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Unused Ships, Unused crew, Voyages- Taking them out of mothballs

Like many players I have a huge swath of unused cards; the fact is they simply don't have the numerical stats to be useful. Sure the traits are there, but in the end, I probably switch between 15-20 crew for the Gauntlet ever depending on the skill/trait mix. I might use 5 ships. All those 4* ships are useless. (and god help me, the balance on ships is insanely bad and makes no sense.

a) Voyages was the place to fix the ship issue. Completely ditch the rarity of a ship when calculating antimatter reserve. Give me a reason to use that Stargazer or the like. It makes total sense that some ship classes are better for some missions. But why is my Full-card HMS Bounty better than an almost full-card USS Discovery. If the mission calls for a Spore drive, no version of the Bounty should be better than the Discovery.

b) Across the board starships need a revamp. The voyages were the chance to make the 5* ships valuable. But for gods sake why does a 100 year old ISS Enterprise outgun a top of the line USS Enterprise D? Re-rank the ships by combat capability. Some balance within classes obviously necessary. Give other bonuses to the 5* ships so they have other uses.

c) Grant bonuses to voyages for keeping a consistent crew. (All romulans aboard a D'Deridex, all Klingons on the IKC T'ong, etc) (or at least a matching crew. Use a Ferengi ship, all Ferengi crew get +200 to their skills) -- rebalance the difficulty of challenges to keep it even.

d) We're missing a lot of key ship classes. Vor'cha, Enterprise-class refits of Constitution classes. Miranda-Class, Excelsior, Nebula class, Sovereign class, Romulan Scouts, TOS Warbird, D7s, Valdore, Keldon Class, Breen Warships, Stop giving us made up or obscure ships until you hit the big ones.

e) bump up the usefulness of some of the 4* crew members and for gods sake stop making arbitrary decisions of about skills. (Why does Tourist Quark have medical 3x higher than Dr. Crusher for example) just to fill a game gap.
Grant them special abilities or bonuses on missions. (Or good combinations such as Grilka boosting Klingon Quark if on the same mission) Its probably too late to do this for the existing crew, but you could do this for all new crew.

f) Run some statistics on your game qualities. Engineering and particularly engineering combos with some skills is the biggest gap but among 4* personnel there are almost no 4* engineering crew that cross 900 that I can find (Compare with some skills that have multiple characters 4* topping 1000)


  • Don't worry, those changes will be coming. Soon.
  • regarding a) - I had a suggestion in another thread about ships antimatter regarding traits as some traits will never match high ranked ships:
    What's the point of lower rank ship's traits in voyages (i.e. maquis, dominion) when even if they are fully upgraded, their AM is still lower than any upper rank ship even if they're not upgraded? That doesn't make much sense.

    So, my suggestion is to tie starting antimatter amount not with ship's rank as it is now, but with their upgrade level so every fully upgraded ship has starting 2500 AM regardless of its rank. I'd love to use my Val Jean or Klingon Bird-of-Prey in voyages sometimes and this would also help new players to reach longer voyages a bit easier.
  • Great suggestions @TheRiov.

  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I disagree with you on rarity of ship having a role in voyages, and some of what you're railing against is the power creep of newer crew. While I hear you, I get why they have to do that in order to enable newer players to compete more quickly.

    That said, I love the Grilka/Klingon Quark concept -- that two characters together have a stronger bonus than just the sum of their skills. Assimilated Janeway, Torres, and Tuvok as a team could get such a bonus, as another example. Or Smitten Picard and Lwaxana Troi. So many possibilities.

    I also love the idea of a bonus for related crew on a ship. Captain Sulu on the USS Excelsior (if we ever get a USS Excelsior). Desert Georgiou and First Officer Burnham on the Shenzhou. Lorca and other Discovery crew on the USS Discovery. Lots of options for classic Trek crew on the USS Enterprise -- but not their later movie versions, please! Katra McCoy and Recovering Spock and Professor Scott on the HMS Bounty. Borg crew on the Borg Cube. Etc. Great idea.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
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