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Hilarious RNG experience (more like angering!!)

edited October 2017 in The Bridge
So I have over 240 chrons I can use and I need 3 super rare clothing patterns. So I figured I'd do The Rings of Time Epic since it has a 2/5 drop rate for what I need. I did an ad warp 1 and I got 1 super rare clothing pattern, hooray for me I should be able to get the other 2 by doing warp 10 right? WRONG! Did warp 10 and i got absolutly ZERO super rare clothing patterns. True astounding...(please note that I'm not posting this to complain but to give some people a laugh at my expense). Feel free to make me feel better by posting your hilarious drop rate RNG stories...please.


  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    As a number of folks have pointed out in the past, those yellow circles under Drop Chance when farming (in your case, 2/5) don't correspond well at all to actual drop rates. At 90.5 chrons per unit, according to the wiki, getting only one (or zero) from a 10-warp is still within the realm of chance, alas.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    As a number of folks have pointed out in the past, those yellow circles under Drop Chance when farming (in your case, 2/5) don't correspond well at all to actual drop rates. At 90.5 chrons per unit, according to the wiki, getting only one (or zero) from a 10-warp is still within the realm of chance, alas.
    Oh...well then it would be more logical to do a 1/5 drop chance at 14 chrons per run than a 2/5 drop chance at 24 chrons per run to get 4 star clothing paterns...thank you for the info!
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    As a number of folks have pointed out in the past, those yellow circles under Drop Chance when farming (in your case, 2/5) don't correspond well at all to actual drop rates. At 90.5 chrons per unit, according to the wiki, getting only one (or zero) from a 10-warp is still within the realm of chance, alas.
    Oh...well then it would be more logical to do a 1/5 drop chance at 14 chrons per run than a 2/5 drop chance at 24 chrons per run to get 4 star clothing paterns...thank you for the info!

    I don't think that idea is going to get you very far. ;) Your average drop rate is still the best on The Rings of Time mission, so running a mission that costs less chrons per run may seem like a better idea, but in this case, you'll have even worse luck.

    Bottom line: That's just a terrible item to farm, and although your luck did happen to fall on the poor end of the equation this time, no matter where you farm for that, it's not going to be cheap. ;)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ugh, hate those. Might be the only super rare that I give up on and just replicate. Or rather I'll just do whatever legendary item requires the boatload of them.
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    As a number of folks have pointed out in the past, those yellow circles under Drop Chance when farming (in your case, 2/5) don't correspond well at all to actual drop rates. At 90.5 chrons per unit, according to the wiki, getting only one (or zero) from a 10-warp is still within the realm of chance, alas.
    Oh...well then it would be more logical to do a 1/5 drop chance at 14 chrons per run than a 2/5 drop chance at 24 chrons per run to get 4 star clothing paterns...thank you for the info!

    I don't think that idea is going to get you very far. ;) Your average drop rate is still the best on The Rings of Time mission, so running a mission that costs less chrons per run may seem like a better idea, but in this case, you'll have even worse luck.

    Bottom line: That's just a terrible item to farm, and although your luck did happen to fall on the poor end of the equation this time, no matter where you farm for that, it's not going to be cheap. ;)
    Oh well doesn't that just make my day :unamused: well perhaps i will just replicate them.
  • Magisse wrote: »
    Ugh, hate those. Might be the only super rare that I give up on and just replicate. Or rather I'll just do whatever legendary item requires the boatload of them.

    Me too...its like the only 4 star component I don't have in stock, and I need them for Combat Medic Paris.
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Data1001 wrote: »
    As a number of folks have pointed out in the past, those yellow circles under Drop Chance when farming (in your case, 2/5) don't correspond well at all to actual drop rates. At 90.5 chrons per unit, according to the wiki, getting only one (or zero) from a 10-warp is still within the realm of chance, alas.
    Oh, they do, they do... just not in a way that is usable to user.

    The Rings of Time have **** Clothing Pattern (2/5) and *** Furs (5/5) and other two items at least one of which should also have 5/5 drop rate and I suspect a third one too. So you have 17 balls in the hat and a chance to take three. Actual chance of **** clothing pattern is 2/17 which is about right for chron cost listed on wiki.

    It would've been much easier if mission screen shown how many balls each item drops in a hat so user could judge if that 2/5 worth anything... but it do not.
  • Can hilarious RNG include shuttle percentages all over 80% having a 66% success rate all day? Which is better than last week's 99/97/97 100% failure. I really wish I'd documented that one. I was only going for 500 points per shuttle or something idiotic and they all failed. It dropped me back into the 200 points range so it was a ridiculously slow start to the day, and I was already 8 hours behind the Americans anyway. I'm stopping now I have the second Stamets but yeah. I think I've gotten my 99% shuttle failures out of the way for the year at least.
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    BelleAnna wrote: »
    Can hilarious RNG include shuttle percentages all over 80% having a 66% success rate all day?
    That's because I stole your RNG. Mine have 90+ success rate today on ~60 average chances.
  • al103 wrote: »
    BelleAnna wrote: »
    Can hilarious RNG include shuttle percentages all over 80% having a 66% success rate all day?
    That's because I stole your RNG. Mine have 90+ success rate today on ~60 average chances.

    I reckon someone else has been stealing my RNG since I started playing! Can I have it back please? ;)
  • BelleAnna wrote: »
    al103 wrote: »
    BelleAnna wrote: »
    Can hilarious RNG include shuttle percentages all over 80% having a 66% success rate all day?
    That's because I stole your RNG. Mine have 90+ success rate today on ~60 average chances.

    I reckon someone else has been stealing my RNG since I started playing! Can I have it back please? ;)

    We will talk about it when you have been playing longer, but right now it belongs to the whales :wink: (like everything else)

  • We will talk about it when you have been playing longer, but right now it belongs to the whales :wink: (like everything else)[/quote]

    This is my 12th event I am beginning to suspect something may be amiss but it takes a while to start testing things out properly..

    Please do tell!
  • The worst thing is when you're trying to get an item with 5/5 drop rate from a high level mission, and often you need THREE or FOUR runs to obtain it!!! >:(
  • That was when I try to get damn 2* database
  • Try Pirates Problems instead. Costs less to run and it's a ship mission - more chances for holoemitters
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    That was when I try to get damn 2* database

    You got a 2 3* databases though. And a 4* item. Which will be useful at other times. So could be worse. Also try to run these high cost missions via adwarp (mobile or tablet) if you can...
  • u5y0hyi0g5gq.png

    Yep..took me 6 runs today to get 4...butbi did get plenty of 3 star ones.
  • edited October 2017
    BelleAnna wrote: »
    We will talk about it when you have been playing longer, but right now it belongs to the whales :wink: (like everything else)

    This is my 12th event I am beginning to suspect something may be amiss but it takes a while to start testing things out properly..

    Please do tell! [/quote]

    Don't take me wrong but you sound like a newbie? I remember the first day I played this game I saw the leaderboards and thought "hey next week I'll be up there..." WRONG. I've been playing this game for over a year and spent over 1000 bucks on it and I still cant get up to top 100 on shttle events so sufficed to say overnight progression in this game is not an option unless you have a massive wallet and boatloads of free time (both of which I don't have)! But take the time to rise from the bottom and eventually you could be as powerful as the whales (still not there yet but i think im getting close :wink:) it'll take time but when I look back from where I am now I'm glad I stuck with this game. Ooh and one more thing...stay active in the forums! Oh the wisdom and hacks (before DB patches them of course) you can learn.
  • You're right I am a noob. 12 events is three months. I have only immortalized 12 chars, most of them cadets. I have only recently discovered the value of 1*4 crew. I do terribly in shuttle events and see it will be a long time before I can get a 3*4 in one of those without paying dil and getting lucky in the event packs. In fact my luck is better in voyages for 4* crew so I'm going to spend my monthly card on them, adding stars (hopefully) to 4* crew I've had sitting around doing nothing for weeks, months even. Voyages are more fun anyway and you can do long ones almost daily with a monthly card, and just do short ones with the secondary crew during events. I didn't know about the wiki and the drop rates (though I knew the drop rates were false) before coming to the forums, which I have only just started spamming in. My fleet is awesome and only expects participation, not spending big, and the few big spenders we have are generous with help and explanations. I have spent more money on this game than Skyrim which is a far superior game and is still going strong and improving even though it's years old. But it's still entertaining I'm going to spend less here now because it's too difficult to get ahead. I want entertainment and the events aren't entertaining me so much any more, I know it will take forever to do well and the gains are very slow.

    It's nice to meet other Trek fans though so it's interesting bring on the forums. The daily tidbits of information about characters in the shows I had forgotten about or barely noticed make it fun! Watching DB trying to make vast quantities of cash out of fervent fans is bizarre and a but sad. A bit more interaction there might be nice, there are plenty of people with great ideas for improving game play and fun. I don't regret spending a bit of money but it will probably have to stop as I'm not exactly rolling in it. But they can have my monthly card, for now, and any really good offers they throw my way really occasionally - I picked up a 10 for 10 last week which I have yet to pull because I'm waiting for my VIP to increase when my monthly card renews later this week. Teaching me patience lol
  • Oh, and it's the second time this week I've seen you in the Gauntlet. Hanging out in the top 10 while I struggle to stay over 100 lol. That must be unusual surely?
  • Yeah I hang out there and last minute I take top 1 lol, once I took rank 1 with 10 seconds to spare phew. That was close
  • But I do hope that you can climb the stt ranks, fun fact took me 4 months to get my first legendary (when I was f2p) so I know how hard it is...it used to take weeks to level a 4 star, now my record is 3 days (I should stop bragging now huh lol). Eventually we all gain the experience we need to excel in this game, so stick with it but i do agree that DB really isn't making good events, not there best month for sure but hopefully they will start giving us better events soon.
  • This is when RNG works well :) at 6hrs and 7 minutes into a rather ordinary voyage I get this fellow. Commander Tucker into the freezer you go!

  • Haha that's good rng...nobody wants the bad stuff
  • BelleAnna wrote: »
    Can hilarious RNG include shuttle percentages all over 80% having a 66% success rate all day? Which is better than last week's 99/97/97 100% failure. I really wish I'd documented that one. I was only going for 500 points per shuttle or something idiotic and they all failed. It dropped me back into the 200 points range so it was a ridiculously slow start to the day, and I was already 8 hours behind the Americans anyway. I'm stopping now I have the second Stamets but yeah. I think I've gotten my 99% shuttle failures out of the way for the year at least.

    Wow, that's brutal.

    I saw this and had to look over the events I've been tracking. The 66% with over 80% on shuttles on any given day I can see, I probably have managed that myself. Three shuttles at 99, 99 & 97 all failing is horrendous luck. You definitely should have the bad luck gone for a few years. I see a post like this every time there is a faction event but this seemed really bad.

    I've tracked this over the last 36 faction / 1/2-faction events. I never failed a 100% (nor should I) so I didn't bother to count them. Decided to check 95 to 99% as it seems really unlucky if they fail. 337 shuttles returned:
    99%: 251 shuttles, 0 fails
    98%: 24 shuttles, 0 fails
    97%: 17 shuttles, 1 fail
    96%: 21 shuttles, 0 fails
    95%: 24 shuttles, 1 fail
    I know that sooner or later I'll fail a 99% but two in the same day, plus a 97%... Hope you bought a lottery ticket 'cause you must have used up the bad luck on this.

    Or maybe I just use up my bad luck on Dabo at zero top row spins in over a year.
  • I tracked last event performance, and got a result within one std. dev so.. =/ (It was 83.7 displayed, 74% actually.)

    Sadly, the pRNG just hates on us.
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