4* clothing pattern

This has happened a few times, but noticed it today when building Surak's items. I select 4* clothing pattern and the game tells me that "Deadly Disruptions" has a "100%" drop rate for the item. However, none drop. When I restart the game, it then correctly tells me that the best chance mission is "The Rings of Time".
I tend to Warp 10 these things so this has cost me a few hundred chrons. I don't know if it happens on other missions too.
I tend to Warp 10 these things so this has cost me a few hundred chrons. I don't know if it happens on other missions too.
Yes and I fall for it every time. I run a few and then am like what the heck then I look and that item isn’t even available even though it said it was
I'll also add that a 5 pip indicator doesn't mean 100% drop rate. The only 100% drop rate is the rare reward, one time only on a crit.
Yes, have made my peace with that, more or less.
The game outright lying to me about it dropping at all is more problematic.
I still get sticker shock at the 250k credits, personally.
I generally agree, but my stockpile of rations was depleted leveling Romulan characters. It will take a while before I can do large items. The money isn't an issue for me.
I tried submitting an ingame bug report, but was told that I was unlucky, and that I'd get my chronitons refunded (I was). The tech didn't understand I was trying to report a bug. Sigh.
Cardassian Hospitality Elite does however drop this item. Think I'm going to have to carefully scrutinize the suggested missions for any build material from now on.
I use the replicator regularly (also for 4*/5* items), and yet I have almost 800 4* replicator rations, and the number is constantly growing.
(Note I often extend my voyages once or twice, because then (=post-8h) the rewards (especially chrons, but also replicator rations) will REALLY start pouring in.
Sorry to have to say this, but people who STILL trust the in-game drop chance sorting, or even using the pip information, simply cannot be helped. You will waste HUNDREDS of chrons each week, not only because of the "3-starred collected rare reward" bug, but especially because you will almost never do ship battle missions (although in 50% of all cases their drop rates will be (MUCH) better, no matter how far down in the list the first one will show up), due to the COMPLETELY wrong sorting, which has the additional side-effect of creating Holoemitter bottlenecks for starbase improvements.
All of these bugs existed since they introduced sorted drop chance lists, and they never bothered to fix any of these bugs, despite them being reported at least once a month here in the forum, and most likely also as tickets.
Just. Use. The. Wiki.
It really doesn't take much to deplete them. I too was "drowning" in rations for a time. I generally did a lot of 8 to 12-hour Voyages pre-nerf, and 6 to 10-hour ones post-nerf. This left me with what I thought was a surplus of rations that I'd never run out of. But it happened. I was immortalizing 5 to 10 new crew per week, and doing a lot of replicating as a result. Though I've since fully-equipped my entire roster, I still haven't gotten my ration stash back to its prior level.
But after the rations ran out, I switched to schematics of ships I had maxed, and then those ran out... and lately I've been using trainers (which, before I started digging into them for this purpose, were maxed out at 32,767, except for the 4* and 5* versions), but I think those will last quite a while.
It's a bigger problem on my alt accounts, however. I've had to spend Honor for rations quite a lot on both of them, but especially on the F2P account.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Do I really need to check every transaction when trying to build a character?
It’s extremely frustrating.
I put a ticket in approx a month ago asking for this to be sorted out.
I’ve just put another ticket in having tried to get the non existent 4* clothing.
If there is anyone with the intelligence to sort this out can you get on with it!