Voyages errors, bugs, and just plain lack of knowledge.

First off, I was an astrophysics major back in the 90s, so this stuff grates on me:
At least one voyage message has <crew> "discovered a new constellation"
Okay first of all, constellations only make sense from a single point of view. They make zero sense in the context in a three-dimensional space where you're literally traveling between stars. Stars in constellations are typically totally unrelated to each other. (they're not even in stellar clusters where all the stars are related (see Search Wikipedia for Pleiades ) They're just random stars that someone's imagination connected.
Supernova do not cause shock waves in the normal sense. They certainly dont travel faster than light (like every starship in Star Trek) being damaged by such a shockwave makes very little sense unless you tried to fly through one. (then again the whole Praxis exploding shockwave was equally stupid)
Black Stars are not a thing. Black Holes exist and are quite common. You could also use a Brown Dwarf.
I'm trying to figure out what a Trinary Star Cluster is. Star clusters pretty much what makes up a galaxy They're just clouds of interstellar matter that coalesced into various stars. I'm not sure 3 stars even constitutes a cluster.. I think you mean a Trinary Star SYSTEM (in which all three are in some sort of orbit with each other.) -- they're not THAT uncommon. The nearest star system to Earth is a Trinary system. (Alpha Centauri)
RE: Neutronic storm "multiple nauseous crewmembers" --- the correct word is NAUSEATED
Nitrous Oxide is a gas at anything approaching room temperature. You'd have to get it down to -127 F (enough to cause serious cell damage and frostbite) to make it a liquid that someone would drink. Even then it wouldn't enter your bloodstream like inhaling it. Now I can see a case for infusing a liquid with Nitrous Oxide instead of Carbon Dioxide (carbonated beverages) -- (Search youtube or google for Nitrous Oxide infused drinks)
These are just a few I ran across in 5 minutes of scanning the messages.
Star Trek at least TRIED to get most the science right (and still be able to tell a story about exploring the Galaxy)
It's been brought up multiple times.
That comet didn't pass us. We passed it. And comets only have a tail near their star. Most of the time they're just big rocky snowballs in space.
"We picked up a garbled distress call from a damaged <ship>. <Crew> deciphered it in times to assist the crew who offered us supplies in thanks."
Not all ships does this make sense for. can <ship> be limited to just the generic class ships not the named vessels? (I got "a damaged Val Jean". )
Sensor scans of this sector showed no astronomical objects. We'll continue on our present course.
In an entire SECTOR there are no stars, planets (rogue or otherwise), asteroids, gas clouds, etc? highly unlikely anywhere in the galaxy.
They never show the precise values, on PC/Windows at least unless you keep changing screens to 'refresh' them and get a more accurate number.
Are you telling me @Shan in 2018 DB can't make which is basically a clock works properly????????