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Inventory Sorting/Indexing

I'm sure this has been requested before - but it's a growing frustration, so I'll bring the light back on this topic.

Would it be possible to update the Equipment Inventory with a better sorting function and a search function. It is very cumbersome trying to find a specific item or the quantity of an item with the current design.

At first glance things look somewhat organized, but then it just falls apart from there - random items are haphazardly strewn about the item catalogue with no rhyme or reason to their placement.

Thank you!


  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's been suggested many times, but nothing wrong with asking again. +1 (for what it's worth).
    edited April 2018
    Other games either show your inventory count in the corner of the item's icon, or in a hover pane when you hover over the icon. This game needs something similar since it is heavy on collections.
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