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Faction Missions for Your Favorite, Neighboring Starbases / Fleets

Turen CounterpointTuren Counterpoint ✭✭✭
edited May 2018 in Make It So!
Run Faction Missions for Your Favorite Neighboring Fleets or Starbases

Ever run across others at another cool Fleet or Starbase? I did. I was in a squadron with a first rate Admiral, only couldn't keep up (or go at Warp 11) and with the others in the squad. So, I thought I could still do right by the fleet by maybe running faction missions for them? Good neighbors, make good neighbors. I don't suggest trading with other Fleets/Starbases because it seems like something tedious and unwanted? But maybe there would be a way have some kind of exchange of something fun possibly? I guess what I'm suggesting is: besides Universe Chat and your own Fleet, you could have positive impact on other Captains in the Galaxy. So, if this doesn't happen or soon, thank you to those, who I've run across and been nice to me, Many Thanks. -Turen Counterpoint LLAProspero
Admiral Turen Counterpoint at Avalon's Galactic Armada and Captain of the U.S.S. Divinity
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