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For those who use dilithium:- what do you mostly use it for?

If I missed anything please comment and add your answer... and feel free to state something you’d never use dilithium for.

There are a maximum of ten poll options, so I cannot include every possibility.

For those who use dilithium:- what do you mostly use it for? 106 votes

Event packs 650/72dil per time
[7TW] UnkieBAmphistaffCaptainUnderpantsSabine of AthensCaptain DurfCaptain LostCapt. ChaosIvanstoneKaitee[QH] OxmyxJim RaynorAlthea Biermont[DB - Do Better]   Prowler[SJ] Admiral AkiHungry Dog DDM[10F] NewtonianQBalls12345678 of 123456789(CSF) Jesus Is Lord [••••][Deleted User][GoT] Terfin 46 votes
Gauntlet revives
Theme packs 6500/650 dil per time
 William T. Riker[QH] He-Who-MeowsCpt. CavemanAHSOG2[KM] WOLF 359PhotonKim[KF] Kapitan DobchanOdo MarmarosaRaphillonSST - 9of7Emmett K<TGE> Clifford 12 votes
Shuttle missions (speeding up)
Cadet missions refills (state which ones in comments)
Jhamel{SST}WeAreBorg[Deleted User]GhostStalkerGogus 5 votes
Arena battle refills
Voyages (antimatter refills and speeding up recalls)
ADM Fletcher [ET]Captain TFData1001Nad Hal[TLA]  84wb[SSR] GTMETLarxeneDrone_oneK Han Solo Ng & Thank4 All DteaBeratis Kesla Redjac[S47] ELiLJERI RYAN[QH] Captain Ziggy[Retired] BeamMeUpScottieNeack[10F] Belle'Anna DavideBooks[VA] NATESelene 7[OPA] Col. Fred L. Johnson 24 votes
Dabo (impossible!)
[STFL] TheHell2Earth 1 vote
Faction stores
WaldoMag[NDQ] Joker41NAMPallidyneCommander SinclairDittoAggePinkyfirstFrank?(ST) Dreadnought Gib - Admiral MarinersCapt. Pete OwenShy KhanMirror CartmanCSR _WaylanderDirk GundersonAutomaton_2000PrylarDurdenDoug Jones' Locker 18 votes


  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Event packs 650/72dil per time
    I use dil primarily for event packs:
    Next would be for extra cadet missions for credits and 3* shuttle boosts. Then it’d be extending voyages from time to time.... but this is done a lot less now since the rewards for doing so seem less bountiful.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Saving every drop for crew slot sale. Perhaps after that I'll go for Theme/event packs.
  • Event packs 650/72dil per time
    1st=event packs, 2nd=voyages, 3rd=dabo, but it's about a 90% / 9% / 1% split
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    1. Crew slots.
    2. Extra shuttles until I reached four.
    3. occasional AM refills
    4. an event pack once every few months
    5. an occasional extra spin on Dabo
  • Event packs 650/72dil per time
    Mostly event packs, occasional theme packs if I want to feel dumb at hoping to get some 4* not FF, extending a voyage when I've forgotten to recall in time and the odd credit boost when I absolutely, positively, need some to immortalise someone.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Currently I split fairly evenly between voyage extensions (when forgetfulness or rewards make it practical) and event packs. I’ll do a theme pack only if I really, really want someone (Mirror Cochrane, for example) or if one or none of the featured crew have already been immortalized.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most of my Dil has gone to slots.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Voyages (antimatter refills and speeding up recalls)
    You left off crew spots.

    Aside from crew spots, I refresh voyages once or twice a week.

    I would buy event packs if we had crew spots.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Event packs 650/72dil per time
    Mainly event packs but only for faction events when I need to finish the threshold crew. I will buy theme packs if I need 2/3 of the 4* crew. I also extend Voyages but usually only if I'm trying to preserve something good. I am however trying to presently fish out a Colonel Worf since I got lucky and got the first 2 parts on the first two dilemma's.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Other
    I use it for a combo of Event and theme packs. Just about equally.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    Once or twice a week to extend good voyages. and ALWAYS ALWAYS at least 6 extra Cadet tix on Saturday. You can never have enough credits! Otherwise the rare event pack when it looks like a character I want or need.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Event packs 650/72dil per time
    Once you have your fourth shuttle and some cheap crew slots, event packs are the way to go. Save up a month or two of daily dilithium then buy a bunch of event packs in which there is a really good legendary with skills you need. See how many legendary copies of that event crew you can get, lvl him/her up for the event, and finish him/her with honor.
    Let’s fly!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I use it for Voyages but never to refresh, always to bring back as soon as I recall
  • DittoDitto ✭✭✭
    Other: Crew slots .. *shrug* I don't see much worth in anything else .. got 4 shuttles already .. just keep expanding crew slots ... so I don't struggle too much figuring out who to airlock ;)
  • Other
    crew slots and every so often reviving voyages if they have something good on them and i forget and let them die.
  • Other
    Gib wrote: »
    I use it for a combo of Event and theme packs. Just about equally.

    I forgot to add a daily Supply Kit
  • edited April 2018
    Cadet missions refills (state which ones in comments)
    Extra chronitons on a Mon, Wed, Fri.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Extra chronitons on a Mon, Wed, Fri.

    Oh yes. I forgot extra shuttle boosts every Thursday

  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Voyages (antimatter refills and speeding up recalls)
    Don't know as if I would say I use it for any one of these more than the other, but the poll mechanics don't allow multiple ticks, so here are a few things I spend Dilithium on:
    • Voyage AM refills
    • Occasional extra cadet tickets
    • Event packs

    Things I never do:
    • Pay to insta-return a Voyage
    • Purchase Gauntlet revives
    • Buy extra Dabo spins
    • Purchase 6500 Dil packs

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Event packs 650/72dil per time
    Pretty much always event packs, I like knowing what I'm going to get within that very narrow range. Voyages I'm just kind of letting them go to the 6hr mark I can manage for free then pulling them back - a couple of weeks ago I boosted one to 10hr for the achievement, one of these days (when I happen to have saved up a bunch of Dil and there's nothing I really want coming up in the next event) I'll wait for a promising start and run it through to 20hr, but after that I think I'll probably just go back to free voyages.

    I do very occasionally grab something out of a faction store, if my Dil reserves aren't running low and it's only 50 and it's the last whatever I need to make some high-level gear that'll round off someone I've been pouring a lot of chrons into all day. It's not really an efficient use of Dil, but I like that "Ha, finished it!" feeling enough that I don't mind.
  • Event packs 650/72dil per time
    Almost exclusively event packs if it’s early enough in an event and if there are at least two I don’t have FF’d. Otherwise I’ll occasionally splurge on a best chance pack (I know, I know, the futility) for a chance at crew I reeeeally want *cough* Okona *cough*
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    After I got my fourth shuttle, I only extended Voyages twice - once to get the Achievement, and the second because of falling asleep on a Voyage where a crew member dropped I had been waiting for forever. Now I'm saving all my dilithium for the mythical crew slot sale - with only 80 slots, there's no point in spending it on anything resulting in more crew since I wouldn't have room.
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • Captain LostCaptain Lost ✭✭✭✭
    Event packs 650/72dil per time
    Event Packs and Theme Packs, but actually mostly just the regular Premium Packs. I'd say I feel like I usually have better luck with the regular Premium Portal than Event Packs, but I DID just get three Vreenaks out of four pulls of the Fire With Fire pack, so. Still, most events have either one 4* that I don't want or one that I've already got 4/4, so I end up spending most of my dil on the regular Premium Packs.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    I extend 2950 AM voyages until I can get two dilemmas with one refill or up until I just make it to dilemma.

    I spin 2 xtra DABO spins a day until I have all crew leveled.

    On Saturday cadet missions I buy two xtra sets of tickets until all crew are leveled.
    On Thursday cadet missions I buy two xtra sets of cadet tickets until I do not have dil. or am unwilling to buy more dil.

    Occasionally on cadet missions I need faction items I will attempt xtra tickets but if item does not drop I will not get xtra tickets.
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cadet missions refills (state which ones in comments)
    Besides event packs and an occasional voyage refill, I use it regularly on Thursdays and Saturdays to get 12 extra tickets for more rare or better shuttle boosties and more credits. If I need a lot of 2* Romulan Crests or 2* Encoded Communiqués, I occasionally get 6 or 12 extra tickets on Sundays and / or Tuesdays as well, just like the last few weeks, because of the Romulans and they need both in great numbers.
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    Scans. Always scans.
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
    Theme packs 6500/650 dil per time
    Theme packs, if I am missing stars on all three 4*, I won't buy if a chance of only getting airlock honor.

    I'll buy an event pack only on shuttle only weeks, to try for last star on 3/4 crew. Galaxy and Hybrid give me those with community rewards, so too great of a chance for 5/4.

    If no packs for that given week, I'll spend on Saturday challenge for the credits.

  • Other
    Crew slots
  • MirrorMartiganMirrorMartigan ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Event packs 650/72dil per time
    Honestly I'll use it on an event pack of the characters interest me.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Event packs 650/72dil per time
    I mainly use dilithium to purchase event packs during faction events, if the threshold crew is new for me, in order to get the final star.

    The only other way I use dilithium is to extend voyages, but only when doing so means I will get 2 additional dilemmas. Very rarely I will need to extend voyages because life/work gets in the way and the voyage fails, but I'm pretty good at avoiding that scenario.
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