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Saru's hidden skill

It appears as if Saru has a very small hidden diplomacy skill. He passed that node without criting it.



  • MOZangelesSDMOZangelesSD ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    BelleAnna wrote: »
    It appears as if Saru has a very small hidden diplomacy skill. He passed that node without criting it.


    ALL crew have some measure of skill value for non-displayed skills. I believe that the formula is (lowest displayed skill base)*(0.3). So, for your Saru, his "non-featured" skill bases (for MED, DIP, ENG, and SEC) is (579)*(.3)=174
  • Oh how odd. I didn't know that lol. There you go! You learn something new every day :)
  • MordackMordack ✭✭✭
    He wouldn't be my choice of diplomat!
  • Orion Slaver will be useful for the next event as he's one of three prime crew.
  • BelleAnna wrote: »
    It appears as if Saru has a very small hidden diplomacy skill. He passed that node without criting it.


    ALL crew have some measure of skill value for non-displayed skills. I believe that the formula is (lowest displayed skill base)*(0.3). So, for your Saru, his "non-featured" skill bases (for MED, DIP, ENG, and SEC) is (579)*(.3)=174

    Actually, it is not that they have an extra minimal skill, it's that their combined skill overpowers the task rating needed by so much it just allows any crew with enough of ANY skill to complete the task.

    I first noticed that when I had Martia (DIP/SEC @ 4*/lvl)70 take out a MED task I didn't think to look for because all the tasks lit up gold when I added her.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • From the wiki (which is currently down):

    Besides their regular, listed skills (called "primary" here), all crew members are more or less proficient in all other, hidden/unlisted skills (="secondary") as well, although these values are considerably lower than their primary skills.

    The secondary skills of any crew member are determined according to the following rules:
    • The secondary skill is determined by the worst primary skill of the character.
    • The value is exactly 20% of that skill. The base/main value is rounded correctly to the nearest value, while the low/high RNG values are rounded down to the next value. For example, if the worst skill is 99 +(99–99), all secondary skills would be 20 +(19–19).
    • These values are the same for all unlisted skills of the character, and are not influenced by items that would give a bonus in such a skill.
    • The "worst primary skill" is determined by the maximum achievable value of all skills. For example, +10 +(10–20) Command and +18 +(10–11) Diplomacy result in maximum possible values of 30 for Command and 29 for Diplomacy. Therefore, Diplomacy is considered worst, although its base, min, and average values are all better than Command.

    As this info can be exploited and/or might be useful mastering certain missions (as with A Tale of Forgotten Lore in the past[1]), it might be integrated at some point into the crew member pages.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm surprised not everyone discovered this early on in their playing. No more than a month or so after I first began, I often found 2* Lt Tasha Yar could pass all the nodes on certain Normal missions, despite her only having one listed skill.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"

  • Orion Slaver will be useful for the next event as he's one of three prime crew.

    He's been sitting in my crew for months, helped with a couple of nodes early on but not doing much since. I actually picked up a second star for him on a voyage yesterday so he's finally getting leveled properly this week.
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