Steam Down?

After the latest update the game won't go anymore on steam. It either locks my computer or crashes. Doesn't seam to want to load the new update. Anyone else?
Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
I tried on my end this morning, the update applied correctly.
I did send the crash report to support also.
The game plays on my free account on facebook on that computer and on steam on my old laptop (which is kind of impossible to play on due to its age).
There's a little about it here, but I don't know if it'll be very helpful. Worth a shot, though. (:
And more here...
I guess put it another way - when the next game update happens is there a chance it will fix my problem? Or can I never play on my computer ever again?
There are limitations to the level of technical help Support can provide unfortunately.
There are so many different set ups on computers etc
Were you able to delete Steam's save for the game?
An future update might help but there is no guarantee, it is hard to tell. I am sorry
I guess I'll wait until the next update and see then try more advanced methods.
Problem solved.
I have uninstalled the game already and re-installed. Also have steam cloud sync disabled.
Woot! I am very happy to hear that
So far I have not heard of any widespread issues.