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My 'Crew' button is showing that there are updates available, but I can't find them.

Hi Guys,

My 'Crew' button on the main screen has had a '1' on it for the past week or so, which stays there even though I have given all my characters what there is available for them to be equipped with and 'processed' all the surplus characters... In fact it changed to a '2' this afternoon - There must be somewhere I'm not looking.

help me Obi-Forum-Members, you're my only hope!


  • Have you fused everyone together that can be fused?
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

    Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals

    All you need to know about Disruptor Beam
  • Have you tried refreshing/rebooting your game?
  • Yep, as far as I can see all the fusibles (unless there are still some non-duplicate characters that can be fused and I've missed them) have been fused and I reboot my PC daily
  • Tried sorting your crew list alphabetically and scrolling thru to find duplicates?
  • Nope, not a single character with a yellow number next to their picture... No duplicates... No equipment boxes with a yellow surround that don't have a padlock. I'm missing something obvious/stupid aren't I?
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