Voyages: Please let us add antimatter BEFORE the mission fails
in Make It So!
We often know in advance whether we want to continue a voyage rather than recalling the ship. Why not let us add antimatter BEFORE it reaches the "system failure" point?
Also - it would be great if there were some way to see how much dil we've already paid in and how much the next amount will be (again - BEFORE "system failure"). I often leave my ships out for long periods and I forget how much I've already spent to keep them there. If the next amount is too high, I might choose to recall it, but if I don't remember the previous amount and can't guess the next one... Well, you see the problem.
And +1 to every post suggesting:
* Voyages info on the main screen
* Ability to program automatic recall at the start of a voyage in case antimatter drops below a certain amount
* More creative crew titles than "deputy science officer" etc
Also - it would be great if there were some way to see how much dil we've already paid in and how much the next amount will be (again - BEFORE "system failure"). I often leave my ships out for long periods and I forget how much I've already spent to keep them there. If the next amount is too high, I might choose to recall it, but if I don't remember the previous amount and can't guess the next one... Well, you see the problem.
And +1 to every post suggesting:
* Voyages info on the main screen
* Ability to program automatic recall at the start of a voyage in case antimatter drops below a certain amount
* More creative crew titles than "deputy science officer" etc
"There are two types of beings in the universe - those who dance, and those who do not."
Why don't you just have DB automatically select your best ship, top 12 slots, start the mission, and recall it for you automatically as well???
Sarcasm aside, take your time and convert it to minutes and divide by 5. This will be the cost of your next AM refill. Time at 8 hours... 8x60=480 minutes... 480/5=96 dilithium. Just generalize the time shown so you don't have to figure out 8h 42m converted to minutes (although (8x60)+42=522 /5=104 dil).
As far as what you've already paid, take a screenshot before refilling. Go back and look at your photos. Or open notepad and after refilling, switch to notpad and type in how much it was. You have every tool on your phone to work with to make it easier (including the calculator for the time to chron conversion). When I hit a dilemma, I switch out to Safari - I keep the Dilemmas wiki page open on one of the tabs so I can quickly see what choice should yield what result.
My wife asks me about stuff all the time... what I don't know, I tell her "You have the power of infinite knowledge in your hand... Google it"!
On auto recalls... NO!!! I have never liked programmable bot actions in games like this. Just leads to scripting.
On flair names and such I would say no. We already have enough QOL fixes that have been identified and need to be done before DB should start adding flair and making pretty the voyages UI.
The problem is that unless you use the same ship and crew each time, and have the same bonuses, the time it takes to run out of antimatter can vary considerably.
Once you're failing all of the missions, the AM decay rate is actually the same.