Any loners looking for a fleet?

I really like this game but i'm not really looking for online friends and it seems to me a little unfair that fleets get a-lot of perks so started a base by myself and a real world friend . I've been at it since star bases were introducedand been playing since 2016 But it's growing at a snails pace so.....
Anyone looking to join a fleet for the sole reason of getting all those perks ,Join my fleet the lek/tleixlaxu imperial allianc (originally the Cylon/Dalek/Tleilaxu Imperial Alliance) ran out of space and didn't realize it. No pressure no hassle just join and reap the rewards of your almost worthless base parts. No level limits. no one gets kicked out for not playing for a few days . All we ask is you help build up a base so we can get stuff.
Thank You
Admiral Don Quixote
Anyone looking to join a fleet for the sole reason of getting all those perks ,Join my fleet the lek/tleixlaxu imperial allianc (originally the Cylon/Dalek/Tleilaxu Imperial Alliance) ran out of space and didn't realize it. No pressure no hassle just join and reap the rewards of your almost worthless base parts. No level limits. no one gets kicked out for not playing for a few days . All we ask is you help build up a base so we can get stuff.
Thank You
Admiral Don Quixote
Oh just come on with us...."Knights of the Saucer section" we were crazy enough to leave a top 3 fleet just to start a new venue of FUN playing the game again😊
Maybe you should just join a no-pressure fleet yourself. There are lots of fleets with much better starbases that would be glad to take a Level 70 player who plays most days of the week.
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends