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Positive Outlook on April 2018 Q&A

Please note that this is a thread for people who wish to discuss the positive outcomes of the Q&A. If you have any grouches, please use the other thread. Thanks.

So which bits were you most excited to hear about?

For me, while it seems there were a lot of developments in the works, I think I was most excited to hear about more stuff for ships, including possibly a ship event. I assume this is tied in to the idea of new event types in the works, and the updates of the Arena ship abilities and possibly even the scanning function - all things brought up in the forums by the player base. This, I think, is good news and I'd love to see this happening fairly soon! possibly even as soon as this summer, which might tie in to the DS9 mega-event and the promise of a hybrid expedition in June.

It seems as if an update to cadet missions is in the works, but that may be some time ahead, and new episodes or even a new episode format. That last sounds like a lot of work and probably won't happen to next year, but it certainly has me curious.

Collections are going to be expanded, which is something I think we all expected. I suspect there are a few pretty close to "Go" and are perhaps already in place, they just wanted something to add to the game later on to keep it fresh, especially in quieter times of change. Sounds good to me!

Last thing, changes to Voyages. While the last changes were seen as a "nerf" I really think Voyages is one of the more fun aspects to the game, and a bit of tweaking here and there won't hurt (so long as the goodies keep flowing in).

I dunno, I was feeling quite excited when I read the Q&A and thought it might be fun to discuss what those changes might be and what you are looking forward to!
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  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I thought there was some good positive stuff in the announcement, as well. But apparently for many forum denizens, if all of one's concerns are not addressed to one's satisfaction, that's an automatic "fail" — so you and I may bear the brunt of that fallout for daring to express that we were excited about some of what was mentioned today. ;)

    Me, I was very happy to hear about a new event type — and that we should be seeing it soon!

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I thought there was some good positive stuff in the announcement, as well. But apparently for many forum denizens, if all of one's concerns are not addressed to one's satisfaction, that's an automatic "fail" — so you and I may bear the brunt of that fallout for daring to express that we were excited about some of what was mentioned today. ;)

    Me, I was very happy to hear about a new event type — and that we should be seeing it soon!

    This is a good thing. From what I took it is ship related. I would rather have Voyage related but hey, a new event type will be very welcome

  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    That's probably the most positive thing I took from the post. A new event type is sorely needed, as is something to make ships more than just something to collect. Hoping it works out well.
  • Definitely excited for a possible ship event, whatever that may mean. It would be a great opportunity to bring in this beauty:

  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, another thing I took was the fact that they claim to be looking long-term to keep the game going. That was one of my concerns a few months back. Different events, working on the arena, the fact that they aren't changing values too drastically gives me a bit of hope there. I'm going to get a lot of flack for saying this, but the very fact that there are a few hard to get cards and that you don't have oodles of honor means there is still an incentive to play, because you haven't 'done it all' and are relying on events to keep you playing. And I think a gradual increase in collections is good too. I feel some players want everything, right now, and are trying to harass DB into getting what they want, with threats of monetary sanction and quitting if they don't. The only thing I want is the game to be fun and entertaining. And if DB are going to continue to make changes I suspect it will.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Honestly I expect some announcement changes to the game mechanic, not just skin deep changes, and address players frustration. I wish the QnA is more clearer about the future of the game instead of vague answers. I wish that the developer actually act instead of react.

    I don’t know where DB collecting feedback from, fow how long, and whether they are general populations or just top spenders.

    The good thing is that they did post the A at the end of month without the delay. Maybe that’s a good start for some players....

    I'm going to get a lot of flack for saying this, but the very fact that there are a few hard to get cards and that you don't have oodles of honor means there is still an incentive to play, because you haven't 'done it all' and are relying on events to keep you playing.

    i don’t mean to pick on you. I have15-17m honor points debt already. By playing and do well in events, it actually increase my honor debt even more. Actually I have no idea why I am playing anymore and there is little to almost no incentive for me to keep going right now.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    The honour debt starts to get silly. It gets to the point that players don't try to compete in events because having another 1 star legend in their crew is a wasted spot.

    I calculated it would take me years to clear my debt and every 1 star legend pushes that back 4 months
  • The Q&A seemed positive to me. There is reasonable development of parts of the game that need most attention, especially Arena which has so much unrealized potential (the ships were as much actors as the crew in the TV shows). In the short term they also have options like extended collections to keep things interesting. There is enough for me to be happy with developments anyway.
  • I was surprised that nothing was mentioned about sorting in the vault or perhaps I missed it.

    As I understand it, sorting active crew and vaulted crew by base strength shouldn’t be a groundbreaking feature in the same category as a new event type.

    Unless vaulted crew requires some drastically different data structure than active crew does.

    Task Force Pike: We are recruiting!

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  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for creating this thread:

    I have to say I am glad that I read the Q&A over a few times took a break, slept on it etc. and then seeing a mediating forum thread on this.

    For me the main positive is closure on a number of issues, though I may not agree with some or all of them. At least we have been told where we stand on them. Once you can see and acknowledge that fact you will see more positives in the Q&A than at first glance.

    Such as "Expanding Distress Calls" This to me is a very interesting concept and considering DB are in close discussion with CBS about it, this sounds like the most interesting and likely development in Timelines.
    A new event type - there is a real emphasis on soon! much more so than the others which suggest round the corner but not quite at the imminent stage to warrant an in game message about it.

    They are looking at freshening up older features and content. Such as making older cards less redundant, new Cadet cards, Voyages, expansion and addition of collections. Scanning feature revamp, new storyline content. Arena and Gauntlet with new ships and new ship abilities being introduced. The general thrust of the Q&A intimates that there is going to be a big revitalising overhaul on features across the board.

    They answered the explanation on stars and traits thoroughly enough.

    Closure on Kelvin Verse characters for now which gives a chance of what I call "true trek" such as TOS and TAS space to grow.

    They are looking at ways of adding Spot and Porthos to the game.

    Also we do get a sense of timescale - we hear the ambiguous word "soon" a lot (but we all know they don't want to tie themselves down to specific dates - should they not meet that target for whatever reason, you can imagine the furor that will cause), however we do get a comparative inclination to estimate what it does mean however.
    We have a firmish "Early in 2019", a "much later in the year (2018)" (intimating late fall or Christmas). Therefore anything marked soon should come before these dates and as we are now in the month of May, there aren't that many months left (sh.....ugar better get christmas shopping done, panic panic).

    Anyhow I'm digressing better stop myself now .

    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    The honour debt starts to get silly. It gets to the point that players don't try to compete in events because having another 1 star legend in their crew is a wasted spot.

    I calculated it would take me years to clear my debt and every 1 star legend pushes that back 4 months
    AGREED!! On the plus side, every 1/5* saves a day from the cost to buy a star. One would just need 360 of them to FF a 1/5*.


    DB: Do Better
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Thanks for creating this thread:

    I have to say I am glad that I read the Q&A over a few times took a break, slept on it etc. and then seeing a mediating forum thread on this.

    For me the main positive is closure on a number of issues, though I may not agree with some or all of them. At least we have been told where we stand on them. Once you can see and acknowledge that fact you will see more positives in the Q&A than at first glance.

    Such as "Expanding Distress Calls" This to me is a very interesting concept and considering DB are in close discussion with CBS about it, this sounds like the most interesting and likely development in Timelines.
    A new event type - there is a real emphasis on soon! much more so than the others which suggest round the corner but not quite at the imminent stage to warrant an in game message about it.

    They are looking at freshening up older features and content. Such as making older cards less redundant, new Cadet cards, Voyages, expansion and addition of collections. Scanning feature revamp, new storyline content. Arena and Gauntlet with new ships and new ship abilities being introduced. The general thrust of the Q&A intimates that there is going to be a big revitalising overhaul on features across the board.

    They answered the explanation on stars and traits thoroughly enough.

    Closure on Kelvin Verse characters for now which gives a chance of what I call "true trek" such as TOS and TAS space to grow.

    They are looking at ways of adding Spot and Porthos to the game.

    Also we do get a sense of timescale - we hear the ambiguous word "soon" a lot (but we all know they don't want to tie themselves down to specific dates - should they not meet that target for whatever reason, you can imagine the furor that will cause), however we do get a comparative inclination to estimate what it does mean however.
    We have a firmish "Early in 2019", a "much later in the year (2018)" (intimating late fall or Christmas). Therefore anything marked soon should come before these dates and as we are now in the month of May, there aren't that many months left (sh.....ugar better get christmas shopping done, panic panic).

    Anyhow I'm digressing better stop myself now .

    Actually, you put in to words much of what I was thinking and then didn't write because I had a block. If you look at the whole, there appears to be a lot happening. Sure, its not next weekend and there isn't a firm timeline, but there seems to be a lot in the pipeline. And they are trying to get it out quickly I'd say, but my guess is that they want to make sure it works before they do it. Black Pebble said something about the code being temperamental and I'd say we have enough evidence of our own to see that. It's very easy to get people riled up over things like that, so they're going for safe and a bit slower rather than let's throw a whole bunch of stuff at us and hope nothing breaks.

    The reason I opened the thread is because I thought it sounded positive, and I was disappointed to see the usual flaming start up before I'd even read the thing.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was not really satisfied with the answers to this Q&A.

    This will will happen "soon"
    This thing will not happen "soon"

    I was hoping for some more definitive answers.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    I enjoyed the Q&A and was surprised by the backlash, but I guess I wasn't looking for a specific answer or was expecting a specific timeframe for new features. The knowledge that new features are on their radar and in production is good enough regardless of the time frame; just thinking about how the game has grown and evolved in the last year makes me hopeful, and I'd rather they rolled out new features that worked than try to roll them out quickly or annouce a date only to learn they can't make it.

    It was interesting to get a little bit of behind-the-scenes information, as vague as it was. Loved to learn that expeditions aren't entirely dead and we can expect a hybrid as part of the June mega.

    I understand that people are disapointed if they didn't get an answer to a pet question, but for perennial topics such as crew slots and FF beholds, consider silence your answer. I just don't understand the magnitude of the negativity; it's only a game.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    I enjoyed the Q&A and was surprised by the backlash, but I guess I wasn't looking for a specific answer or was expecting a specific timeframe for new features. The knowledge that new features are on their radar and in production is good enough regardless of the time frame; just thinking about how the game has grown and evolved in the last year makes me hopeful, and I'd rather they rolled out new features that worked than try to roll them out quickly or annouce a date only to learn they can't make it.

    It was interesting to get a little bit of behind-the-scenes information, as vague as it was. Loved to learn that expeditions aren't entirely dead and we can expect a hybrid as part of the June mega.

    I understand that people are disapointed if they didn't get an answer to a pet question, but for perennial topics such as crew slots and FF beholds, consider silence your answer. I just don't understand the magnitude of the negativity; it's only a game.

    And silence was a huge part of their answer. And the beholds issue is just greed on their part. They want to take money and give nothing in return. If you don't see why people are upset about that then perhaps you're not as engaged with the game as they are.

    The whole idea of 'it's just a whatever' just says that you don't care as much as others do, which is your right, but it does mean that you likely aren't as deeply emotionally or intellectually involved. In this case your expectations are just low, so if they give you anything, you are happy. That's not good enough for many of us. We pay our money and we care deeply about the product as a result.

  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    I enjoyed the Q&A and was surprised by the backlash, but I guess I wasn't looking for a specific answer or was expecting a specific timeframe for new features. The knowledge that new features are on their radar and in production is good enough regardless of the time frame; just thinking about how the game has grown and evolved in the last year makes me hopeful, and I'd rather they rolled out new features that worked than try to roll them out quickly or annouce a date only to learn they can't make it.

    It was interesting to get a little bit of behind-the-scenes information, as vague as it was. Loved to learn that expeditions aren't entirely dead and we can expect a hybrid as part of the June mega.

    I understand that people are disapointed if they didn't get an answer to a pet question, but for perennial topics such as crew slots and FF beholds, consider silence your answer. I just don't understand the magnitude of the negativity; it's only a game.

    And silence was a huge part of their answer. And the beholds issue is just greed on their part. They want to take money and give nothing in return. If you don't see why people are upset about that then perhaps you're not as engaged with the game as they are.

    The whole idea of 'it's just a whatever' just says that you don't care as much as others do, which is your right, but it does mean that you likely aren't as deeply emotionally or intellectually involved. In this case your expectations are just low, so if they give you anything, you are happy. That's not good enough for many of us. We pay our money and we care deeply about the product as a result.
    Is it, though? I remember playing those customizable card games in the 90s (Magic, Star Trek, etc.) and when you bought a pack, you took what you got. 15 cards and it was possible they were all duplicates. Granted those games gave you the possibility of trading the cards away, but even that depended on finding someone (which was definitely not guaranteed). You can call it greed if you want, but this isn't exactly new to gaming.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    I enjoyed the Q&A and was surprised by the backlash, but I guess I wasn't looking for a specific answer or was expecting a specific timeframe for new features. The knowledge that new features are on their radar and in production is good enough regardless of the time frame; just thinking about how the game has grown and evolved in the last year makes me hopeful, and I'd rather they rolled out new features that worked than try to roll them out quickly or annouce a date only to learn they can't make it.

    It was interesting to get a little bit of behind-the-scenes information, as vague as it was. Loved to learn that expeditions aren't entirely dead and we can expect a hybrid as part of the June mega.

    I understand that people are disapointed if they didn't get an answer to a pet question, but for perennial topics such as crew slots and FF beholds, consider silence your answer. I just don't understand the magnitude of the negativity; it's only a game.

    And silence was a huge part of their answer. And the beholds issue is just greed on their part. They want to take money and give nothing in return. If you don't see why people are upset about that then perhaps you're not as engaged with the game as they are.

    The whole idea of 'it's just a whatever' just says that you don't care as much as others do, which is your right, but it does mean that you likely aren't as deeply emotionally or intellectually involved. In this case your expectations are just low, so if they give you anything, you are happy. That's not good enough for many of us. We pay our money and we care deeply about the product as a result.
    Is it, though? I remember playing those customizable card games in the 90s (Magic, Star Trek, etc.) and when you bought a pack, you took what you got. 15 cards and it was possible they were all duplicates. Granted those games gave you the possibility of trading the cards away, but even that depended on finding someone (which was definitely not guaranteed). You can call it greed if you want, but this isn't exactly new to gaming.

    Again, with low expectations. Just because it 'isn't exactly new' doesn't mean it's ok.

    And yes, you could often trade. In Elder Scrolls Legends a mobile CCG based on the eponymous games, you can trade at roughly 1:4 (the trades get better for rarer cards). Here it's almost 100:1 for the rarer cards. Crazy!
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    First, I would like to say thank you to @[10F] Belle'Anna for creating this thread! :)

    My general overall impression of the Q&A is that reasonable responses were given to the numerous questions. With some questions there was a higher level of specificity in the answers than others, but I think this is understandable. Some of the responses definitely provided us with new information about the game.

    Perhaps my positivity is due to how much I value patience.
  • I'm pretty sure the new event type is a persistent Combs event!
    [9RS | Combs] Kilana
    9RS fleet is recruiting, PM me for more information!
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you take the answers at face value, there is a lot to be excited for in the next 3-9 months. Ships and the arena are in dire need of updating and they want to do that. They admit there’s a problem with the gauntlet. They want to add more “story” content (lumping in what sounds like radiant quests a la Fallout 4 with the new distress signal mechanic) and have given consideration to event concerns with regards to both fleet leaderboards and burnout.

    But after the results of prior Q&A sessions, I feel we need to take the answers with a grain of salt. They noted our concerns about the event rewards structure in the last Q&A and have decided there is no issue despite a strong contrary feeling among the player base. “Participation is at an all-time high” sounds to me like two things: 1) the total profit from events is high (due to extreme whale spending rather than an increase in the median amount of money/time spent), and 2) the total number of people joining events remains high despite the awful rewards at lower tiers. I wonder how many of the 50,000-75,000 people at the bottom of the barrel even care about how little improvement there is in the event rewards until you get to the top 2000-3000, whether due to ignorance or being more casual than those of us in the middle and upper ranks.

    One thing I am definitely positive about is the news about Expedition events - they are awful grindfests that deserve to be rolled out no more than once or twice a year, and only as part of a hybrid event that makes sense for the story being told.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    I enjoyed the Q&A and was surprised by the backlash, but I guess I wasn't looking for a specific answer or was expecting a specific timeframe for new features. The knowledge that new features are on their radar and in production is good enough regardless of the time frame; just thinking about how the game has grown and evolved in the last year makes me hopeful, and I'd rather they rolled out new features that worked than try to roll them out quickly or annouce a date only to learn they can't make it.

    It was interesting to get a little bit of behind-the-scenes information, as vague as it was. Loved to learn that expeditions aren't entirely dead and we can expect a hybrid as part of the June mega.

    I understand that people are disapointed if they didn't get an answer to a pet question, but for perennial topics such as crew slots and FF beholds, consider silence your answer. I just don't understand the magnitude of the negativity; it's only a game.

    And silence was a huge part of their answer. And the beholds issue is just greed on their part. They want to take money and give nothing in return. If you don't see why people are upset about that then perhaps you're not as engaged with the game as they are.

    The whole idea of 'it's just a whatever' just says that you don't care as much as others do, which is your right, but it does mean that you likely aren't as deeply emotionally or intellectually involved. In this case your expectations are just low, so if they give you anything, you are happy. That's not good enough for many of us. We pay our money and we care deeply about the product as a result.

    Maybe. I log in everyday, participate in every event, lead a fleet, am active on this forum, spend some money (though I'm far from VIP14), am interested in news about the game, and STT probably takes up 90% the time I devote to gaming. I'll concede that others are probably more invested than I am. It is "just a game" to me...not a lifestyle. Maybe I have enough stress in my real life that shortcomings in leisure activities...even my primary leisure activity, isn't worth being negative about. Maybe I've learned to accept what we can expect from DB in terms of feedback. Maybe I just have a sunnier disposition that others. Who knows?

    Whatever the reason you care less, doesn't mean that you should dismiss the concerns of those that care more.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    I enjoyed the Q&A and was surprised by the backlash, but I guess I wasn't looking for a specific answer or was expecting a specific timeframe for new features. The knowledge that new features are on their radar and in production is good enough regardless of the time frame; just thinking about how the game has grown and evolved in the last year makes me hopeful, and I'd rather they rolled out new features that worked than try to roll them out quickly or annouce a date only to learn they can't make it.

    It was interesting to get a little bit of behind-the-scenes information, as vague as it was. Loved to learn that expeditions aren't entirely dead and we can expect a hybrid as part of the June mega.

    I understand that people are disapointed if they didn't get an answer to a pet question, but for perennial topics such as crew slots and FF beholds, consider silence your answer. I just don't understand the magnitude of the negativity; it's only a game.

    And silence was a huge part of their answer. And the beholds issue is just greed on their part. They want to take money and give nothing in return. If you don't see why people are upset about that then perhaps you're not as engaged with the game as they are.

    The whole idea of 'it's just a whatever' just says that you don't care as much as others do, which is your right, but it does mean that you likely aren't as deeply emotionally or intellectually involved. In this case your expectations are just low, so if they give you anything, you are happy. That's not good enough for many of us. We pay our money and we care deeply about the product as a result.

    Maybe. I log in everyday, participate in every event, lead a fleet, am active on this forum, spend some money (though I'm far from VIP14), am interested in news about the game, and STT probably takes up 90% the time I devote to gaming. I'll concede that others are probably more invested than I am. It is "just a game" to me...not a lifestyle. Maybe I have enough stress in my real life that shortcomings in leisure activities...even my primary leisure activity, isn't worth being negative about. Maybe I've learned to accept what we can expect from DB in terms of feedback. Maybe I just have a sunnier disposition that others. Who knows?

    Whatever the reason you care less, doesn't mean that you should dismiss the concerns of those that care more.

    I think I made a decent case that I care alot more than you give me credit for. Why do people who negatively dismiss the whole Q&A because it did not address one or two issues the only ones who care? Threre were many questions addressed that players have brought up that were, even if the answer was "no" (ex: event rewards) No wonder DB doesn't do this often.

    But I'm falling into the negativity trap myself and strayed from the purpose of the thread. There's alot to be exctied about even if crew slots, a solution to FF beholds or event rewards aren't on the table. Ship battles are gettimg overhauled! Expeditions aren't going away entirely! New event formats! New collections! Even fleet leaderboards were addressed. There is alot to look forward to, even if half of it never materializes.

    Have a wonderful day.
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I do like that part of their mission statement is being a storytelling outlet for the Star Trek universe.
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    I enjoyed the Q&A and was surprised by the backlash, but I guess I wasn't looking for a specific answer or was expecting a specific timeframe for new features. The knowledge that new features are on their radar and in production is good enough regardless of the time frame; just thinking about how the game has grown and evolved in the last year makes me hopeful, and I'd rather they rolled out new features that worked than try to roll them out quickly or annouce a date only to learn they can't make it.

    It was interesting to get a little bit of behind-the-scenes information, as vague as it was. Loved to learn that expeditions aren't entirely dead and we can expect a hybrid as part of the June mega.

    I understand that people are disapointed if they didn't get an answer to a pet question, but for perennial topics such as crew slots and FF beholds, consider silence your answer. I just don't understand the magnitude of the negativity; it's only a game.

    And silence was a huge part of their answer. And the beholds issue is just greed on their part. They want to take money and give nothing in return. If you don't see why people are upset about that then perhaps you're not as engaged with the game as they are.

    The whole idea of 'it's just a whatever' just says that you don't care as much as others do, which is your right, but it does mean that you likely aren't as deeply emotionally or intellectually involved. In this case your expectations are just low, so if they give you anything, you are happy. That's not good enough for many of us. We pay our money and we care deeply about the product as a result.

    Maybe. I log in everyday, participate in every event, lead a fleet, am active on this forum, spend some money (though I'm far from VIP14), am interested in news about the game, and STT probably takes up 90% the time I devote to gaming. I'll concede that others are probably more invested than I am. It is "just a game" to me...not a lifestyle. Maybe I have enough stress in my real life that shortcomings in leisure activities...even my primary leisure activity, isn't worth being negative about. Maybe I've learned to accept what we can expect from DB in terms of feedback. Maybe I just have a sunnier disposition that others. Who knows?

    Whatever the reason you care less, doesn't mean that you should dismiss the concerns of those that care more.

    I think I made a decent case that I care alot more than you give me credit for. Why do people who negatively dismiss the whole Q&A because it did not address one or two issues the only ones who care? Threre were many questions addressed that players have brought up that were, even if the answer was "no" (ex: event rewards) No wonder DB doesn't do this often.

    But I'm falling into the negativity trap myself and strayed from the purpose of the thread. There's alot to be exctied about even if crew slots, a solution to FF beholds or event rewards aren't on the table. Ship battles are gettimg overhauled! Expeditions aren't going away entirely! New event formats! New collections! Even fleet leaderboards were addressed. There is alot to look forward to, even if half of it never materializes.

    Have a wonderful day.

    I'm not dismissing the concerns of others either. To be honest, I'd be stoked with more honor (that citation I got today was a gem, still don't know what to do with it but there you go) and crew slots are a big issue, kinda related really. And I will add my voice to the request for a change in event rewards.

    However, the rest of the response was positive imo. New events, revamp of gauntlet and arena, figuring out what to do with old crew, collections, more episodes. More episodes!

    The crew slot issue may have to be resolved at some point. My suggestion would be to give crew slots away to those who complete collections. Now that's an incentive! But not necessarily for just participating in stuff, like Mega-Events or whatever. You need to give away crew slots to people who have made long term commitments to the game, not just because we had a mega event last month. Does this make sense?
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    If just looking at positive I did like that a new event is coming and that at some point arena and gauntlet may get a revamp. I like that there will be no full expeditions but just occasional hybrid expeditions. I like the idea of new voyage crew coming provided they are not just 1/4 that we cant get to 4/4 without honor and if DB doesnt nerf the chrons when they change rewards for voyages.
    Let’s fly!
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