to interpretation. I respond back asking for clarification at 12:10 AM EST. No response. It's now just about 1 hour to event time. Do I need to spend 50k honor to cite this dude to give my guys the share? Will I get a response soon or even during the event? If I hear back in the next 5 hours and they give me a Spock for my trouble, it will trigger the double up offer that I have been saving for surak. So I won't be able to get it when surak drops for me later this afternoon from threshold. If I cite Spock, will CS send me 50k honor as compensation. I can't count on that to happen. does this even get resolved? As of right now, I don't feel like I've gotten what I paid for. Disappointed.


  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    As of right now, I don't feel like I've gotten what I paid for.

    Right - they owe you two event packs.
  • Dralix wrote: »
    As of right now, I don't feel like I've gotten what I paid for.

    Right - they owe you two event packs.

    Based on what's happened so far and now the timing, I would argue just giving me two packs at this point is insufficient.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    There is no guarantee that Spock would drop in those 2 packs so I'm guessing you won't get anything except 2 packs and wouldn't get a refund/citation/honor if you use a citation on him. It's more likely Spock wouldn't drop in only 2 packs.
  • I have had a similar issue with a 10x for $10 where I ended up with 9/10 and put in a ticket. I was shown a list of pulls showing only 9 and then given the missing pull. You definitely deserve your two missing event pulls.
  • There is no guarantee that Spock would drop in those 2 packs so I'm guessing you won't get anything except 2 packs and wouldn't get a refund/citation/honor if you use a citation on him. It's more likely Spock wouldn't drop in only 2 packs.

    Definitely agree the odds of getting Spock in those two packs is low but he should then be compensated with 2000 honor to make up for the other items that could drop in the packs.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    As of right now, I don't feel like I've gotten what I paid for.

    Right - they owe you two event packs.

    Based on what's happened so far and now the timing, I would argue just giving me two packs at this point is insufficient.

    The support team are rarely in a position to respond in less than 24 hours so expecting an instant response is unreasonable.

    If you get the two packs and some additional crons you are up on what you were expecting.

    Spock was maxed damn quickly - I pulled him as soon as I saw the offer (for some reason it wasn't showing immediately) and he was showing as maxed for me already.
  • You're doing better than me... I bought the $100 pack right when it became available, got nothing. Sent in a ticket right away. Last night around 10:00 PM, got a response, saying I had to provide them with a screenshot proving the purchase. I sent one back immediately, and have not heard anything since.
  • [10F] NewtonianQBalls[10F] NewtonianQBalls ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    You're doing better than me... I bought the $100 pack right when it became available, got nothing. Sent in a ticket right away. Last night around 10:00 PM, got a response, saying I had to provide them with a screenshot proving the purchase. I sent one back immediately, and have not heard anything since.

    My experience with the tickets I put in last month is they respond to the ticket within 6 hours and then again every 24 hours after. I had a ticket drag out to 5 days since I only had one response per day.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Dralix wrote: »
    As of right now, I don't feel like I've gotten what I paid for.

    Right - they owe you two event packs.

    Based on what's happened so far and now the timing, I would argue just giving me two packs at this point is insufficient.

    The support team are rarely in a position to respond in less than 24 hours so expecting an instant response is unreasonable.

    Unreasonable because DB CS are always slow, or unreasonable because DB CS *should* always be slow?

    I don't think it's reasonable at all to have to wait even 5 hours for a CS query on a $100 spend...
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Dralix wrote: »
    As of right now, I don't feel like I've gotten what I paid for.

    Right - they owe you two event packs.

    Based on what's happened so far and now the timing, I would argue just giving me two packs at this point is insufficient.

    The support team are rarely in a position to respond in less than 24 hours so expecting an instant response is unreasonable.

    Unreasonable because DB CS are always slow, or unreasonable because DB CS *should* always be slow?

    I don't think it's reasonable at all to have to wait even 5 hours for a CS query on a $100 spend...

    A few months back there was an outage where many people were unable to access the game at all for around 5 hours. The compensation for that was crons. A single user having an issue is not going to be treated as a Priority 1 incident.

    The support team are likely to have response targets and anyone expecting an instant response needs a reality check.
  • Since when is wanting a resolution within 24 hours "expecting an instant response"?
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Moral of the story, if you think service should be solvable when all information is presented up front, with the first contact, in under 2 days in a competitive situation, and CS reps should read your ticket, DB disagrees with you and would like you to stop spending money on their games.
    Thanks for clearing that up Hunter, much appreciated.
  • Since when is wanting a resolution within 24 hours "expecting an instant response"?

    Within 24 hours is good, try waiting 72 hours, when you pulled the wrong pack and you want to get a different one but it leaves in 12 hours
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You know how many emails can be read in an 8 hour shift by one person, let alone several people? They should be able to give you at least a response within a few hours
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    I would advise anyone who thinks 24 hours is a long time not to buy a MSI laptop.

    When mine broke it took nearly 4 months to get a refund.

    Dealing with a support ticket is a little more complicated then reading an email.

    None of my DB tickets have been resolved within 24 hours some have taken weeks.

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    I would advise anyone who thinks 24 hours is a long time not to buy a MSI laptop.

    When mine broke it took nearly 4 months to get a refund.

    Dealing with a support ticket is a little more complicated then reading an email.

    None of my DB tickets have been resolved within 24 hours some have taken weeks.

    As someone who did online support for 10 years for hardware manufacturers (Acer before they outsourced to Costa Rica for one), I can tell you that is not what it needs to be. Its companies making decisions that their support is not worth having a good response time that brings this level of quality.

    As far as MSI and refunds, that's so far unacceptable that's not even funny. Also expected from them.

    Unless they have very radical policies in their mix, the experience I've had talking with my peers that have serviced applications, is you read the mail, determine if the purchase was made, if you have the tools, see if the proper items were added. (I'm betting that the support folks may not have said tools and may have to ask others) and then add the items if needed.

    If they don't have the tools then its a matter of does the rep believe you or do they need supervisory staff to weigh in. One of my friends who worked for a different small game house that no longer exists told me about the interesting times he went through convincing his boss to let him devote time to making tools for their support team, and that is becoming more the standard in the industry with the smaller software houses.

    I can't speak for DB, but I can really envision that being a big part of the support delays. That and the seriously large number of tickets that have to have been submitted for some of the large scale oopsies.

  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »

    As someone who did online support for 10 years for hardware manufacturers (Acer before they outsourced to Costa Rica for one), I can tell you that is not what it needs to be. Its companies making decisions that their support is not worth having a good response time that brings this level of quality.

    Hardware support has really gone down hill in recent years (and in this instance it was first looked at by an outsourced company and then sent to their European head office!). When I had a previous problem with a Toshiba laptop they sent out an engineer to replace the parts the next day!

    I would have bought from them again but they didn't have anywhere near the spec I was looking for.
    Unless they have very radical policies in their mix, the experience I've had talking with my peers that have serviced applications, is you read the mail, determine if the purchase was made, if you have the tools, see if the proper items were added. (I'm betting that the support folks may not have said tools and may have to ask others) and then add the items if needed.

    I actually had my first ticket resolved within 24 hours last night - and this was a simple "Our bad - compensation was sent out in game" type form letter for the Arena rewards issue. This type of issue can be handled quickly

    Issues which need more investigation (maybe checking in the database that the purchase was made and what rewards were handed out etc.) might, as you say need to go up the chain.

    If they don't have the tools then its a matter of does the rep believe you or do they need supervisory staff to weigh in. One of my friends who worked for a different small game house that no longer exists told me about the interesting times he went through convincing his boss to let him devote time to making tools for their support team, and that is becoming more the standard in the industry with the smaller software houses.

    I can't speak for DB, but I can really envision that being a big part of the support delays. That and the seriously large number of tickets that have to have been submitted for some of the large scale oopsies.

    I expect that they might have basic tools but some issues might need a more detailed investigation, a full support tool which allows for a deep view of the database can be a fairly big project for what might be a smallish company (I don't know how DB are but they might have focused more on the actual games and less on tools for C to troubleshoot issues).

    We also don't know how big the CS team and how large their workloads are, or how many tickets come in during a regular day

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Though all those factors are valid, the last ones would necessitate making other changes, whether it be additional staff, additional hours for staff, assigning non support staff to assist in ticket resolution, etc.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Though all those factors are valid, the last ones would necessitate making other changes, whether it be additional staff, additional hours for staff, assigning non support staff to assist in ticket resolution, etc.

    True, but the problem with support is finding the right balance that can deal with an influx without having people twiddling their thumbs during the quiet periods.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Though all those factors are valid, the last ones would necessitate making other changes, whether it be additional staff, additional hours for staff, assigning non support staff to assist in ticket resolution, etc.

    True, but the problem with support is finding the right balance that can deal with an influx without having people twiddling their thumbs during the quiet periods.

    With the way DB's been the last few months? The quiet periods would be whenever there isn't a new offer, event, etc going on.
  • The best and easiest solution would have been for you to buy two more event packs and ask for a refund since you were entitled to them. When the $100 deal has failed to offer packs in the past (and it has happened a number of times, including giving 0 packs), CS has refunded the extra pulls players made. That way you’d get your chance at Spock, or as I call it, let’s see how many McCoys I can airlock.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
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