Ba'ku Worf lack Ba'ku trait

As much as I remember (and checked) all Race Name characters have appropriate trait, even if it's adherence to tradition or disguise or whatever.
Since Ba'ku trait was added to the game Ba'ku Worf should gain it.
Since Ba'ku trait was added to the game Ba'ku Worf should gain it.
Civilian, Brand and Marketing
Ex-Disruptor Beam
And I must note his clothing is nothing like typical Worf and pretty close to what Ba'ku wear - he's not Ba'ku but more or less associates with them.
Given Voyage trait generator - we got trait = we will soooo will get it in Voyages.
Otherwise any character visiting a planet would get their race as a trait.
He should have Costumed then.
I think this more translates to he (and everyone) was in civilian garb. So he was basically just out of uniform.