Layout update and the inventory screen is still busted
<TGE> Darxide
All that empty space at the top and bottom of the screen and a restricted view of the inventory. This is on an iPad, but it does look this way on Steam as well.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Fresh-squeezed views...anyone?
While we're at it, there is no way to dump superfluous items, either. As you can see in the screenshot, I've got less than 50 free spaces available. Why we need such an arbitrarily small limit is probably due to storage space on the game servers, the amount of processing time needed to search large database tables, and bandwidth, but it's still unnecessarily restrictive. I have a ton of items for one-off characters that I've already immortalized and have no intention of making another copy of. If I could convert these items into creds or chrons or even starbase resources, that would be far more useful than spending the many hours needed to slowly clear my inventory of these items by way of the replicator.
Bumping until it's fixed.