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Fierce Guinan reward from dilemmas

edited April 2018 in The Bridge
So, Fierce Guinan is the reward for 1000 dilemmas. If you haven't had her drop from a voyage yet, will she still drop from the right dilemma choice if you claim this reward?

Or does claiming her reward remove her from the voyage pool?

Put another way, can you get Fierce Guinan to 2/4 by getting the 1000 dilemma reward, and then getting her to drop from a dilemma?


  • I will let you know in 5-6 months when I get there.

    1,000 dilemmas isn’t exactly easy for anybody to test or speed up.
  • I will let you know in 5-6 months when I get there.

    1,000 dilemmas isn’t exactly easy for anybody to test or speed up.

    Yeah, I guess I should have the directed the question at @Shan
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    I cannot answer your question directly (I haven't received a Guinan from voyages before or after reachung the achiev). But I did receive a 1/4 Guinan from it.

  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Other people have recieved a Clown from CS and then recieved another from the right dilemma path. Having the crew is not what prevents you from getting them again.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have been chasing Fierce Guinan for months, and I can't ever seem to get the second part of the dilemma, no matter how long I run my voyages. ARGH!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Knight RangerKnight Ranger ✭✭✭✭
    I recently did a megavoyage to get all the voyage-only crew, but had to keep it in limbo for a week or two when the 8000 dil I had saved for refills ran out. When I managed to set it going again, the third part to get Guinan came up at the 66hr mark. Just as well really as I was out of dil again.
    Level 99. Latest Immortal (957): Chancellor Gowron - October 2023.
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