Different request about the replicator
in Make It So!
In addition to the thread requesting a counter (need it, yup yup)
Can we also get the ability to replicate from the inventory screen instead of needing to need the piece ?
So long as we have one and it shows in our pile, pick it then click replicate. Would be less of a Hassel trying to find an unbuilt Vulcan when you wanna pre replicate some idics for example.
Thank you
Can we also get the ability to replicate from the inventory screen instead of needing to need the piece ?
So long as we have one and it shows in our pile, pick it then click replicate. Would be less of a Hassel trying to find an unbuilt Vulcan when you wanna pre replicate some idics for example.
Thank you
But I have an additional reason…
I realized, after getting my entire crew roster FE, that my plan of using my 8 replicator uses per day to craft very hard-to-get items was not going to work, because I had to have a crew member who needed that particular item in order to replicate it.
Since I have over 40 open slots at the moment, right now I'm considering keeping a couple of crew members exclusively for that purpose — never equipping them, just using them to replicate faction-only items, day after day.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"