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New Crew and Such

This is the place for general discussions so I thought I’d spout some general topics of interest to me, mostly questions to the community about this and that. First, if there is one glaring absentee from TOS crew members I would have to say that it’s Harcourt Fenton Mudd. Does anyone know why we haven’t gotten a Harry Mudd yet or if we might see one in the near future? Of course, he appeared in TOS and TAS and is set to appear again, albeit a different actor, in Discovery, but he’s yet to pop up in Timelines. I guess this also begs the questions, if we do get one, will it be from the original or Discovery? Are they having issues getting permission for use of the original? Is that why we haven’t gotten him yet? Or are they waiting for this month’s mega-event and his appearance via Discovery? Next, we finally recently got a TAS crew member, Arex, and I was wondering, will we possibly be seeing more characters from there? If so, which ones? There are quite a few to choose from, including many that were never seen in live-action format. Does anyone have any particular favorites from The Animated Series? Finally, will DB ever fix some of these smaller issues it has with the app? Like the fuzzy portraits, misplaced or misssing traits, and other minor mishaps. I know it took over a year and a LOT of complaining for DB to finally give Prisoner Bones the Doctor trait, so there’s no telling how long it will take for some of these seemingly lesser offenses. But I have hope that somehow, they’ll eventually get around to these things. I’ve noticed a good many small portrait deviations. Mirror Archer is weirdly squished thin, Marla McGivers is a little too far to the right and blurred, the Borg Queen, Assimilated Janeway, McGivers, and Arex are all blurred and slightly out of focus. Anyone notice any other portrait issues? Also, any small corrections of any sort that haven’t yet been addressed? Well, that’s it for now. Feel free to add.
Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.


  • Does anyone know why we haven’t gotten a Harry Mudd yet or if we might see one in the near future?

    "New crew coming to the game will include Captain Philippa Georgiou, Lt. Saru, Michael Burnham, T'Kuvma, Gabriel Lorca, Paul Stamets, Harry Mudd, Young Sarek, Ash Tyler, and Sylvia Tilly."
    I guess this also begs the questions, if we do get one, will it be from the original or Discovery?

    Almost certainly the Discovery version. We might have a TOS version coming up later.
    Are they having issues getting permission for use of the original?

    Not impossible. I think that DB once wanted to do an event with 5* Charlie X and had to cancel because the actor was against the idea. Or Whoopi Goldberg needed ages to be convinced.

    We don't know, as far as I know.
    Next, we finally recently got a TAS crew member, Arex, and I was wondering, will we possibly be seeing more characters from there? If so, which ones?

    That's up to DB to choose.

    It probably depends on the question whether Arex sold well or not.
    Finally, will DB ever fix some of these smaller issues it has with the app? Like the fuzzy portraits, misplaced or misssing traits, and other minor mishaps.

    Once every blue moon, probably.
    Anyone notice any other portrait issues?

    Georgiou, Kor, Kolos, Lt Saru, Author Doctor, T'Mir, Jarok and Katra Bones are too zoomed-out. Stamets is off-center.
    "Dance with me. For science."
  • I wouldn't put a lot of stock into the original event message. It said the event names were going to be: Shooting Star, Lock and Load, The Wrong Place, Powderkeg

    So far, it's been Streak of Stardust, First Impressions, and now Orion Belt.
  • Thanks for the answers, Astrometrics. Anyone else have any more answers for any of these issues? Write ‘em down here.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
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